Sunday, April 10, 2005

Le Weekend

Yes, in France, they actually call it, "Le Weekend".
Who says the French are snooty?!

Le Weekend has been hectic.

Back when only Zelda and I were in on the gig, things were 'simple'.

I'm flying in this weekend. YEAH!!!
We'll spend the time in the bedroom. Seeing the town, and we'll go out to eat tomorrow night to my favorite restaurant and you can meet my friend from work.

Since we have "told the world" everyone wants to take us to dinner, have us stop by for brunch, join us for drinks.
With a limited time frame... um, when can I see my fiance???

We had dinner with the rents Friday. Saturday was busy.
Move the new couches in. Meet my former boss and his wife. Squeeze in some sex in there somewhere. Head over to the Art fest.

Picked up some beautiful things this year.
A blown glass free form bowl in torquoise and peach by a craftsman out of Austin.
And a beautiful basket made of palm fibers by a man from Mi. who travels down to Florida each winter to (enjoy the weather) and harvest his materials.

The item we both were most impressed with were some hand made fabric body dolls. Made by a woman out of Mi., we have decided they would make a beautiful wedding present to each other.
We were impressed by all her work, but had decided on two Japanese style dolls in kimonos.
I wish she had a web site to share with you, but alas, she does not.

Zelda's flight home was snowed out in Denver so we have to get up extra early to get her to the airport.

Next time she comes down, she won't be leaving!

Bon Nuit tous


Anonymous Anonymous said...

le weekend c'est magnifique!

(i know, i know, my grammar is very incorrect)

4:06 PM  

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