Saturday, July 08, 2006

blog spot

At the sign in for blogspot there is a rotating list of blog links.

I'm not sure the ryhme or reason for why they are showcased, but they are.

I clicked on one thinking it would lead to a discussion on spirituality and things religious.
Instead I was suprised to find it took me to a "romance" blog.

Touchy feely emotional poems and long letters to and from fans about "what is love".

I agree that sexuality is a part of who we are as beings, and this should be embraced, I am not sure this guy is being realistic.

His mission statement sounds like a woman's wet dream.
I'll let you read it for your self if you'd like. Mainly he wants to be married.

I have to admit I have tried to read some of his poetry, but it does nothing for me.

To angst filled and lovey dovey.

What of course does catch my attention is the beautiful and tasteful nudes, mostly black and white he has sprinkled through his entrys.

Maybe he types 200 words a minute, but I would think that if his goal really was to find that soul mate, it would be better accomplished out in the real world meeting real women...
and not surfing the web for nudes and videos.

what ever, I wish him the best of luck....


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