Sunday, April 24, 2005

Suprise I'm Home!!

Or something like that.

As I was on my way to the airport in Omaha for my long journey home, my phone buzed.
"Mr. Bunny, this is the _______ Police department, and someone has attempted to break into your house. We chased them down the alley, but they got away. Do you have anyone who can watch your house for you as it is now unsecure."


I don't care how fancy a gaget, how cool the device, in this day and age, if it aint got juice, it might as well be a paper weight.

This described my new and overly expensive new phone.
I was a bad boy scout. I was not prepared.

Not imagining a reason WHY I'd need to bring the power supply to my new, two week stand by, 7 hours of talk time with me to my girl's, I was caught with my pants down.
Around my ankles.
With my shoe laces tied.
(How was I supposed to know that I'd get delayed in Denver on the way there and need to call everyone and their sister! See 'Suprise' for further explanation.)

I had to board my plane, with a dying phone, and no one aswered when it still had juice.
Where is everybody on Sunday!?

Fortunately for me, Zelda road to my rescue. (Thank you! Love)
Along with my neightbor and my sister.
Yeah neighbors!
Yeah Sister!

Seems three teen age black boys, and I use their ethnic back ground, not as a slur, but as a CALL to SOMEONE out there to DO something with YOUR children!!, decided they needed my digital camera more than I did.
(I have been robbed/assalted a number of times in my early twenties. All by young black men. At night. When the white guys do it, they do it so subtlely that I usually don't notice. There is absolutely NO excuse for any such behavior. None.)

Glass way half full.

As the glass broke, the neighbor behind me heard it and dialed 911.
The police showed up in time to chase them off before they even got in...


I have too much personal information in my office where they chose to enter.
(Pass port, computer pass words, account info, blank checks, software originals, Harley keys. (which wouldn't go anywhere with out a battery (hmm...), but the key fob opens the garage door. Double Gakk!!))

This is only the second time in twenty years that someone has broken in.
(We had thefts before in our home, but they were by my youngest, then troubled, brother.
We also, unbeknownst to us had drugs being sold out our house by same said, then troubled, brother. It's not just those 'other folks' that are the bad ones)

My sister and her family card boarded up the window, and called a family friend who does windows, literally, he makes them. So it will be patched up by noon Monday.

But how'd they know I wasn't home???
I seldom ever park the car out front...
I often won't answer the door on Sat. if I'm not expecting anyone...
In my haste to get out of town on Wed. I neglected to stop my mail...
The box was full.
I left the blinds open, as I always do, and hadn't put my bedroom on the timer.

Time to get a post box...
And a big dog for the back yard...


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