Sunday, March 05, 2006

Clean aire

I have been researching filtration systems for the house.

The best system would be a whole house system tied into the central A/C.

I went ahead last night on the way back from bunny sisters to pick up a room air cleaner.

I ran it last night, but I am not sure how good it is...we have a trial period to see if it helps Zelda.

If I could create at least One Place where she could find some calm.

My house is old, and the foundation has shifted.
So I worry that if we were to use the whole house system, that it would be defeated by leaking duct work (notice the "t" in "duct work".
I have heard folks call it "duck work".
Attics are too hot for little duckies to survive. You do not have ducks, (quack!, quack!) in your A/C system! Poor little duckies trapped in that hot attic flapping their little ducky wings so you can be comfy down in your living room!

I didn't notice much this morning.
I am not sure of the placibo effect...


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