Monday, March 06, 2006

Follow Up

Zelda and I sat down and talked last night.

We needed to reconnect with each other.

And we did.

Misunderstandings were cleared up,

until the next time.

She is taking the day off.
For the next three days.
Cuz Wed. is her birthday.
And tomorrow her mama is coming up.
And Wed. I'm taking off to spend the day with her.

After work she met me at the office and we went for a walk through the hood.

Looking at the homes, the new construction, the original homes hidden away behind monster apartment buildings.

She rested today and made some decisions about her career, and the house.

We clarified some of our desires about where to live, our jobs, what we want to do.
There were some things she wanted that I resisted, such as move for a job.
Now we want to move for the location and neighborhood.
I only wish I had looked there years ago.

the universe is a great and wonderous place
and we are made of it.


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