Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New Bed, Old Bed

Yes, the new bed is wONDerFul!

As I found out last night.

I tried a different pillow to ease the crick in my neck.

This seemingly amplified my snoring.

Which defeated the earplugs Zelda was using.

Who inturn woke me to get me to stop.


Having to yell loud enough the second time to wake me through my snoring, which I NEVER hear.

And the ear plugs I was using to drown out someone else’s less obnoxious night sounds.

And since I, unlike Jesus, do not do well being woken in the middle of the night.

I decided to retire to the old bedroom to get some rest.

Although I was warm, and no one nudged me in my sleep,

I must have woken a half dozen times.

Leaving me grumpy,

and Zelda sad

that I left in the middle of the night.


Blogger karlthebunny said...

Oh NO! S, I hadn't gotten your suggestion till after I had tried the second pillow, which is thicker than my favorite.

Z has also been trying different pillows with the new bed to get comfy.

This was a monster of my own making.

I think the thicker pillow, while softer, closed down my air way and thus the louder snoring...

I went back to my old pillow (a tempurpedic) and Z said I wasn't so bad this morning.

Seems to vary from night to night...

We'll work this out, after all, we have at least another 29 years and three months...

5:46 AM  

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