Tuesday, January 30, 2007


If you think for a moment that the law ACTUALLY thinks you are

"Innocent until Proven Guilty",

just have someone accuse you of a crime...

As Zelda said, Brother Sed has a lesson to learn from all this...

Let's pray he learns it....

On top of being a smoker and a cafine addict, he hasn't been able to have anyone in to see him to give him cash for the commisary...

Life is hell...

Zelda and I feel we should do something to help him.

But to post bail on 50k requires some sort of collatoral, such as a home or auto.

Not to mention the 5K to get him out...

We do not have that kind of $$$.
And not that I don't trust him to show, but it is not our responsibility to risk our financial situation...

What we can do is get the $$$s owed him for his first bond, and add some of our own to get a good attorney started on his case...

The moral of the story as I see it is

Becareful with whom you associate...

A male room mate, who abuses ambien, accused Sed of sexual assault...

There is no evidence,
because I believe there was no crime,
but try getting a judge
to agree to that
while waiting for it to go
to trial...

and no,

Sed is not gay.


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