Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ant Lion

Sort of...Zelda's aunt was rumored to be difficult and unfriendly...

Which caused some surprise when we received an invitation from her to all her nieces and nephews to come spend a weekend with her and see an Astros game.

Z and I decided to take up her offer and I would like to report that she is a wonderful person, very accomplished (as are all of Z's dad's siblings, as well as her dad.) , very generous of heart, and she really loves her baseball.

Z has been caught up in the family drama and rivalry/favorites that plague adult children...

Uncle M owns his own business and was instrumental in bringing cell phones to the Texas hill country.

Ant L was a principal with a big 8 accounting company in Houston.

And Zelda Daddy has a PhD and worked for years for the state of Kansas.

Aunt Lion has a condo on a tree lined street just off the highway. She showed us the older parts of town and treated us to some healthy, yummy food in her efficient little kitchen.

I really enjoyed getting to know her better and being introduced to Houston. (I have been there maybe 15-20 times, but never with a local).

It took about a day and a half to begin to warm up to each other. We really didn't know her.


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