Sunday, April 03, 2005

Uh, What?

As Zelda can atest,
I am easily

that's really cool,

oh, yeah,


I am currently taking the Franklin/Covey organizational test.
Once upon a time I knew all these tricks for organization, the ones F/C teaches.
All of them except for keeping True North direction.

What is truely important.
All the cliches.

I test in the fourth quadrant.
I goof off too much and waste time on trivial things.

Reading "First Things First" by Covey and friends has helped me see other ideas to my trivial items.
Brain storming if you will.

I, ah, watch far too much TV.

My home,
social skills,
and I.Q
all suffer for it.

But just a few pages of the book or the test have made me aware of how I am wasting my life and talents away main lining sit coms and commercials and "must watch" "best new show" things.
Stuff created, ironically, by those who choose NOT to spend their time watching TV, but MAKING it.
Another thought on office politics.

First as much as I enjoy Bashing the bosses and especially the wife, whom from now on I will refer to as "Dee" for 'decorator', because she's all about picking colors and things aplied to the walls superficially, and nothing much deeper.

I don't like myself much when I participate in bad mouthing.
Ah, it feels wonderful at the moment. A bunch of 'little people who, for what ever reason, feel they can do nothing more about the situation but complain.
I don't like the office atmosphere. We complain to vent.
Conflict and strife between the front office and the back.

Unneccessary stroking of

If I didn't like the work and my coworkers, I'd be looking for greener, calmer political pastures.
We all, I think, know someone like Dee.

Dee knows nothing about computers.
But because she has so much extra time (and she's bagging the Boss), she baggered Boss Man into letting her be 'in charge' of the computers. She doesn't want to spend any money on new equipment. (I passed on another job offer where the bosses where very supportive, so much so that it gave me bad vibes. Maybe I was wrong? It'll all work out for the best in the end. I'm learning a lot of great stuff. Developing clients would not have been an option at the other office. But here, I'm learning from Senior Architect how to handle the politics. And he is a Master.)
She even requested that our two part timers change their school schedules so that they would be in the office on different days so she wouldn't have to order a new machine for the new guy starting tomorrow. (Senior Architect and Super Man tag teamed her and prevailed in changing her mind. This is the only office I've worked where the management will give the new machines to the latest hire, rather than by seniority...)
When there is a computer problem, it gets deligated. Senior Architect has been in charge of the machines for years now. So when we need a new one, we aproach Dee who immediately deligates it back to Senior Architect.

She wondered in this week to casually mention that she had accidently opened a junk mail and was worried if there was going to be a problem because of it.

She also wanted a list compiled of what our machines are and can do. She wanted us to go around and put together a list.
I threw it back at her telling her that we should have a record of the machines stats with the invoice and she should go check the files. She, after all, signs the checks for them, you'd think she'd want to know what she bought...
Instead she deligated it.

She wouldn't know what it all was anyway.
And she has no intention of learning.
That's the sad part.
It's all a power play to usurp Senior Architect.

My latest brain storming.
If I were Zen,
I'd let it go.
I'm not that big a man,

Every once in a while, Boss Man will come around and ask if there is anything he can do to help us.
Since he can't use Auto Cad. It's usually a moot point.
Next time he asks me,
I am going to let him know there is something he can do that will help the entire office.
It's something he can do, I have seen him do it.
It will boost moral.
It will save time.
It will truely help everyone.
He can help by doing his own dirty dishes.
Though he'd have to wait till after 5:00 when Dee leaves
so she wouldn't know he's doing it.
(She'd make him stop).

We'll see.

Now, back to what ever it was I was doing before I got distracted with the computer.
I think I was heading off to bed...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to take the test and see what "quadrant" I'M in!

4:55 PM  

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