Friday, May 27, 2005

And the beat goes on

This has quite possibly been one of the roughest weeks Zelda has had in a long time.

She doesn't feel the house is hers.
It is.

She doesn't have much cash on hand as she will have to wait for her first paycheck to arrive, in three weeks.
My bank account is your bank account.

Her stuff is to arrive next Tuesday by truck, on a work day and she's worried as to where we'll put it.
I plan to move the earth this weekend to make that space and more.

I think from her blog that she is worried about "my house" being filled with "her things". Yes the bathroom is more colorful, but I don't mind.
Because I love her.

Her work day starts earlier than mine. In no small part because my office doesn't open till 9:00.
I have been getting up when she leaves, which before, I would have endevered to sleep in.
I use this time she has given me in my day to read some. To make our bed, which I NEVER did before, so that she will have one place of tranquility to return too.
Because I love her.

I do the dishes every day now, again something I NEVER did, so that she will always have a clean glass, or plate, or spoon or what ever she needs.
Because I love her.

I am doing our laundry. Something I really don't enjoy. Because I know she also dislikes it. To ease her day. She is low on clothes, because her world is boxed up in Omaha till Tuesday.
Because I love her.

I asked last night how to load her coffee maker. Its snazzy, grinds and everything and at just the perfect temperature. I rarely drink coffee in the morning. I know she needs it to start her day.
I do this, because I love her.

I have called this week after work to let her know about when I'll be home. Something I don't have to do.
But I do, because I love her.

She got bad directions to a client's yesterday via the internet.
She takes her job very seriously.

She has the commute from Hell. No matter which route she takes, no matter when she leaves, it "sucks". And I sympathize with her. She really likes the job so far, and the people with whom she works. They are paying her what she's worth. But she has to spend two hours a day in stop and go traffic...

We have started those deep conversations that couples have when they see each other everyday. The, "Where are we going with this?" talks.

We are begining to touch on some personal demons. Nothing that can't be over come.

I have confused her with my wishy washy feelings. Feelings change from moment to moment depending on what I've had to eat that day, how much sleep did I get.

I believe Love is an action, not a feeling. And that actions create those feelings.

And so I endever to make sure I do those loving things, which I hope speak louder than words.

I wish that I could make all this better for you, dear Zelda.
I can only do what a man can do.

And that is because I love you.

The bed is made, time to start the laundy, the coffee, and what ever else I can do to make life easier for you.


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