Saturday, April 02, 2005


The accountant in our office had a medical condition not long ago that required her to take some serious meds. One of them was steroids.

The steroids damaged her liver.
She needs a transplant or ...

She has worked with the company for over a decade.

The boss's wife, requires us, the professionals of the office, to wash all the dishes for a month.
Even those who have been with the company for over ten years, and even those on meds for liver failure.

She doesn't discriminate...
I have decided to take one day a week to do the dishes, which usually consist of the coffee pot, the spoon, and the bosse's coffee mug. (Accountant is the only other person who drinks coffee daily.)
Yes, we are expected to do the bosse's dirty dishes, by his wife...
I want to do this as a gift to my fellow employees. We all hate dish duty. We all have important things to do. Like produce work, and go home to our families.
But it would take ALL of us saying, 'No', in a calm voice to break it.

By volunteering, I hope to shame the bosses as well.
"Why are you doing the dishes Ktb? It's senior architect's month to do them?"
"Senior architect has more important things to do besides wash your husband's dirty dishes."

And as do my own month, I will also address the issue with boss.
Have I said that boss and bosse's wife are clueless?
Survival of the fittest.
If it weren't for the bosse's family money, he would have gone out of business llloooonnnnggg ago.
next time you stop by the office, I'd pass on the offer for coffee.
You can assign someone to do your dishes, but you can't guarantee they will use soap...


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