Sunday, December 05, 2004


The new firm I'm with is an Architectural/Interiors firm.
Further more it's a husband-wife team.
This could be a good thing

I am begining to see the warts and dirty laundry.
I just want to work there, not make it my life.

PBS has a special where they compare the U.S. comercial system to other methods of living life.
In one experieriment, two children were given a checker board and one checker, placed in the middle. They were then told if they could get it to the opposite side of the board in so many turns, the "winner" would get a piece of candy. Each child would have one move before the other had their turn.

The first two children got excited, very animated and would have never gotten the candy, no matter how long the game lasted. They blocked each other every time and the game was a stale mate.

The second set of children worked together to move the piece first to one side of the board, and then to the other. They expressed bordom, disinterest. They finished the game when there was no candy left.

The former were American children,

the later,


What's the goal?

Who's better off?!?

In the typical situation, the Interiors is hired by the Architect.

The boss is in charge of the Architectural department. His wife, interiors; though his first love is also interiors.
Which means...

the arch department is the red headed step child.

Did I mention it is also the main income stream?

It's a woman thing.

My brother has done the same thing in his life.
Professed to love a women so much that he'd marry her, make a child with her, and then divorce her. Only to marry a new woman who feels threatened by the child.
The new wife f*cks him, and at the same time, emasculates him. To such an extent that he stands by and lets the new wife sacrifice the child.

That sort of thing was supposed to have gone out of fashion in Mose's time.

It's a woman and man thing.

The head project Architect just spent the last four months out of state working 4 days a week on the project.
He was also incharge of the latest job, the one I'm on.

We, the firm, are charging the client, per the contract, for that over time.

I worry about someday being put in the possition where my personal time, ie, evenings and weekends, will be used by "the company", where I will be making the boss rich at my expense... If I wanted to do that, I'd work for myself.
It's good information. I can make the appropriate contractual negotiations with the boss before I'm placed in that role. Right before I'm placed in that role.

The afore mentioned head arch has a personality clash with the head of interiors... I'm being triangulated. Granted, the arch is trying to insulate me, but I come from a back ground where if you have a gripe, you share it, resolve it, and move on. This head butting has me thinking about my resume again...

The last office in which I worked where this happened was a "profit for the bosses, screw the employees".

I may not be sophisticated enough to want to tip toe and *handle* (read that "manipulate") the bosses as the other employees do.

Get it out in the open, have it out, deal with it, resolve it, and move on!!

Now that's a man thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it isn't always a man thing...usually it is, but not always. there are rare women who handle conflict in the same manner. like i said, they are rare.

thousands of years of evolution (and patriarchy) is behind the miscommunication of the sexes.

*getting off my soap box, now*


2:15 PM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...


Why is it the women are the ones complaining?
Reality is women control the world. Always have always will.

Never once did my father correct my sister on behaving "lady like". That was always my mother or grandmother.

Easier to blame a guy.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, women control the world...that's why legalized abortion and contraception are in jeopardy; that's why there are rape camps in eastern europe and a rape every 8 minutes on american soil; that's why a woman still only makes 73 cents on the dollar in comparison to a man with the same job; that's why there is no female president; that's why industries that have predominantly female workers are paid so low...that's why there is still gender discrimination and so many other subtle controls over women...ever here of the word slut? ever use it on a man and mean it?

women do NOT control the world. yes, women have power, but it is not necessarily power that is valued by the controlling gender of the patriarchal canon-white, anglo-saxon, protestant males.

12:22 PM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

The number one cause of death for children in the U.S. of A. is....

their mother.

Life is not fair.

If you are going to post on my site, please give us your name.

the management.

8:20 PM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

Abortion and rape are in the same classification in my book.

Both take a life.

But my site is not about heavy topics, so...
let's move on?

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry...forgot to sign my rant. won't do it again.


8:56 PM  

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