Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hi, I'm BIG OIL...

Making record profits!!!

If I was smart... I'd raise prices...

It would cause the average American to change his or her focus from the Pollution and what our energy policies are doing to our Nest, to, "Politicians!!! Get us More Oil!!! Now!!! I'm actually have to pay for my life style! Gak!".

No one seems to see this energy "shortage" as a good thing.
Politicians are playing, "What do they want to hear!?", instead of "Leading the way to a new way of life".

What they aren't saying is the oil we are using is going to release prehistoric, sequestered carbon BACK into the atmosphere.

So if I'm Big Oil,

I raise the price,

(it helps that the politicians are reducing the value of the dollar, which increases prices)

(my profits go up)

people panic and appeal to the politicians to drill for more,

ensuring that I continue being

the power behind the world...

Pardon the pun...


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