Sunday, December 07, 2008

Not in My House

I would have to say that most church folks are not intellectuals.
This doesn't imply that non church folk are.

Church is more of an emotional thing?

By example.

Gay Marriage.

Conservative Church goer doesn't read the Bible for themselves.
(The average church doesn't promote serious Bible reading as a whole by their parishioners).

They work in the original Sound Bites.
Mark chapter 3, verses 1 thru 10.

So the average Conservative Church goer hasn't a clue what and where they get their beliefs.

Sex out side of marriage. (Jesus doesn't speak for or against it)

Homosexuality. (Jesus is not concerned with it, and never talks about it).

What Jesus does speak about is Love, Compassion, and Moving On.
Conservative Church goer is fearful that what goes on in someone else's house will somehow affect what goes on in their own home.

So in a preemptive strike, they do unto others what they fear will happen to them.

They decide what someone else can or can't do in the privacy of their own home.

Jesus did have something to say about that,

He called those folks,



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