Sunday, December 18, 2005


I am looking forward to the holidays with Zelda.

Though I think we have over booked ourselves.
We decided a good way to clean out the casa was to set a dead line for having Christmas at our house.
(And it was very shrewd thinking on Zelda's part.)

But it has left little time for relaxing in the mean time.

Mom could not tackle the very cluttered garage because she would become over whelmed by its scope and where to start.

I did not have such attachements to many of the stored items. I was able to pitch and pull and give enough away to make space for both the car and harley in about three months time.

Now it's my turn to be over whelmed.
Z asked me back in Sept. to clean out the office.
Three months later and I cannot say it's Much better.

There are items of mine, mom's, and Zelda's in here.
I begin, seem to make progress, but then get to an empass as I begin to struggle with where to put things while I sort.

What to do with Mom's things, and Zelda's?
Z still has stuff in storage and so her things are on hold.
Mom's things I need to go through, purge and find homes for.
And the same for my stuff.
Many of the them are books, which do not have a place to live.
So they get stacked up... I need to get bookshelves dedicated just for them.
I have known this for about 12 months, but actually getting the shelves seems to drop down the priority list. And since I no longer spend much time in here, "Out of sight...".

Zelda, on the other hand, Does use the office regularly, and is, I think, about ready to call the Clean Sweep folks.

Which wouldn't be such a bad idea...

If it were my call, I'd go to Target and pick up some shelves.
But it hasn't been my priority...

Maybe Santa could forget the Bose and bring shelving instead.

It'd be a lot cheeper than paying 'catamoney'.


Blogger karlthebunny said...

Sorry about the link.
It was working Friday.

The house was on its way towards starkness. But still had a long way to go.

Then I fell in love.

Three full house holds in one 4 bedroom and not enough places for things to live and viola!

Zelda also has the disadvantage of being the last person in.

It really is frustrating for both of us.

I am in the office today trying to organize and there is no good place to stage anything.

Where do the books go in the mean time? I don't have a clue...

12:10 PM  

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