Sunday, October 09, 2005

Cleaning Day

Zelda and I took Friday off, originally to go to Boulder, Co. to watch the Aggies play, and to take in the Denver night life.

Great beer houses there.

And some great friends.

We realized that we don't have the $$$ for such, so we were adult and sold our tickets (my aggies lost, sniff, sniff,).

But we opted to keep our day off.
(Thus the Ikea trip).

Three day weekends are wonderful.
Three whole days with Zelda!
And we are well rested by that third day. We are more productive.

Today, Sunday, the Christian Sabbath, we are cleaning house, having taken Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath off for relaxing.

I'm working over the bathroom.
We need to make extensive exterior repairs to the house. Lots of rot and peeling paint.

Hooked up Zelda's Cd player to the surround sound and are listening to Nora Jones.

Zelda's packing up the china we do not want.
Some going to Zelda mommy.
Some to Goodwill.
While mom's is going to Bunny Sister.
We will get some from Bunny Sister in exchange.

Curious about the patterns and value, Z looked up them on the net.
Bunny Sister is giving us a set in which just a Bread and Butter dish is valued at $24.00.

Believe or not.
Our gazebo is showing signs of sun damage.
What do you expect for a $200.00 gazebo?
It has been nice. We will see what we can do to prolong its life.

Z is chastising me for not "slaving away" as she "is".

So, here's Ktb signing off for now.


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