Monday, January 26, 2009

What to do...

Last week and the weeks prior were busy with getting resumes out and tracking down possible leads.

Now the slowing down is happening...
The leads are drying up...
The money is flowing out...

Baby's kicking.
Wife is just as beautiful as ever.
House is clean and nice thanks to friends.

Self doubts about how I prepared and handled Friday's interview.
I'll call to touch base Wednesday to see if a decision has been made.

Mean while, I might have a job with costco collecting carts and helping out.
It has to make more than 370 a week or it's "better" to stay on unemployment.
Rather than send billions on bad bank loans, it would have been better to pay unemployed persons one year's salary.

It would (potentially) keep people in homes and give them time to hold out till this blows over.
It would also help if social security was available for each person as an emergency fund for such occasions such as this.
(Though there would actually have to BE something in the account)

Thank you government for *&!^ everything up so royally.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry for all that is going on. I haven't checked in for a while and it looks like I have missed a lot. Sending my hugs to both of you!

5:25 AM  

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