Sunday, August 13, 2006

Corporate Destruction

I bought a book the other day after spending the evening studying for my Structures exam.

In many ways it has explained much of what happened in my previous entry.

But that comes a little bit later.

Z and I went out Friday evening for Date night and had a pleasant time in the Bishop Arts District. The home of the Nodding Dog, Cafe 400, and the Velvet Monkey.

Stopping in at an antique shop after a lovely dinner, Z noticed an antique oak side board which is now sitting in our living room.

That was an expensive dinner!
But it is beautiful.

I am having struggles with Structures.
I'll need to set a deadline to put a fire in my tail.

Now on to more important things.

I picked up a book I recommend to everyone.
It is disturbing.
Impacts us all.
And we in turn helped create it and keep it going.

Much scarier than any murder mystery or crime novel.

It's "Fast Food Nation, The dark side of the All-American Meal" , by Eric Schlosser.

He goes into detail about the origins of fast food,
how it targets children,
affects the land scape of America and the devastation it wreaks.

More fast food workers are killed each year than police officers.

Meat packing, once a highly skilled and highly paid job has become the most dangerous job in America.

The buying power of McDonalds shapes the agriculture business and destroys private farms.

We enjoy the $1.00 menu and wonder how they do it.
Then we learn that the minimum wage peaked in '73 and thanks to political pressure from Micky D's, has been reduced year after year ever since.

Now this is not totally fast food's fault. But just as Wal Mart has put small town business's under, so does the quick drive thru meal.

Z won't like this, but I will have difficulty thinking of getting Sonic or Taco Bell any more after work. Until we met, I refused to eat in my car. (Now we have crums EVERY where, yummy as they are).

(The idea of paying $20k for something and then spilling food on it and in it...)

Fast food (or should I say, "fat food") may happen, but I don't have to contribute to it.

I help create this monster...
with out awareness of it...


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