Sunday, March 05, 2006

Life Love and Queen of the Universe

Zelda and I are at odds again.

Seems to happen more and more often.

We started out with love making yesterday morning and moved to sleeping separately last night.

I associate it with feeling lousy due to allergic reactions to things unknown. And the feelings of helplessness in not knowing what we can do...

And after my initial flood of emotions, I calm down and try to reconnect.

Only yesterday, I reacted to perceived slights in a way that surprised and frighten me..
I too am feeling tired and grumpy.

My mind set has been, "How do I make her happy?".

Clean house.

Clean air.

Make breakfast.

Make dinner.


It may be that I have faulty thinking...

Realistically, there is nothing I can do to make someone else happy.

At the same time, it's almost impossible to be happy when you feel like crap all the time.

I'll keep at the cleaning up.

I am running into problems with what is mine to pitch...
And what is not.

I'll just have to do something and pay the consequences down the line.

And keep hoping that something I, as a mer mortal, can do will solve the alergic, traffic, congested, snooty, mean, people of the world (known as "Dallas") and brighten her day...


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