Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Music Time

I like Apple,
as I think most folks do.
Especially since the birth of the Ipod.

I was a stupid head and didn't buy the stock at $16 cuz as much as I like Apple, I didn't have FAITH in Apple.

What would it have cost me???

How bout the difference between 16 and 60...


If you haven't already, stop by and down load the free

It is Apple's version of the music player for your computer.

Mp3's recorded via Itunes don't seem to be readable by the Microsoft readers, so I have all my music in Itune format.

It has a KILLER visualizer...

And then there is the on line Radio stations.
Now, it doesn't pick up my favorite classical station, WRR 101.1 fm, but it does have some great world stations.

I have been listening to Dance music at work to keep my engery levels up.
Today I tried something a little different.

After you've finished playing with the visualizer...

From the Radio, pick International, then scroll down to Magnatune World Music.
It has an ecletic mix.
The music went from Indian to Irish Harp to Russian vocals to Classical to Middle Eastern.
I even heard a sitar version of Jingle Bells that wasn't bad...and in March even.

It is an on line music company where the artists get 50% and, like Pink Martini, you can listen to the entire Cd library from their web site for not cost.

I have been listening to the Russian women's vocal group, Kitka, all evening.

Bunny gives it two paws high...

Kitty Time

S and Zelda have offered to help me with Woody the Cat and his penchant for pooping on my carpets.

Info which might help.
He's about 13, I think...
Until 2001 he was owned by little old retired ladys.
Namely my Grandmother and my mom.
I worked out of my house for about 18 months and so I was around most of the time.

He, like all cats, poops when he feels slighted.
When I am out of town for even a day and don't come home.
This is usually left some where I might find it in the dark....

He has a touchy stomach. My sister has cats and has never seen such a messy cat.

When mom passed, I did not give him the kind of attention he needed.
I changed his cat food to a lesser brand that gave him stomach troubles.
I have since changed him over to Iams, which he seems to like very much and it agrees with him as well.

I try to spend quality time with him most evenings. I lie on the couch and he will lie on me, I pet him and he will nap.
Mom and Grandma spoiled him.
Milk, wet food. Various people food scraps.
He knows the sound of an almost empty cerial bowl.
I have changed his wet food from three times a day to once in the evening when I get home.

He has favorite spots for hair balls.
Always the carpet.

Mom let him out on the screened porch. Last fall he discovered a hole in the screen and exploited it.
Took me a while to find it. The door is also in need of replacement.
There are new cats in the neighborhood and he can't abide them in the yard.
For this reason he WANTS OUT!!! Now please! Or I'll DIE!!
Or something like that.

He has a new favorite place behind the couch were I caught him in the act. This may have been a lower intestine trouble as he missed the garage box as well. I moved him into confinement and he finished in the cat box.
All movements have been 'stable'.
I can understand diarhea or an accident.

I have not punished him before other than grumping and putting it close to his nose.
He doesn't seem to understand,"WHY?!?".
This month I began to confine him.
It seemed to work the first time.
He went an entire week with out an incident.
Seemed for a while like it was almost daily...

This last offense was in the living room, while I was asleep early morning.
He was picked up, forced to acknowledge the problem, too which he hissed, and then carried into the bathroom. He understood that he would be there for a while and expressed this in his cry.

I clean out his box regularly (now). Most daily. Two days max.
I have been working late.

I like the idea of leaving him some Karlthebunny smelling clothes. He does go to the bed when he's not feeling well and usually has accidents, for which I have come to accept.

It's the tantrums in the living room that are out of bounds.

I have also used Frabreeze to kill any oders. (We used to have puppys who would alwasy return to the scene of the crime.)

This last time I let him out days early and he got mad that I wouldn't get up at 5:00 am to let him out. He took revenge and so no early release this time.

I also like the idea of confining him when I leave for work. But I'd rather let him roam the house.
It's borring as it is with the WHOLE 1300 s.f. so it must be hell in only 10... But he does have a small window and food, toys, bed, and water.

I check on him twice a day and spend time with him.

Lately he has taken to "trying to escape" when I open the door. The closed bedroom door has foiled his plans...

I know he doesn't enjoy the bathroom. (Smells of cat box).
I don't want to give up.
I am tired of filthy carpets.
I'm tired of a fussy cat.
Hairballs are not as much of a concern, though I have noticed he doesn't seem to have them in confinement, save one...

Any help would be MUCH liked...


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

To the family of Terri Shriavo

Dear family,

I am saddened for you loss.
You must truely love your daughter.

I was primary caregiver for a dying loved one.
My mother.
They could have kept her alive on machines.
But her quality of life would have been non existant.

As someone who has done this himself,
I can say that the GREATEST gift you can give your daughter, and yourselves,
is to give her your blessing,
and let her go...

She is G*d's now...
And mom is waiting to show her around the new digs!!

It's April

Which means:
and new growth
and babies
and lots of sex
and nests
and warmer weather
and longer days
and rain
and sun
and cabin fever

it's my turn to do
the boss'es dishes
at the office.

A WHOLE thirty
JOYOUS days.

It's really bad for office moral.
We all grumble about it.

But hey,
it makes the boss,
in this case,
the Boss'es wife,
the "interior designer (who really only decorates)"
feel powerful...
Little does she know
we all make fun of her about it.
And it has the opposite effect of what she is after.

This month will be my last time.
In an effort to make it more palettable in my mind
I offered to do 30 days of dishes for
her just past birthday.

I won't argue about it as other's have.
I will simply address it with the man who hired me.
Let him know that I am no longer going to do them, save what I or my consultants dirty,
and that I expect him to defend me from his wife.

you don't think that will ever happen

Back in Kitty Prison

I just can't seem to reform my shitty kitty.


Zelda is taking Gaea to the "you know where" this Friday. She offered to ask the "you know who" if I should try some other form of behavior modification to stop the kitty defication...
on... my carpet...hmmmm....

I like the little guy too much.
I feel badly that my old little kitty is most likely going to spend the remander of his kitty days in the bath room prison...
Maybe I should take away his window.

He really doesn't like being in there, you can hear it in his "meows!!".
But he's got to learn...

He'd better watch out, the car-pet may jump up and get him back one of these days.

Doesn't help that I'm working late lately.

What's a cat to do?!?

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What to do

My coworker, the boob brusher, has an unhappy marriage.
And, yes, she is hitting on me.

She's a self admitted workaholic, so how could she have anything but a troubled marriage?

This speaks volumes about me, but if I were single, I'd "help her out".
Glad I'm not single...

As nice as the brushing feels, time to ask her to "get help" of another sort, elsewhere and from someone else.

Do not dip your ink pen in the company ink well. No matter how tempting...
They use permanent ink, and it's a black mark you do not want on your record.

Technical Diffuculties

Blog spot server is experiencing some troubles as of late.

So forgive my misspellings, as I forgive those of others.
I'd fix 'em if I could...


Gave into my vanity and guy nature and bought an expensive toy.
No, not the new PSP. Though it's sweet.

I acually, now that I think of it, spent about a $100 more on a new phone.
Will make me more popular and sexy to the ladies.
(I will be more sexy, won't I Zelda? I AM, after all, a bunny, and not a Sheep?)

Maybe I should reconsider that purchase... hmmm....
Got the babe in my pocket, and bed, so I can spend my cash on "important things". Guy toys!!!

I am sure that Zelda will have something to say about all this.
I'm still trying to convince her that "bare foot and naked" in the kitchen is a sexy thing. I have some work to do on my sales technique...
She's not buying it...hmmmm.....

Zelda bought a book on Texas Wildflowers, in where else, Nebraska.
The woman in Florida should now have passed.
Difficult topic.
If she indeed DID say, "I don't want to live that way", then it is as it should be.
Would be nice if the world could learn to let folks die with dignity.
"Hey church folks, focus on helping those who need it, and not those whom you think need it."

I am not close to the situation, so I can only say, Zelda, if I am ever in a "Vegitative State", please let me go. Now a coma is something completely different. Keep me going where possible, if I'm in a coma.

Also, should I die and you become a double widow,
I'd like the police to look into it, and if you haven't kilt me for my vast fortune in old comic books, circa 1980s, then, I expect you to re-enter the world again and get you a new man.

Heaven knows I would expect you to want me to "jump" back in as well.

There it's been said for the whole world to see.
Until then, get in here in the kitchen with me!!, it's cold standing here with out clothes!
Ouch, watch out for the grease splatters!

Saturday, March 26, 2005


I work for a company, owned by a couple, married, very active in the Interior Design Field, who are numbers 8 and 9 as Registered Interior Designers in the State of Texas. They helped push the requirement for registration in Texas. They helped create the test.

To see the office, one would never guess it was owned by Interior Designers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Zelda has an impressive insight to the Florida Right to Die case.

My thought is, first, go check out her site.
How can I as an outside party know what is going on in someone else's life??

It is a sad thing all around.

Sad for the Parents who are unwilling to let go of a child they love.

That kind of pain, I have been told, by my mother,
Never Goes Away. Mama lost my older sister at birth. I lost mama in '01 and it still hurts, so I can only guess what it's like to lose a child, and wish it never to happen to anyone.

Sad for the Husband and his new family.
Constantly fighting for what he believes to be right.
It would be very easy for him to give over custody to the parents and walk away.

Sad for the woman, possibly trapped in a personal cell.

15 years.

Does the soul depart if the body lives on?? I'll have to ask G*D should I ever meet 'Him' in person.

Maybe something good will come of all this...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Out of pocket this week

I'm going to be out of pocket this week.
After dropping Zelda at the Great Big Airport, I drove home in silence.

Got home, made breakfast.
Blogged, and went back in to sleep.
Woke about 3:30pm.

Did not realize how tired I was/am.
I dont' make the best of decisions when I'm tired.

Don't always make sense.
I'm going to spend the rest of the week sleeping.
And Studying.
And catching up on work.

Let time and sleep work out the confusion of emotions.
Let them work themselves out and do some praying.
And not think too much about anything but the moment.

Bunnyman signing off till next time...


One thing about journaling via a blog,
and having someone, a 'significant' other,
whom you met via the blog, who reads said blog, is...

It can no longer be a personal 'feelings' journal.

What was once 'safe' is no longer...
Cuz it affects another.
Someone you care about...

And as we all know, what we blog in the personal department, is mainly emotions.
And emotions are as constant as the wind.
I feel incomplete, because I am a wimp.

My last girlfriend, rather than tell me to my face, sent me a "dear John" email.
Wouldn't return phone calls, etc.

I have had bosses who concocked "tests" to use as reasons to fire someone, including me, rather than be upfront and say," I like you, but I don't have the work, because I screwed up, am greedy, and didn't get the contracts signed before I went on vacation, so... you get to look for another job." The "little test" absolved them from paying unemployment.

I am not so different from them...
The relationship between Zelda and I has changed.
From the original "friends on the other end of the keyboard" to "I know you, I am in your life, you impact me and I you".
I miss that friendship. The wedding talk, and meeting the family has taken center stage.
Part of me wants to go back to that "friends only". It was safe. Distant.
We can not go back. Only forward, to where ever that may take us.
I was fearful of sharing some anxieties this week, for fear of loosing her. Forever.
The opposite is to keep her. Forever.
Forever is something I don't normally think about.
I am, after all, a self centered, single, independant American who is focused mainly, if not entirely, on myself...
And the Universe, is wanting to change that.
Forever is scary. And not entirely true. It really isn't Forever.
Zelda called and we talked.
She has granted me some more time.
I am wanting to accommodate her. She has the most to change.
She would be doing this anyway. She is tired of her job.
She would be moving back to Texas eventually.
She would be taking a break from college to regroup.
I scared her.
Not my intent.
She would have rather I talked to her about it before I published...
I had to publish to figure out what was eating me...
The Universe is a pushy Soul.
Wants what it wants. And you have to hang on... or learn to "push back".
We are back to joking around Zelda and I.

Friends again.

Changes are a comin'

Boy Howdy! are they!!

And I'm not mentally ready for them...
This causes me to withdraw emotionally.

Withdrawing hinders, not helps the matter.
This has been my M.O. for as long as I can remember.

Can you say "Imaturity"?

Zelda and I spent a whirlwind week traveling the Great State and meeting future "in-laws" and friends.

We are basing our marriage plans on jobs and leases for move dates and such.

It scares me.
Are you supposed to feal fear at such times?

How can one be married when one still can't open up completely?
We visited my sister yesterday. Zelda was anxious.
As was I.
Things were fine.

Then off to dinner with J.
He wants me to do it up BIG.
As in the 3x mulitplier for the wedding ring.
The big cerimony, full dinner.
Honey moon to some exotic local.
He has always been good about spending my money!
Stopped by to read S's blog, a friend of Zelda's.
She too is dealing with fear. Of her military wife-to-be in Iraq, Bush what were you thinking, and the possible delay in her return.
They also are planning a marriage.
I don't understand why a month ago we were laughing and flirting and joking in Omaha at the Symphony and dinner. And today I'm pulling away.

I guess it's because
A) she's giving up her life,
etc. to come down to live with me.
And that kind of responsibility is
She's trusting ME to be there and to love her.

B) I'm trusting that I'm going to be "happy" with one person for the "rest of my life".

C) It's a life change. Of life style. I have never lived with anyone, outside of college 15 years ago, who was not already a relative.
And those kinds of relatives don't base their comings and goings around you.

Last night I wanted to go to sleep. She wanted to snuggle. Is there something wrong that a week into the living together, I want to sleep instead of fuck?

In five minutes she'll be touching down.
In ten minutes she'll be touching base with Magda about the trip.
In thirty minutes she'll be home touching in with me...
Tomorrow she'll be submitting her resignation notice!!!
I'm not ready yet!!!
Now that I've had time to sit down and take a moment by myself and to write about it,
I can more clearly see that the items in "A" are the major concern.
There is more to talk about...
Zelda, I know you are ready to get the Hell out of Dodge, but
will you give me the gift of some more time?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

oh no...

Been a whirl wind week.
Tomorrow Zelda returns home to Zelda land.

Took her to the Dallas Arboretum.
To the Fort Worth Gardens, the Kimbell, and the Modern.
They had a light show consisting of flourescent tubes.

The week started out with a trip down to Austin to meet the rents and make a the anouncement.
We stayed in a mansion turned B&B. Zelda's gift to me. (the San Gabriel House in Georgetown, Texas, Bourbon Queen Room)

Had BBQ at mom and dad's.

'Realing' from all the "news" being thrown our way.
These folks I've only just met are going to be relatives...

We have sat down and planned the move for Zelda.
She has decided to take a break from school for a while.

We stopped by the Home Depot Monday night and saw a portable shed that could make a very nice, if not small, home.
And the $$$ are right. Instead of $110k for something too large, one can build an apartment sized home (600 sq ft. that is expandable for around $10k. Leaving $90K for, etc.)

Tired, still lots to talk about...

Friday, March 11, 2005

Where's Zelda??

I know you have been buzy and not feeling so well,
Still doesn't mean you can miss your Blog entries!!!

I look forward to "hearing" what you have to say,
what's going on in your life...

Love you,
See you TONIGHT!!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2005


A whole week of kitty oder smells, but not kitty poop.
Came home, nice and clean.

I learned something last week while kitty was locked up.
First thing every evening I collected the mail, then took care of kitty.
A zoo keeper of wild kitten.
Clean, feed, change the box, water. And then some play, personal time.

Was feeling pretty good about my smarty cat.
He learned the first time!

Or so I thought...

As I was coming back from back room I glanced over and saw him doing the deed, on my carpet!!

He may have been constipated, I noticed poop on the garage floor, just feet from clean kitty box.

Still, he's back in lock up.
And Zelda will here all week and was looking forward to meeting him and getting to know him...

When do you give an old cat a break, and when do you put your foot down, uh, carefully...???


"Sex on the mind amounts to neither fornication, nor depravation, nor lust but is the halmark of human destiny. Our species is destined for eroticism,...."
From "Tantra, the cult of the Feminine" by Mr. Andre Van Lysebeth

I must admit, that whenever I hear about 'the supression of women by the "Patriarchal" system' I turn 'off'.

I just don't see it.

But then I have nothing in context of a "Matriarchal" system to compare, as the "Feminine" is described in juxtapotion to the "Patriarchal" system.

There was my growing up home. Dominated by my Mother, and her Mother before her. They handled the finances, the raising of the kids. Dad brought home the check, if he was there at all.
"How can it be "Patriachal" when it is obvious to me as a child that MOM controled the world?"

This is a Micro View and not a Macro View.

Just as a mother tries to "protect her boy" when he faces a problem, say at school, while the father let's the boy "tough it out". This is the Paternal vs Maternal that the author highlights.
It has rained
in the Brazilian Rain Forest
for the last 4,000 plus years.

There is
No Spring,
No Fall,
No Winter.
No Change.

Yesterday looks like today looks like tomorrow.
It struck me as I was reading the impact this world view has for us.

What do I mean?

World religions as they were influenced and moulded by the natural environment in which they sprang. And the peoples who created them.

Jewish/Christian/Muslim coming from the Middle East, being Masculine.

Wicca/Tantra(not a religion, but a philosophy)/ancient India being Femine.
Christianity, a Jewish off shoot, has as it's main principal,
Life after Death. One must die.
It originated in an area of the world where there are seasons.
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. An obvious cycle of Birth, Life, Procreation, Decline, and untimately, Death.

The peoples of the area decended from the hunters who in time domesticated the wild beasts in order to gain stability.
Hunters kill as a means to life. This must be balanced in the psyche or the mind will be destroyed. (ie. Traumatic Stress Disorder in soldiers who snap under combat. This the reason for rituals and initiation rights of passage for boys to become men in 'primitive' societies. They recognize they are a part of a larger whole and come to understand death as a part of life.)
Men are the predominant hunters as the women (typically) stayed home to care for the children and homes.
As grazing land was needed to sustain this life style, they were constantly on the go.
And their hunting skills came in handy when someone was already living there.
This is described as the "Masculine".
In the American West, there are stories of the Range Wars where Farmers came into conflict with Cattlemen.
Farmers are stationary. They only expand as the population does.
Hunting is not a required skill, but patience and observation are.
In the death of the plant, the *dead* seed is gathered, returned to Mother Earth and is Reborn.
I remember as a child looking through a book of Dad's on Witch Craft and seeing a photo of a Warlock, in a circle of Witches, having cerimonial sex with one of the coven.

Sex, was worship.
Tantra, although not a Religion, focuses on the Creative Powers of the Woman. Refered to as a Goddess.
All Women having the ability to create life from their bodies, are the source of eternity.
Tantra as described in the book, focuses on Recognizing that Creative Power in the Woman.
We all start out in life as female. We are a part of the Mother as we grow. Our bodies are female until the mother washes us in testosterone and we "convert" *tee hee*. And thus, men have useless nipples, (which, are great for sex.)

In ancient times, sex was not understood to cause babys. And thus, Women where worshiped and revered ("to regard with deep respect, love, and awe; venerate" Webster's New World) as the bringers of life. And sex was a past time with no morality associated with it. (Jean Auel, "The Mamoth Hunters" is a great example)
And then those sheep herders discovered one day that 40 ewes would bring no babys. But add just ONE ram... and Wham, baby sheep!!
The tables turned...Men got control. "I AM important!"
Even so, one male can impregnate multiple females.
We guys are "expendible" so to speak... *Ouch*.
(And thus my own predisposition to "tune out" femine rhetoric, call it "self preservation" if you will.)
Hinduism has no Death required to reach Heaven, or to have Eternal Life.
Judiasm "lost" the tree, Christianity gets nailed to it, thus completing the cycle.
While the Buddha sits under the Tree of Life, he never left in the first place, he didn't have to die to get there. (Joseph Campbell, "Myths to Live By")
India, like the Amazon, has one season. Summer.
My striking thought???

The "Feminine" doesn't focus on "one up manship".
It focuses on the Creative act, Reproduction, Sexual Union.

The "Masculine" in order to be "viable" in the face of the Goddess, must supress this knowledge, this fact. (ie. the Madonna *Creative Goddess* and *male* child, ("see, he's IT, not me"))
A woman doesn't die in Christianity to save your soul. It's the Death of the Male that brings salvation.
Sex is NOT ALLOWED in the Masculine, because as a man, I can't prove the child is Mine, unless I control Her sex.
She on the other hand, has witnesses...
I didn't have sex till 37 due to honoring my Mother's wishes in the Religion in which she was raised. Wait till marriage.

My point...??

it's not only Women who are supressed by the "Partiachal System"

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The selection on my blog dashboard lists "Create" as it's "to write" button.
What a wonderful word.

It's an invitation to BE,


To bring something into being


had been

That's what I love about Architecture.
The home, or office, or park where you spend the majority of your life,
was once,
in someone's

And G*D spoke, and it came into being...

Root word for

G*d Created.
Then on day Seven,

We are not only ASKED to rest, to recreate once a week,
the Bible tells us we ARE COMANDED to be creative.

"Go Create something of your own!"

And so I did!
I am reading:
"First things First"
by Steven Covey, Merrill and Merrill
Simon and Schuster Publisher


"As a Man Thinketh"
by James Allen.
Barnes and Noble Publisher

Getting Ready

Getting the house ready for guests.
Or in this case,

And potentially a sick one.

I bought plenty of Orange Juice.
Some fruit.
Some pasta.

Should stock up on more Chicken soup.
Maybe try the new wonder drug touted by Oprah.

Three days and counting...

Sunday, March 06, 2005


The reason for the creation of this blog, no longer is a factor in my life.
Zelda takes Valtrex, I have a Rx for it as well. But it's a moot point.
Once you get it, you won't contract it again.
Z takes it for the associated pain that can accompany an out break.
If you are interested in learning more about HSV, click on the link (purple title of this blog)


Visting Hours

I visited with J yesterday.
He and Red, his hair dressing boyfriend, have taken the leap and moved in together, or "double Sin" as he calls it.
J is a man of few things. He has over the years successfully "purged" all unneccessary things from his home. Donating that which he no longer wanted/needed/used. Working to balance the inflow with the outgoing.

Something all Americans could learn from.

I have taken to that philosophy of late. To help me get rid of that which was left me by my family. Things they couldn't get rid of themselves.

Red has enough Alcohol and glass/stem ware to open his own bar. NO kidding.
J's place was a mess. Inside he's cringing.

Fortunately for J and Red they have had their problems and resolved them, cuz this would drive me NUTS!!! A good prep for Zelda and my situation.
Red doesn't yet understand J or my, or anyone with a nine to five job. Saturdays are our chore days, "me" days. Red has a list for J todo. J has things he needs/wants to do.
It's going to be interesting...
Red needs, really needs, to learn to purge for himself, or J's gonna start for him.

We went out with Red and his mother and step father to eat in the "gayborhood".
I watched as a big burley man and his petit girlfriend passed by on the way to their table. J and Red were amused by the family of four, mom, dad, and the two young daughters at the next table over. They speculated on the 'suprise' they must have experienced with the other diners.
I was suprised when the "big burley guy" took off his jacket and had a bigger (real) rack than 'his' girlfriend. Um... make that "her" girlfriend.

Red told us the story of his former lesbian room mates. They would walk around the house topless, "tits to the wind". And as he told it, being gay, it wasn't something that interested him, but the one had nice figure. The next door neighbor was a married man who noticed one day while out mowing the yard, that they didn't bother to close the curtains or drapes when they walked around.
As it turned out, they never had to mow the yard the whole time they lived there!

What we won't do for a glimpse of G*d's creation.
Tee Hee.
Um... rest a sured...
There's only one yard I'll be mowing!


I feel more better (a cajun term) about Zelda's spiritual beliefs.
We are closer to each other than we think.
See was raised in the same denomination that I am now.
I am United Methodist, raised Presbyterian.

All the women in my life, sister, mother, and grandmother were and have been very active in the workings of the Presbyterian church. It's wonderful that they can participate so deeply and in positions of authority of within the church.

She was disenchanted with how many folks worship, apparently, only twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays.

Her belief is worship should happen everyday.
Friday she'll be here, in my arms.

Friday, March 04, 2005


The bug that has been going around the office has be wiped out today.

I picked it up in California, brought in from a consultant in Kansas.

If they are going to allow bugs on the plane, I demand that the airlines charge those bugs the same price they charged me for my seat!!!

They might not travel as far as fast if they did!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Pumped UP!

I have never met an adult who is as excited about a birthday as Zelda.
Only children and folks in their 90's are more pumped UP!

It's going to be a challenge to keep up with her birthdays.
Hmmm... wonder how she feels for other holidays...

Happy birthday girl!


the Ten Commandments in public


The Ten Commandments in Public buildings!
The way some non religious folks react, read that liberals, you'd think they were serving up pet cats and babies in the cafeteria for lunch!
(And we are killing babies, just not to eat...granted to us by these same courts...)

Whose agenda is it that is so offended by
"Thou shalt not Kill"?

It says "God...," not
"Jewish God", nor
"Christian God", nor
"Muslim God".

What's the big deal?
No one is trying to Convert anyone.

It's a statement that ironically is "Okay Fine" if it's on your US tender.
(Though I must admit, "In God we Trust" shows up no where on my Visa Card or pay check.)

With Christianity being the largest religious doctrine in the USA, do they actually think,
"Well, if it's not out where I can read it, it CERTAINLY won't be on the minds of the Judges and Law makers?"
I'd much rather have it out in the open where I can know what frame of mind the are thinkin'.

We'd rather have sex and violence brought into our homes and to be pimped out to advertisers everywhere we turn than have a three letter word in a public building, on a wall or statue, on a plaque, in small print that we have to go out of our way to find!?

What about the statues of dead Confederate Soldiers in court houses and capitals across the nation? Should we take them down because sons and daughters of former slaves will be offended?

Heaven forbid they have to vistit a cemetary before their time...

Where does it stop?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005



The first commandment in the Bible is in Genisis in the Creation story.
(I have no problem with the Universe and everything in it coming about via the "Big Bang" and Evolution. Who am I to limit G*d?)
And the first commandment from G*d is "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply".
A poetic way to say, "Have lots and lots of sex, make babies, and Have Fun!" Who could argue with that!?
(In wiccan, the focus is on the Great Mother. Who is the bringer of life, sex, babies, and fun. I see a common conception. How about you?)

Bed time...


Spoke with Z to night.
She's excited about coming down next week.
I have anxiety about getting the time off. I'll ask for it anyway.

I'm tired.
The week blurs when I'm tired.

I get grumpy.
Listened to "Christian Radio" tonight on the way home.
If "that" is "Christian" then
a) I have never been Christian.
b) I will never BE Christian.

A part of me associates "Christian" with "mindless".
And not in a good way. I see that kind of religion as the political entity it is.
"G*d will smite them down!" "G*d will solve all your problems! If you pray".
That kind of religion makes the creator out to be a great online genie, that all you have to do is "be good, pray, and you'll get your wish". No higher brain functions going on in there.
Zelda talks about being "Pagan", which technically means any religion that is not either Jewish or Christian.

The word "Pagan" scares me.
It conjures images of dancing in fairie rings, praying to trees, and the earth.
I believe G*d is IN the earth, and the tree, and the wind, but the tree is not G*d. (It's the Jewish deity in me.)
Religion is important to both of us.
She is more spiritual than I since she has made a place in her home where she prays daily.
I rarely pray at home. At least not in a while.
I admire and am drawn to her love of the Creator.
And at the same time, am frightened.
I am very concervative in many things.
She is liberal.
I am not so close minded as to not accept change.
It's the over coming those initial "gut feelings" and the emotions that accompany them.

I'd like to share our faith on line so as to understand each other.
She has suggested using our joint blog.
I feel more comfortable expressing it here, but we shall see.
Woody Cat has two more days to go before his parole.
Then we shall see how smart he is. How many times will he have to endure the bathroom confinement till he associates it with pooping on the carpet...
He seems resigned to his punishment.
My understanding of G*d comes through the Bible.
Jewish and Christian.

We are going to discuss what it is we both believe.
For she is frightened by my Christianity.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

What does G*d want??

Why is G*d presenting me with a woman who believes so differently than I do (at least in the way we worship)???

I believe G*d works and presents in those around us.
G*d is grander and broader than simply a Christian concept.
Or even a Jewish one.
Or Muslim,
or Buddist.

Why is G*d saying to me, as I believe and understand it,
"Here is a young woman who comes to me in a way different from yours. Embrace her and be with her." (this being a Red Letter version)
"Um, G*d, if I can so presume, that's Scary... um, why couldn't you have delivered a nice Methodist girl?
(Not that being Methodist isn't scary in and of itself. I have met more than a few scary good Christian girls...)
"I know, generally, what to expect from a Methodist girl. Or so I assume...
(Like most christian women, she'll want lots of unmarried sex).
And most likely have a deeper belief in it than I do..."
All I get back in response is...

"Trust Me."

Can I get an "Amen &
Gulp!!" Brother?

Jesus the Hell Raiser

I have always had trouble, since reading the Gospells for myself, in believing Jesus was Good.

We are told that "Jesus Loves me" from an early age.
Indoctrinated if you will.

"Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so."

Convenient? Wouldn't you say?
"I'm nice and here's the book to prove it!"

Religion is a very personal topic.
Arguements often result.
Mass murder ensues.

Look at the middle east.

"Jesus is compassionate".

That man picked more fights than Mike Tyson!

"You Hypocrite!" Was a very popular phrase of his.

"How to win friends and influence people" should have been at the top of his,
"to read" list.

So it boggled my mind that so many thought of him as loving.
One with out sin.
Meak and mild.

So I did my research.

When a Jewish person picks up the New Testament and reads Jesus's words, they feel right at home.

They understand him.

It's we Christians who have the trouble.
I am doing this for the "American People". (Texas twang implied)
Not, "the people of America", or even,
the "American Citizens" or "Citizens of America".

It's a popular catch phrase most all politians use.
("Most all", now there's a funny phrase!)

It's understood by them. Irritates the heck out of me.
They don't speak for me. Nor the majority of whom they speak.
But if you use that magic phrase, then you DO.
We are ease dropping on private conversations of folks who have a set of rules in place for how they discuss, or argue a topic.

I.e. British Parlement. (French root for "to speak". (Parlez vous Franciase?)

They, being 'stuffy, proper' Englishmen yell, interupt, cheer, boo, hiss during speaches from everyone and all.

We here in the land of "free speach", have staid, borring, 'civilized' discussions.

I.e the Presidential Debates, where third party candidates and interuptions by the opponents have been mutually aggreed, by the two ruling parties, to be excluded. (the legue of women voters no longer sponsers the debate because of this very reason. No more, "Well there you go again." or Real issues.)
If you puruse Jewish religious arguements,
the things they feel passionately about,
think deep long thougths over,
share with their learned peers.

You will discover they are more like the British than the Americans.
Like the phrase, "American People",
"You Hypocrite" is a common method of rhetoric in the Jewish faith.
Jesus wasn't so bad after all...