Friday, December 23, 2005


Wednesday was the "Shortest Day" of the year.

Well, the least amount of day light of the Northern half of the planet.

It was the Official Start of Winter and my last work day for the year.

It was also Yule.

Zelda and I took a moment to drink to each other, to life, and nature while preparing an offering gift to the birds and fairies.

Fairies don't eat much, but what they do, when they do, is Rich!

Champagne, Chocolate, Ginger Snaps, and Pomegranate juice.

The birds only got seed which Z placed in a large bowl.

*Cat feeder* came to mind.

I was worried we'd find some grim discovery the next morning.

Wake up bright and early, brush my teeth, grab breakfast.

Walk over to the window, open the blinds only to see

little fairy bodies!!!

bobbing in the champagne glass.

*The stray cats would love it!!!*


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