Sunday, November 27, 2005

Zelda guest room a success!!

Zelda pulled it all off, cooking, having to remake her pie crust Wednesday.
Cleaning the bathrooms, decorating, and making up the guest room.

I didn't think it could be done, but she did it!

Her parents spent the night Friday and went on home Saturday evening.

My aggies fought a valiant fight, showed some possibilities for next year's quarterback.
And gave the tea-sips a run for their money.

Only thing that could have made it better is if we'd won...

Friday was also my nephew's birthday.
We went to the Dallas World Aquarium for the day.

He is now 20 years old and heading off to West Texas A&M in Canyon, Texas.

He lived with us as a todler when my sister moved home from an abusive husband.
Let's say that at 18, I was not excited to have a crying baby in the house. (but as it was NOT my house, I didn't have much say in the matter)

It's like the trip I took with my mother and grandmother when I was about 23.
We took a road trip into Arkansas.
Two 60 plus old ladies and a 20 something.
Grandma grew tired and irritable easily.
Mom reverted back to a teenager at times. (which was very interesting to see)
And both made sure they got their AARP discounts EVERYwhere we visited.
I did all the driving. Was frustrated a lot.
One of the most unpleasant trips I can remember.

But looking back on it,
as with having my sister and her two children live with us,
I wouldn't give it up for a million dollars!


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