Or is that adventures
with babies?
The plan for Tuesday was relax, put baby C down early and snuggle with Zelda.
Everyone catch up on some needed sleep.
What happened instead was Zelda noticed baby C was feeling a little warm.
"What does the baby book say?"
"For new borns less than three months, a fever is anything over 100.4 f. Call your doctor".
" We need a rectal thermometer, please go to the store and pick one up, along with petroleum jelly. We need to know her temp."
30 minutes later...
"101.3 f I'll call the doctors and speak to the on call nurse."
30 minutes later...
"Mrs. Bunny? Yes, please take your baby to Children's Bright Building to the Referral Center. They close at 10:00 so you need to leave now".
30 minutes later...
"Your doctor's nurse called baby C in. What was your baby's temp?"
"And how did you take it?"
"We are about to close and the procedure takes a couple of hours so we are going to send you across the street to Children's admitting. Please follow me".
There was additional conversation that went on prior to our leaving the Referral Center.
As we found out, any child younger than 30 days old who presents with fever, and baby c "has fever", automatically gets admitted through to Children's ER, no waiting, gets a room, and under goes blood test, urine test, and a "lumbar puncture" (spinal tap). The results take 48 hours, which means they are admitted to the hospital for at least two days.
We finally got into a hospital room by 4:30 am.
So far, things are going well. She has responded well to the fever reducer meds. She is hungry, and her short term virus results came back negative. The long term should come in by tonight.
She's unhappy. And both Zelda and I are exhausted...
I'm staying home tonight to rest up so I can work tomorrow.
I"ll stop by after work and spend some time with Z and C, give Z a break, and we will find out early Friday what the tests show.
I am optimistic.
The nurses and doctors have been great, from the on call nurse, to the Referral Center, the ER, and Children's.
Maybe I jinxed myself a week or so back while walking thru Children's on the way to the pharmacy, I told my self, "C, I hope you never see the inside of this place."
More later...