Sunday, November 04, 2007


This new company is growing on me.
I realize it has the politics that all businesses that have more than one person have.

So far I haven't run across any of the negativity.

In fact, it has caused me to re investigate design theory and open books I haven't looked through in over 10 years.

That and they have Revit, an architectural drafting program that takes care of all the mundane, nuts an bolts work that is le raison d'ete for what I do. One person can do more work, make changes faster, and have more time to think about Design.
With the computerization of the construction design industry and the advent of E-mail, and the time value of money, less and less time has been allowed for the actual design stage of projects.
This is a reflection on the owners of said companies I have worked.

Coach is a good example of the "got to have it NOW" business model.
A little time management would work wonders for the moral of his staff.

That and getting better clients.
By that I mean, "not Cheap". Clients who are hiring Professional Services and expect to pay for them.

One of my former coworkers is stopping by tomorrow to take a look at my new digs.
He might like the place.
He might decide to try someplace "better".
He might even like Architecture again.

I do...


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