Monday, May 23, 2005

Honey! I'm Home!

Well, she's here. Zelda is now in Bunny land.

Last night as I faxed out the confirmation for the wedding venue, I shared with her my anxiety.
She was good enough to recognize an important moment and drew me out.
Talk to me about it.

And I did.
Not all of it, but some.

I have anxiety about this.
And so does she.

I can't speak for her, so you'll need to visit her site to read her views.

A lot to swollow in such a short time.
Her new job. The commute from hell. All her clothes and belongings locked away in a moving truck, for who knows how many days, back in Omaha.

Drive was beautiful. Eastern Nebraska and Kansas has gentile hills and lots of farm land.
We left Sat. morning with 78 degree weather and 13 hours later, we got to the house about 9:00pm with the thermometer in the 90s.
Part of me is yelling,
"What the hell are you doing Bunny!!??"
"It was quiet, and peaceful, and you didn't have to answer to anyone.
You could come and go as you please.
Spend your money as you wanted.
Leave the laudry on the floor and the dirty dishes in the sink and NoBody would know the difference!
You could have a different woman over everynight of the week (that is in theory) and no one would care..."
Yolanda gave Zelda a picnic basket as a going away, perfect with the table!!, and one of the gifts was the latest "Cosmo". There was an article about a newly engaged man and his emotions and feelings about becoming engaged. I'm following closely to his script. "ARRRRRRGGHH!!!" But in the end, he knew he made the right decision. I do too. It's the getting to that peace of mind that is the key...
I thought all this was supposed to be easy and happy and go lucky.
What they don't tell you in those fairy tales...
And the Prince had a nervous break down and they lived on Zoloft happily.... every afternoon.
I have this easy. All my stuff is right here in my house...
Zelda said it would be okay if we decided to just live together, and not tie the, uh, knot.
That is very tempting...
But I don't want to jerk Zelda around.
I asked, she accepted.
Be a man.
Honey, ready for bed?


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