Friday, September 29, 2006

Enjoying work

I am enjoying work.

Currently I am juggling 6 different projects at various stages.
From under construction to design development.

I don't get to travel like the last office, which was nice.

There is something nice about being able to travel to beautiful places and getting out of the office.

But working for nice people and having control over what I do is great.

Allergy Relief

The fall equinox is my favorite time of year.

Things begin to cool down and the quality of light can't be beat.

Unfortunately, it is also my worst allergy season.

So thanks to meds, I'm not all sniffuly, but they do on occation, cause insomnia.

Which is a great time to get on line to catch up on blogs/blogging.

Zelda is working on starting a home business.

Landscape design is fine work.

She has issues with some of her coworkers.

Or make that, some of her coworkers HAVE issues.

So believe it or not, she is thinking about going BACK to furniture layout design from home.

She can make more money in less time and have an opportunity to work on her jewelry.

We are hoping for the best!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Cancer news

We will be taking Gaea to the oncologist Monday morning to find out what kind of cancer she has.

Zelda is upset.

So Monday she will take Gaea to the Doctor, and I will go for Zelda.

Although I had a feeling it might be cancer when we first looked at her foot, (it was a feeling), that same feeling tells me it is not terminal.

Woody went through quite a lot and did just fine.

She will too.
My birthday is Saturday.

I enter my 4th decade.

We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Political Card Game - Texas Hold Em

I am not quite sure what the fear of Mexicans is all about lately.

A guy at work told me it relates to some reports of Mexicans claiming they will take Texas, and America, back.

I don't buy it.

Yes, we will become predominantly Hispanic over time, but the fear of "outsiders" coming and "taking over" is as old as time.

One hundred years ago it was fear of the Italians and Germans.

"We will loose English as our language!".

What time has proved is the parents may never learn English, but the children do.
They want to fit in with the predominant culture.

My grandparents were from Germany.
My father never learned it.
My sister had to go to school to learn it.

Yes, there are some spots where English is not the language of business, such as China Town, but last time I checked, San Fransico still speaks Spanish.

(Or is that Surfer Dude?)


Right now the big push is to spend our money to place the National Guard along the US/Mexico border.

Texas is taking about building a 700 mile, (700 MILES) of border fence to help keep out "Terrorists".

The September 11th bad guys got in to the country legally.
They didn't come in through Mexico.

The other concern is to "stop" illegal aliens.

If the politicians REALLY wanted to stop illegal immigration,
(instead of playing this polital game)
they would take that same money and hire and pay inspectors to investigate and FINE the American Companies that Hire those Illegal Aliens,
(the REASON most cross the border in the first place).

Those politicians should place the responsibility where it belongs.

Illegals take the worst jobs, the most dangerous jobs, and the
American Businesses PROFIT.

I once watched a crazy Mexican paint the soffit and eave of an apartment building four flights up.
He was not provided with the proper equipment to do the job.
Being creative, and as I said, Crazy, he had tied two extension ladders together, climbed the 40-50 feet to the top, and with paint bucket in hand,

he Hopped-the -ladder-along-the-face-of-the-building,

using a rope to pull up a fresh bucket of paint.

If he had fallen, it would have been to the parking lot below, that is if he missed the 6 foot metal picket fence.

His boss didn't have to pay his insurance, or for proper equipment, a scafold or scissor lift. He didn't pay him minimum wage.

"Protecting the boarder" makes for great "talk radio".

People who are All Talk and No Do.
I read an interesting article from a decidedly Democratic point of view.

Chicken Little didn't have to DO much other than run around crying, "The Sky is Falling!!" and he got lots of attention from his friends and neighbors.

The article reflected on the last five years.

Some of the facts it gave were

There have been no Terrorist sponsored attacks in American in the last five years.
In the five years before The eleventh of September, 2001, there were also no terrorist sponsored attacks in America.

The FBI and CIA have admitted that they have not been very efficient in preventing unwanteds from coming into the States.

There have been terrorist attacks in Europe and Asia since that time.
The attacks on New York and Washington took years to plan.
But the train bombings in Spain took less than 6 months to put together and pull off.
And the attacks on the London Metro also took less than a year to put together.

The author speculated that the Hatred of America is not as great as some would have us believe.
And that the violence by the extremeist itself has hurt their cause.
Daily Americans are killed by Terrorists, but not in America.

Daily Americans are reminded of the horrors of "those who want to harm us", but not by Binladen.

There is a lot of money in terrorism.
And our Government and military machine is raking it in...
My mother , a life long Republican and Texan, voted for the first time in her 50 years of voting and participating in Republican politics, for a democrat.

She was very observant about things and prophetic in others.

Bush Jr. scared her and she feared he was going to get us in serious trouble.

She was right on the money.

She voted Democratic in a Republican state to keep Bush Jr. out of the White House and out of History.

not Bin Laden,
is the reason Americans die daily in the Middle East.

Friday, September 22, 2006

in the news

Zelda was out sick most of the week with a fever and fatigue.
One of her coworkers brought a bug to work and it caught on...

The coworker is one of those personalities you come in contact with in life but would rather not.

Z has been working since June for the landscape company that offices in my company's lease.
She has more interaction from the folks from my office than she does from her coworkers.

She's already ready for a change.

Of work that is.
We planned to head down this weekend to a alternative energy conference in Fredericksburg.
It is an annual thing.
(and for those who have read my blog, we won't be staying in a Frederick'sburg B&B)

Mom and Dad were interested in joining us as well.

Last night we noticed Gaea had something wrong with her little toe on her hind leg.

After an exhausting day at the vet, she came home tired, in pain, and with a dirty butt.
(She's a long hair).
We have been cleaning the floors and trying to help her clean herself.
But she's a cranky cat.

And she's had an exhausting day at the vet.

Her kitty disposition is such that we have to warn the V. E. T. (Z always spells it out so Gaea won't catch on) that she is almost as bad as the worst cat they ever had, Domino.

Some kitties just don't like the V.E.T...

So...some $500.00 or so later, she may have a spider bite,
an infection,
or, most likely,

kitty cancer.

We should get the tests back early next week.

It's possible they can remove the toe(s), the foot, or the leg and catch it in time.

We picked up a kitty insurance brosure when we took Snoopy in for his check up a couple of months back. But we never got around to filling it out.

At least Snoops and Milo will be insured...

So Mama is worried.

Our weekend plans revised.

And we are hoping for the best...

Monday, September 11, 2006


Been out of the loop for a while.

Harder to find time to blog.

Been livin' life.

Zelda told me she has lost the heart to blog since her last blog crashed.

Things are good, can't complain.

Been balancing the check book.

I'm sort of behind...

by a couple of months.

It's more complicated with a second person drawing on the account.

And we have been using the check cards with out discipline.

I have been entering the recepts.

Check stubs are soo much easier to process.

Carbon copy of the check. All collected in one spot.
Easy to read.
Lately it seems like all the networks have been jumping on the "My insert-Tv-station-name-here" along with "come create a blog on our "My insert-Tv-Station-name-here Blog".

This also has taken some of the fun out of it...blogging I mean.


Time for bed.