Thursday, March 03, 2005

the Ten Commandments in public


The Ten Commandments in Public buildings!
The way some non religious folks react, read that liberals, you'd think they were serving up pet cats and babies in the cafeteria for lunch!
(And we are killing babies, just not to eat...granted to us by these same courts...)

Whose agenda is it that is so offended by
"Thou shalt not Kill"?

It says "God...," not
"Jewish God", nor
"Christian God", nor
"Muslim God".

What's the big deal?
No one is trying to Convert anyone.

It's a statement that ironically is "Okay Fine" if it's on your US tender.
(Though I must admit, "In God we Trust" shows up no where on my Visa Card or pay check.)

With Christianity being the largest religious doctrine in the USA, do they actually think,
"Well, if it's not out where I can read it, it CERTAINLY won't be on the minds of the Judges and Law makers?"
I'd much rather have it out in the open where I can know what frame of mind the are thinkin'.

We'd rather have sex and violence brought into our homes and to be pimped out to advertisers everywhere we turn than have a three letter word in a public building, on a wall or statue, on a plaque, in small print that we have to go out of our way to find!?

What about the statues of dead Confederate Soldiers in court houses and capitals across the nation? Should we take them down because sons and daughters of former slaves will be offended?

Heaven forbid they have to vistit a cemetary before their time...

Where does it stop?


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