Sunday, October 29, 2006

Follow Up

Our buyer's agent submitted our lot, plan, and elevation request to the builder Thursday.
We heard back Friday that we could build that lot, that plan, but not that elevation.

The house across the street 90 degrees (we want a corner lot) has the same elevation and the builder doesn't want two matching houses that close...

We counter offered sticking with our desire for that lot and that elevation.

I presume our agent would wait a day or so before responding.

We were hoping that with the slow market, they would accept.

(The sales agent was pushing for us and went to her manager to plead the case. But she doens't have last word...)

Yesterday morning we walked the neighborhood and discovered to our dismay that two other lots a block up had sold so the Builder may not care...

A year from now when he's gone, who's gonna complain?


We instructed our agent to let them know we would have a check that very evening.

It's all a game...
The builder marked the house at 161, but then discounts 10k off the price if we use their lender.
If we use our own, we get 14k off....

Go figure...
For those wondering about what my brother was charged with, I have posted it as a comment on that entry.


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