Monday, June 06, 2005


Uh, that's the Marrage type, not the Professional kind.
Saturday Zelda and I ventured out to the same places, but for different reasons.
We started at HomeDepot, that hardware woderland.
I was there with Z to day dream and get ideas.

Z wanted to register for gifts.

It strikes me odd. Maybe I should continue to think on this.
We are both in our mid to late thirties.
We have more than what we need.

It has been asked by a number of friends, where are we registered?
They want to join our celibration and give to us.

We then went on over to Crate and Barrel.
It's easy to rack up the $$ with a laser scanner and a wish list.
For those of you who wish to give,
thank you,
but it's not neccessary.


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