Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Jesus the Hell Raiser

I have always had trouble, since reading the Gospells for myself, in believing Jesus was Good.

We are told that "Jesus Loves me" from an early age.
Indoctrinated if you will.

"Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so."

Convenient? Wouldn't you say?
"I'm nice and here's the book to prove it!"

Religion is a very personal topic.
Arguements often result.
Mass murder ensues.

Look at the middle east.

"Jesus is compassionate".

That man picked more fights than Mike Tyson!

"You Hypocrite!" Was a very popular phrase of his.

"How to win friends and influence people" should have been at the top of his,
"to read" list.

So it boggled my mind that so many thought of him as loving.
One with out sin.
Meak and mild.

So I did my research.

When a Jewish person picks up the New Testament and reads Jesus's words, they feel right at home.

They understand him.

It's we Christians who have the trouble.
I am doing this for the "American People". (Texas twang implied)
Not, "the people of America", or even,
the "American Citizens" or "Citizens of America".

It's a popular catch phrase most all politians use.
("Most all", now there's a funny phrase!)

It's understood by them. Irritates the heck out of me.
They don't speak for me. Nor the majority of whom they speak.
But if you use that magic phrase, then you DO.
We are ease dropping on private conversations of folks who have a set of rules in place for how they discuss, or argue a topic.

I.e. British Parlement. (French root for "to speak". (Parlez vous Franciase?)

They, being 'stuffy, proper' Englishmen yell, interupt, cheer, boo, hiss during speaches from everyone and all.

We here in the land of "free speach", have staid, borring, 'civilized' discussions.

I.e the Presidential Debates, where third party candidates and interuptions by the opponents have been mutually aggreed, by the two ruling parties, to be excluded. (the legue of women voters no longer sponsers the debate because of this very reason. No more, "Well there you go again." or Real issues.)
If you puruse Jewish religious arguements,
the things they feel passionately about,
think deep long thougths over,
share with their learned peers.

You will discover they are more like the British than the Americans.
Like the phrase, "American People",
"You Hypocrite" is a common method of rhetoric in the Jewish faith.
Jesus wasn't so bad after all...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think he was probably pretty fun to hang out and party with. he was probably a left-wing artist, too!

10:59 AM  
Blogger karlthebunny said...

I recommend reading "Rabbi Jesus, an intimate biography" by Bruce Chilton.

Very enlightening for those with strong faith.

He also discribes Jesus as a "partying" kind of guy.

9:42 PM  

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