Sunday, February 11, 2007


From "Little Miss Sunshine"
the character quoted Proust who said something along the lines of,
'what made me who I am, what made me grow, were all the bad times, the troubled times in my life. the happy times were worthless.'

I would say the struggles help me mature.
to tackle those things I'd just rather ignor...
We stopped by the new house Saturday.
they have the walls framed and the second story started.

but Zelda noticed that the two electrical outlets we paid extra for are in the wrong locations.

both place them in walk paths.
Unless they are out of traffic, (where we requested) they are going to be tripping hazzards and thus utterly useless...

Zelda is going to make a call Monday to resolve it...

Thanks love
latest sewer video (at $160 each) shows the sewer is only 50% blocked now. and that the pipes owned by the city have shifted, as we thought, and are allowing ground water and silt into our line...

Zelda has offered to contact the City
but I know it is wearing on her...

but this time we have a tape of it as proof...
Sed, the incarcirated, is not happy with the lawyer we hired...
he's still in the Colin County jail.
He's called 6 times tonight but I haven't answered as there is nothing new to say.
I have a call into his lawyer about some questions.
But Z and I are growing weary of being in the middle...

Seems the original warrant doesn't exist for their entering his house.
Or at least they have not been able to track it down.

Seems the latest indictment was for someone Sed doesn't know.
(So it should be thrown out, but has not).

The judge has not been willing to lower the bail.

And since I have not heard back from the lawyer,
I'm not answering the phone.

And it makes me feel like a jerk...


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