Friday, August 26, 2005

What's going on? two

Open letter to the restaurant industry.

Dear Restaurant Owners:

Please reduce your portion sizes, or offer 1/2 size portions of your regular meals.

Just because we may "want" large servings, doesn't mean they are good for us.
We come to your businesses to be served. Instead you market to us with gigantic plates.

"Look how much food you get at Our Place!"

This also means that the average meal in the Dallas area, at a service restaurant, now runs about $10.00 plus tip.

The less expensive alternative is Fast Food...

I realize you have a profit margin to make and bills to pay.

There is an independant restaurant here in town that offers good, healthy food for $5.00 at lunch and makes up for the difference at dinner.
They are doing very well.

Thank you, Karlthebunny

I don't believe for one minute that the food industry will change until enough folks, Americans in this case, demand smaller portions.

We are spoiled here.

When I was in Italy, on weekends we had breakfast and dinner at the dining hall. But Lunch was on us. So we often ate at the local chain restaurant.
They catered to us students on tight budgets.
They offered paper napkins instead of the standard clothe, which reduced our price. And everything was portioned.

I am used to opening a can of ravioli and eating as much as I like.
It was a shock when I ordered Ravioli there and got exactly *6*.
And sodas were not "all you can drink". (which is probably a good thing)

Go to a store in America for icecream and you will get a scoop that on average, is about the size of a base ball.
Not so in Italy. A scoop of gelato there is golfball sized. Which allows for more choice of flavors at one sitting. And of course, less food.

And then the cities there where designed and built before the age of the car...

So... I must endevor to ask for smaller portions when I can, and if not, eat out less, and decide before I sit down to eat only the right this case, maybe 50% of what I will get. And the balance, will make a good lunch for the next day... (and in the end, I can *get* that lower priced lunch)


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