Thursday, September 02, 2004

Ah... the internet

I tracked down my crush.

Causes me to wonder as I think back on it, What was life trying to teach me?

I can say without a doubt that I didn't learn it and life is still trying! I hear it banging against my door even now...

When I gave her the valentine flower, she wasn't repulsed. She didn't make fun of me as I feared. She was suprised and very curious.

After my graduation from University, she lived for a time less that a 2 minutes walk from where I grew up and now live. I had no idea...

Why has life felt it important to bring her "back into my life" two decades later. (I'm thinking the "two decades later" has something to do with it.)

For those interested. She's married(? I assume it must be happy) and living in a small town in the midwest. Her name is no longer "Hill".

The town I grew up in was a little over 10k. It was a beautiful place. You knew pretty much everyone one. It was predominately one color, one class, small town America.

I'd really have to love someone and someplace to move out to the middle of nowhere middle America. (I like snow, but not THAT much)

No Opera. *Gasp!* No modern art. No world class symphonies and symphony halls. (God bless the Bass and the Meyerson!)

Architects make those great buildings possible, *plug, plug*. Hire an architect today!!

Good for her. Maybe I'll drop her a line.

On that note, I called my ex, the one who blessed me with HSV-2, to invite her to an A&M game.

Left a message.

Saddly, I don't expect one in return.


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