Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We are here!!

It is going to take some getting used to Zelda's method of operations.
We are no longer Just Friends with Benifits, but Lovers.
Live ins.
Co Habitaters.
Future Spouses.

I talked with J on Saturday after the Great Melt Down.
I saw a side of Zelda that I did not recognize for I had never seen it before.
A side I don't care to see often.

I am laid back.
Life Happens and I roll with it. Not much else one can do.

Zelda was in fear that we would not be able to fit everything in.
I had a plan.
I knew it would work.

Zelda had her doubts.

I have years of wisdom to temper my emotions.
Though Saturday I was momentarily at a loss.
It slipped my mind that Zelda reads this blog, my personal blog, and that I had mentioned here and in person that I had/have anxieties.

And that is perfectly normal.

Zelda, you must remember that these are momentary thoughts. Current feelings.
But only that. Like the wind, they will change.

So... Zelda babe, cut me some slack!

I love you.
And as J shared with me, "I love you, but at the moment, I may or may not like you very much".

Saturday was one of those days!

Today, is different!
Friday she stays home to go through her boxes and put things away. I may get home and love her to death, Opppss!
I mean, "I love you dear, but right now I don't like you too much for throwing out my favorite two year old, past its sell by date by 18 months, box of cake mix..."

Glad you're here!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

it wasn't just the boxes and stuff fitting in, it was also mixed signals and taking you at your word when you said you wanted to change plans. it tweaked my already tweaked and fatigued insecurities...

yes, i read your blog and you read mine. i will remember to ask in the future if an entry is perplexing me.

glad i'm here, too!

9:11 AM  

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