Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where's the Life Guard?!

Guys on the beach get into it, posturing, and puffing up.
A crowd gathers.
As it begins to escalate, someone calls the life guard and things roll into action.

Life guards from up and down the beach begin to head for the trouble area looking for the antagonists.

Usually teenagers posturing for the girls. Or maybe gangs, bullies, creating a problem where none existed.

The cops have also been called and are on their way.

Arriving on scene, the life guards move to get in between the biggest problem.
Their job is to defuse the ticking bomb and to disperse the crowd.

The cops step in to do the heavy lifting and to get the problem children off the beach.

Problem gone, the beach goes back to life as normal.
People play, enjoy the sun, water, and each other.

Iran, and

the United States!!!

are kicking sand in each others faces,

posturing to impress


"My rocket's bigger!"

"I can Kick (kill) your ass!"


Get theses Fuckers OFF the beach!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Rich Dad!

Zelda told me about a Rich Dad real estate information seminar last week that popped up on her browser.

I'm a huge Robert Kiyosaki fan, he's been a mentor of mine for some time now.

He of course was not there, but it was informative.

As of late I have been keeping cash with me.

I told myself I would not take my wallet in, since I was not going to buy anything.


Missed out on an opportunity because I was not ready.


Zelda and I will be going to the Rich Dad Real Estate University Class next month here in Dallas!!!

I'm so excited!

Rich Bunny!
For those interested in self improvement, "Success Magazine" has been relaunched and includes a CD/DVD along with the great articles.

Issue number three is out right now.
Zelda saw the magazine and picked it up for me.

Thanks Love!
Finally, I won at Cash Flow 202 electronic game tonight for the first time!

Woo hoo!

i'll go to bed now...