Friday, December 23, 2005

What is Christmas?

Recently I posted about "Chri$tma$ no longer being fun".

AmyTurtle responded with the admirable "donate time" gift.

I find problems with that whole 'Charity at Christmas' time.


First, I define the Christmas Holidays as TIME FOR FAMILY.

And spending it running around for others makes the Giver feel really good, no doubt.
But it isn't Family Time. (As defined by close friends and immediate family)

And Second,
for Most, I'd say that this Giving ONLY happens at the Holiday $eason.
And is not continued during the other 11 months of the year.

So it strikes as ingenuine.

'I'll give at Christmas in reaction to the masses fighting through the department $tore$'.

It helps those who are most likely strangers, rather than the idea of a community coming together to take care of those they know who may have fallen on hard times.
Or just need to be 'raised up'.

The Christmas Story as told in the Bible is hugely personal.

Mom, Dad, and new born (male or female) in a tight family unit. Maybe surrounded by extended family.

But Joseph and Mary did not immediately run out and take care of the bums in the street.


Christmas is about taking care of Oneself.

Because if we do not do that for ourselves,

No One Else

And like taking Regular Vacations Help Recharge the Batteries
(through Re-Creation)
maybe the Holidays are about slowing down
(in the time given by the companies we work for)
and becoming aware of what we Need to do for ourselves,
(be that donating time to the 'less fortunate', or throwing a party for the masses of family 'locus', or being self focused and not spending a dime),
so that we may Go Back Into The World recharged to
meet the Needs of Others.


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