Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Since Z and I moved in, and are no longer totally "anonomous", I find my entries are more audience focused.

I think that stunts my creativity...

I worked late a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night getting area percentages for a facade submittal to the city of College Station.

It was tedious and got me to thinking...
"What right does the city, any city, have telling me, a designer, paid by a client (and not the city) that I have to spend time telling them exactly how much of a particular material I have on a building face?"

Code tells me I may only have 30% wood on a secondary facade. Once I meet that, I should be fine.

The city costs me time and my client money for something they can't verify from a drawing.
And frankly, once I meet the maximum area for a restricted material, it's none of their business how much glass I have or brick or other material not specifically mentioned by code I have on a side.

You want to know? Hire me to calculate it after you have decided for me what my building should look like!

I could see a city telling developers that they want all buildings in the city to have "x, y, and z" charateristics, say, to help it look like a midevil Italian hill city.
This would describe the materials, keep a sense of "place" (unlike the same McDonalds on every corner).
Then the designer could take this "feeling" of a place and put their own spin on it to keep things hopping...

Taking control and freedoms happens so slowly...

So much for "land of the Free"...
it doesn't exist anymore...

but as long as I keep telling you that you are free...


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