Sunday, July 08, 2007

Back to work

I took Thursday and Friday off for a 5 day weekend.
Wanted to get out of town, but we had the theater Friday night, and Mo had a doctor's visit.
He's doing well. Got his shots and a clean bill of health.
We take Izabell to the specialist on Wed. She's got a growth on her throat and will have to have surgery.

I'm asking for a raise this week.
Boss was in Mexico all week and should be relaxed.
Registered Architects in Dallas make more than what I'm making right now...
By about 25k.

I'd be happy with half that.
My former coworker invited Z and I to go with her to see "Spamalot".
Was nice. Met her for dinner at La Duni, Then on to the theater.
TVs on. What in Hell could Hugh Hefner see in a bunch of 20 something air heads? The sex can't be THAT good...
Z and my former coworker seemed to get along.
My coworker is moving into her new house.
I should strike a deal with her, help me move the last of our stuff, and I'll help her move that last of hers.

She has decided to go full time with the Arch firm and part time with the Arts school.
It will make things easier.
She's finally free of her ex.

I hope her well.
I need to think about a career change.
A larger more modern office.
I want to keep my skills up to date and the current office is still in the dark ages.
Great atmosphere, but no future.

The employee with seniority is the boss's right hand go-to man. But he's been there 15 years, has no interest in getting his license, and will never be made a partner because that's not what the boss does.


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