Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Crap!!! part III

After a restless night suffering from "S.B.D", strange bed disorder and just a little bit of stress, I made it off to work.

Z called late that afternoon in tears.

"I can't get the internet to work in our room! I'm tired and I need to check my email for work! I called the adjustor, who was supposed to call by 5:00pm today and he won't call me back."

"It'll be okay dear", I reasured and we hung up.

Ten minutes later she again called.
There have been a lot of phone calls.
Very distracting on a dead line..
But then having sewer line trouble is very distracting...

"The insurance company says that because it's not on our property, they will not cover it".



"We have our house, both cars, the Harley, and the new house with All State. I'll give our rep a call and see what he can do. Surely he can help!"

"Well Mr. Bunny, I just attended a seminar on 'write outs' and your coverage may still include backed up sewers. I'll get back to you."


"Guess what dear, we may NOT be covered, with the Insurance that is...
I'll put in a call into Super all around Woman!"
Now I was begining to panic...
Remember the cleaning crew and the $1,100.00 deductable?
Well I hadn't.
The company doesn't take American Express.

The only card we have with that much available..
(we are paying everything down, the Amex happens to be first in line)


"Cleaning dude, I can write this check to you, but if you cash it tomorrow, it will bounce. I have post dated it for Saturday, I get paid Friday."

"Don't worry, I'll keep it with my records. They just want to make sure I have collected the money."

Later at the hotel Z called in for a temporary pin number for a cash advance.

Max allowed was $500.00 so I did the same...

"We are really close to a cascade catastrophe here" I told myself...

"Fortunately we have cash for food".
Super all around Woman
is first and formost, a friend,
second, our real estate broker,
and at the same time,
a Real Estate Attorney, licenced in the Great State of Texas.

And maybe best of all, Really Fiesty!

"Well Bunnylicious (we met when I was single), the Insurance companies have been writing things Out of policies and it is your responsiblilty to keep up with what is covered...
We have to go after the city. Who have you spoken with at the City".

"No one. they haven't called me back. But I did lodge a service request at the city web site and emailed my city rep."

"Give me their names and I'll make some calls tomorrow morning".

Amazing how fast someone will perk up an listen when it is known an attorney is involved...

Felt bad today that it had to come that.

Glad I have a friend who is an attorney.

"There will be a technician from the city out this afternoon to check."


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