Sunday, September 25, 2005

Italian Ham, Fresh Cheese, HEB, and a Cat

Zelda and I decided to get out and do some fresh food shopping.
And maybe we would have been better off had we just gone to the Farmers Market like we planned.

Instead I got this great idea to finally introduce her to Eatzies, a gourmet food market here in Dallas, for brunch. They have incredible Mochas (we couldn't stop "Wow"ing over how good the mocha was) and brownies. We picked up some ham and cheese and bread and fruit tarts for later.
We sat out on the patio to eat brunch, surounded on both sides by twenty somethings, mainly girls. One table talked bout boring dates they'd been on. The other about "hot guys" and road trips. How a friend of theirs sends photos with resumes of guys she interviews and finds attractive.
Zelda and I talked about recycling/reusing the plastic containers our food had come in.

Are we married or what! lol!
The second half of our trip was to check out HEB's Central Market.
Zelda is partial to HEB (grocery store), it is very strong in the south and is the store of choice in Zelda parents land.
Central Market is great!

The advantage goes to the Farmer's Market though.
Everything is in cash. The food was picked yesterday, you can support local famers, get fantastic deals on fresh food, and lastly, you can't over spend. Once the money is gone, it's time to go home!
On the way out of the parking lot, hoping we would get SOME of Rita's rains, which we never did...Zelda spotted a sign for a crafts store and Petsmart.

I need a pole to hold my birthday gift, a college banner from the rents, and a laser pointer with which to play with Gaea the man eater.

We didn't find either one.
Cat lovers should NEVER visit the SPCA cat adoption cages when there is actually someone THERE!!

We fell in love with Snoopy.
Not his real name, but he is white with black (and pink) ears, a black spot on his upper back, and a black tail,


(Zelda had suggested "Spot", and that got us to thinking of dog names! )
He is long, 15 months old, and had been returned to the shelter. The original owners had too many pets...

Unlike Woody and Gaea, he doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body.
He wasn't fazed by the car ride home. And hasn't said a word. No meows, not a peap!

I love Gaea's vocals. She quite a singer.
Maybe he'll learn in time.
Woody had been a quite one till Mom brought home some other cats.

I liked Woody for his personality. "Yes, you may pet some parts of me. Some more than others, but here you must not touch, and now I will bite you to prove it." So far, Snoopy doesn't have ANY of those areas.

Anyway, wish us luck!


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