Thursday, February 17, 2005


Dead line today.
The week is just a blur.
Is it Friday ALREADY?


Been driving to and from work with out the radio.
Haven't been interested in the 'noise' since coming back from Zelda land.
uh... no, she's not noisy if that was mistakenly implied...
It's been nice to be able to think not be bombarded with sales pitches and "music, music, music"
A respite.
I may continue this as a Lenten Sacrifice.
As a Presbyterian growing up, I do not recall ever hearing about making 'sacrifices' for Lent.
I associated that practice with Catholicism.

Dad floated from doctrine to doctrine over the years looking for the answers.
He floated through lent. But he didn't share with me, his religious sacrifices.
I was introduced to Lent when I joined the Methodist Church as an adult.
A friend gave up soda and alcohol for the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.

I tried giving up something simple.
TV and radio. Print media as well.

At first it was a challenge. If I didn't watch TV, what would I do with my time?
Many times in the first week I found myself on the way to the on switch, only to catch myself.

Suprisingly, it was very refreshing.
And I found getting back into the TV habit, didn't come so easily after so much peace.
For many years I practiced the Sabbath.
"Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy".
Practice Resting on the Sabbath as "I" have done, so that you too may make it Holy. (my paraphrase)

G*d gives us power.
Power to make things
H o l y.

How does one "Remember" the Sabbath?

I followed the Jewish habit of not working.
("But I HAVE to *whatever* on Sunday," you say. Yes, there is an excuse for anything you rerally don't want to do. Just do it anyway).
I also adopted:
No Shopping.
No TV.
No Newspapers.
Nor Radio.

The principal being to eliminate anything dealing with "all things work related". (Financial, advertising, buying)

Funny thing happened.

Because I had to get all my shopping, groceries, dry cleanning, hair cuts, etc. done before or after the Sabbath, that Sabbath, (Sunday for me) became THE
Center, the middle about which my week revolved, of my week.
I was made aware of when it was.

Most, well All my Christian friends, family included, refused to join me in my Remembrance.
(See excuses above)
And they missed out on somethings special.
The power I felt.
The serenity.

When was the last time you felt more powerful by Not doing something?

I am more powerful than the forces that want me as a consumer. (Your job Mr. Bunny, is to buy what we're selling you. (Clothes, Ideas, Image)
I have the discipline to decide my fate.
I can shut out all the Noise that is
"A car crash on 35...."
"Two people were killed today when..."
"In the middle east, they are still killing each other..."
"Did you know, we have our hamburgers on sale for only..."
"Buy my line of _____ and look beautiful, get more dates/sex..."
"you don't know what is right for your life, but I do so listen to Me..."
"and if you call with in the next ten seconds, we'll throw in an free..."

I challenge you to try it for a month or three.
See what you think.
And let me know...



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