Friday, March 31, 2006


Zelda knows how to guilt herself.

A bad habit I must help her brake.

Athough she claims to be pagan, sometimes I think she's more protestant.

I certainly don't feel guilt over religious matters.

" be forgiven,
we must first believe in sin", Jewel.

G*d didn't make me defective.
And neither are you.

Listen to the wind, it has things to tell you

"Listen to the wind, it has things to tell you", was a quote used by a PBS author to describe what is going on when you awaken at 3:00am.

The mystic who is credited with the phrase was encouraging his readers to 'not just roll over and go back to sleep', but stop and think about the why of it all.

Why do we wake at 3:00, or 4:00 am at times?

For what ever reason, I was up at about that time last night.
And remembering this sage advice, I decided to get up and think, or listen to what bubbled up.

Clarity seemed to happen, though when I awoke this morning after my think, it seemed so far away emotionally.

I have some fears and concerns about Z and me.
Our marrage, will we make it.

This evening we stopped in for our weekly coffee night at a new place for us, Standard and Pours coffee shop in the old Sear Building on the south side of town. (A HUGE monstrosity of a ware house/office building that has been converted into apartments.)

So far so good on the coffee.

Z and I reconnected there on the love seat that attempted to eat Z whole.

I shared with her those fears that had kept me up...
Our spiritual differences (paganism scares me).
The house move/not move, sell/not sell delema.
The health issues...

We talked it out and faced them, together.

An interesting conversation about religion in our lives, Christianity and Catholosism and their affects on modern humanity bubbled up.

I wish I could quote/reconstruct the conversation as eloquently as "Waiter Rant" does, but my brain, so far (I AM learning meditation which helps such things), isn't that attentive...

What would life be like without the constraints that these entities have created?

Christianity, evolved from Catholisism, adopted by the Romans, by a people wanting to exert control over the masses. (paraphrase from Z).

I struggle to believe in a system in which I grew up, was told certain things by parents and the Bible/Church only to find out in adulthood are not Biblical and not "Christian".

"Be good or you won't go to Heaven".
Except for a brief mention of it in (if I remember correctly from Perkins school for the Laity) Matthew, "Heaven for the Good" is NOT a Biblical belief.
Neither is Hell.

Jesus didn't say, "be good and you'll get to heaven".

This is a Greek idea.

What about Christianity's (derived from Jewish, Jesus was after all, Jewish) hostility towards the old earth religions?
"Mine's better, and BIGGER, than yours!"


How to See G*d for G*d thru the lens of small men's thinking?

Where do we go after we die?

Teller from Pen and Teller, the magicians had an essay on NPR's "This I believe" series.
And I struck me as sound.

He does not believe in Heaven, Hell, or G*d. Because with out them, we don't have second chances to be jerks, we have to live our best each and every day. With religion and the concept of forgiveness, we give ourselves the permission to be mean or cruel to each other. And our "out" for such bad behavior is, "G*d will forgive us our sins. We don't have to stive to be "perfect" ourselves.

By example, Z pointed out how corrupt the Catholic church has been, how they shove atrocities under the rug in an effort to maintain control, and thus power...

Sound like some first world governments I know...

On that note, a coworker told me that, "you must get beyond the small things in life that bother you, because if you get caught up in small things, you will never become bigger than that 'problem'." (paraphrased, see above).

On to bigger and better things!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Given the law of numbers, it was bound to happen.

This morning as I was getting ready for work, Zelda called out,

"Hon, did the book store you were working on with the old company have a clock tower?"


"It burned down this morning!"


Fortunately no one was hurt.
And the bookstore was completely empty.

My guess is that in cutting the roof off at the back of the building, some sparks got away.

Being a remodel, there was enough laying around to catch...

Here's the report.

From Staff Reports

WFAA-TV Firefighters had to scramble when the roof started to collapse.
Also Online
Cynthia Vega reports
Fort Worth fire investigators said that workers using a cutting torch started the smoldering, slow-starting fire early Wednesday at the TCU Bookstore that caused $1 million in damage.
"The heat from the torch apparently ignited a layer of the roof," said Lt. Kent Worley. "It was unseen at the time and smoldered for several hours before igniting the entire underside of the roof area."
Firefighters were called around 2 a.m. to the store at South University Drive and West Berry Street.
The building, which was built in 1950, was being remodeled and contained no books or other student material, Lt. Kent Worley said.
"TCU students' ability to get textbooks and other educational materials will not be affected," he said.
The bookstore will continue to operate from a portable building in the parking lot.
While fighting the blaze, firefighters were forced to scramble when the roof of the bookstore began to collapse and one firefighter suffered minor injuries to his foot, Worley said.
The TCU Bookstore building was originally a Safeway supermarket before it was converted to a Barnes & Noble bookstore in 1997.
The Dallas Morning News' Kimberly Durnan and WFAA-TV's Cynthia Vega contributed to this report.

I'm not sure what they will do...

I guess my old company will get the redesign and it will be ready Fall of Next year...

I was looking forward to seeing it completed...

Guess we'll wait to see what they do with it...

I bet senior architect is in a rush...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dinner with Scoot

Zelda has known Scoot since the early years of college.
Both worked in interior design.

While at Kansas State, Scoot lived in an apartment that had no insulation in the bathroom walls.

It regularly got down into the sub zeros.

Like Zelda, Scoot is attracted to Texas boys.
We went to dinner last night with Scoot and his new love, D.
They also met on line.
Scoot came down to visit and they have decided they are "the Ones" for each other.
But rather than having Scoot move down to the "big city", D has decided to move up to Kansas to get away from the hustle and bussle.

It was nice to visit with them.
We have decided already to go visit them.

breaking point

We got the shelves up in Zelda's new art studio.
Yesterday we moved the old carpet out, pulled up the carpet tacks and today we started putting things where they belong.

I had no idea how much Zelda had invested in art supplies...

Now she can get to them and be creative.
We can also get the office in working order.

Zelda is putting out her resume and trying for a possition with a well know museum in the north Texas area.

I certainly think she's qualified and hope she gets it!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ncarb questions

I contacted the powers that be in the state of Nebraska Architectural Registration Board.

Although the wording of the "Broadly Experienced Architect" leads me to believe I would have to be an Architect for 6 years to equate two years as a grad student, seems "arch" is flexible in this case.

(One must be licensed by the state in order to use the title "Architect" or to call oneself an "Architect". This doesn't seem to phase the computer designers who use "Architect" with impunity... complementary as it is. But the same guys who made the rule, also allow me to act like one

My head hurts...
Just goes to show that there are gray areas in everything...

Long story short,

I have the experience so all I need do is transmit my qualifications, finish my exams, and pay some fees.
They will license me in Ne.


Possible Solution

Friday Zelda heard back from her doctor regarding the last round of tests.

(She was nervous cuz when she called Thursday to follow up, the nurse told her 'the Doctor will call you.')

She's not allergic to anything organic.

Save one.

Seems she's "allegic" to herself...

She'll be seeing a specialist to confirm the test results.

I'll let her go into the particulars if she wishes.

I see this as a possitive as we now have something to work with...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I recommend!

On the way home tonight from the movie, Zelda admitted out loud, to me, that she wants to move back to Omaha.

I'll have to think.

This new company, so far, is great.
Respect all round.

The Pizza guys like us and want to throw all their business our way.
That's a lot of restaurants!
And some nice one's at that!
Not to mention the incredible food.

For those visiting, or living in Dallas, the Baby arugala salad is Incredible.
And the pizzas... worth the wait. The restaurant is Fireside Pies.
(I'd recommend calling ahead for reservations, or getting there early, or even getting take out.)
The movie we saw tonight was "V for Vendetta".
It's a DC comic adaptation with the screen play by the creators of the "Matrix".

Zelda and I both recommend going to see that at the theater.
It's thought provoking.
Well written. Political.
And doesn't insult your intelligence.

It Vill Vecome a part of our Video library Vhen it makes its Vay to DVD!

6 Inches


That "typical, good March rainstorm" I mentioned in my last entry turned out to be Not so typical...

Our rain gage in the back garden had 5 inches by Saturday evening and we got another inch over night.

That's a lot of wet stuff.

Glad we live at the top of the hill...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Nature's Air Cleaner

Zelda, on the pain scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst, has been hovering at the 8 and 9 marks for some weeks now.

We took the Oreck air cleaner back yesterday as it wasn't doing much of anything for us.
Yes, it was pulling stuff out of the air, but not in large enough quanities to do much good.

This weekend it has rained cats and dogs. A typical, good, March spring rainstorm. Enough to cause pooling in parts of the yard.

Z noticed yesterday (Saturday) that with the rain, she has dropped down to a 2 on her pain scale.

It's going to get really nasty for her in the next week as things dry out and all the water brings the plants to life...

We need to get a whole house filtration system/humidifier.

At the moment, we don't have the $$$ for this.

I'll continue to research prices and systems...

We have to do something...


Zelda and I began breaking down my old bedroom.
We decided it will be the eaziest room to convert to her art/crafts room.

I am not the stuff I own, but sometimes I wonder...
We have 4 bedrooms.
Three beds.
And one room short for use as a guest room.

Either Zelda, or I, have to give away our premarrage bedroom suites.

We are both attached to our "stuff" for what ever reasons.

Maybe the best call is to give away both sets and start fresh.

Seems wasteful and silly.
But if we don't purge, we are just going to continure shuffling stuff from room to room.

A little more thought is needed.
I got my long awaited NCARB test results for the Site Planning section yesterday.


Whoo Hoo!

My next exam is next Monday.
I need to study this weekend and all this week.
The exam is 5 hours.
I don't have that much time to run through it everyday.


I have passed 5 of my Registration exams the first time so far.
It seems I know over 50% of what the State "requires" to be an Architect.
J has been a registered Architect for a couple of years now.
He did not pass all his sections on the first try...
Why is it that I do not feel like I know what I am doing?
Zelda gave me some insite on this last question.
The last company I worked for didn't treat me like I knew anything.
I regularly "didn't know what I was doing".
Even Superman didn't pass his site planning exam on the first try.
(I have him to thank for lending me his study guides. I will hand off my study guides to the guys at my new office. That or give them to the intern at my last office. She was very interested in getting her licensed. The new office guys haven't expressed much interest in their 9 years of working. (Lack of time is the number one excuse. It's one of my favorites too.) But she does have Superman to help her out... We'll see.)

Friday, March 17, 2006

By Comparison...

(My thoughts on this are still jumbled, so I will come back to refine this post as I continue to think on it)

We come to discover who we are, I believe, by comparison with others.

This brings about our need to “keep up with the Jones’s”.
And thus keeps the world moving.

This week I came into a couple of wholly remarkable people.

One of my new clients owns a number of restaurants and is finishing out a lease space in one of our buildings under construction in Plano.

I went in expecting to meet with some corporate types in their 40s.

I was caught off guard when “their sons” sat down with us at the conference table.

They must be in their mid to late 20’s, early 30’s.
The image of a cool, hip, trendy restaurant was required.

I found myself creating life histories in my mind to fill in the "how'd they do that?!" blanks. (How'd they get the experience?)

Unfairly, the first one was "daddy".

The second was "marketing majors?".

Their energy and passion was intoxicating.

Think college party boys and snow boarder attitude.

“That’s totally Hot, that’s so cool”, and, “that totally blows!” were terms used over and over.

To have a job, in their case, a life (and I think that is a major factor here) where they “play around” and make their dreams come true, struck a chord in me.

To LOVE what I do for a living…and to be in Charge of that destiny…

The self-reflection I got back was enlightening.
"These two young guys shouldn't be in control, they should not be this successful.
They don't have the experience."
(part of that could be that I am now old enough to come across 'younger' clients.)

It takes a sense of self,
a sense of awareness,
of direction,
and a focus,
that I have never experienced.

And a sense of faith in one's self.
"I can DO this!"

These young men in their early 30’s are responsible for the employment,
and thus livelihood, of hundreds of people.
And along with that,

I struggle to pay my credit card bills.
Zelda and I ate at the restaurant in question that night.

The CEO was sitting on the patio talking with a business partner enjoying the evening.

The food was excellent. The location, and old converted house, 'choice'.
The service and attention to the clients was outstanding in a
Everyone pulled together.

I could see the expression of the owners in the service.

We are going to pay you well and everyone, from the busboy to the manager will take care of the clients.

*Ironically last year I was looking for a good Pizza place to take Dr. S (she's from Chicago, and evidently, no one in Dallas knows how to make good pizza).
I asked around at the office and two people gave me the same place.*

Fortunately Z and I got there early because by 7:00 there was a wait for seating.
On a Tuesday night.

I am gushing?
I want to be like these two successful guys.

But they are not me. Or is it, I am not them?
What they have to know, who they have to be, to bring their passion to the world, their idea of what dining should be, is not me.

But I can compare myself,
learn from them,
and find my own thing.

Their company, is Consilient Restaurants, and the Restaurant is Fireside Pies.
I have thought about this during the week.

As an Architect, or the owner of an architectural business, architecture has its limits.
Not everyone wants or needs an architect.
Although one can expand into construction, as my new firm has,

our business model is not self sustaining.

I thought about what these young men have accomplished.
They own real estate.
They are constantly creating new concepts.
They participate in revitalizing an area of town.

They employ
bar tenders,
wait staff,
and valets.

They must know
web designers,
in their case, celebrities,
and contractors.

They must know pop culture and be aware of what is “cool” (something I have never had a knack for).
They must know
how and when to make a decision,
real estate,
understand people,
be well traveled,
have out going personalities,
and be energetic.

They must know how to sell their ideas.

And unlike Architecture,

9 out of 10 companies fail in their first 5 years.
What this means is, you have to start at least 10 companies in order for one of them to be successful.
And most importantly, learn from your mistakes.

These two “kids” have.
One is founder and CEO.
The other is the head chef.

By comparison, I am sleep walking through life,
shoulder to shoulder with 90% of the rest of the crowd.

In large part,
because I have never learned who I am.
Only after I discover that, can I step outside of who I think I am,
and become

And this I believe,
we do
by comparison...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Some Answers

I got some answers from NCARB.
Seems academic learning is 'above and beyond' actual real world experience.

The company that runs the exam has 4 to 6 weeks to get it to the state. Then the state gets to review it, so who knows how long it will take for an answer...
(The computer knew before I left what my score was...)

The accademics (the universities and colleges) and the licensed Architects with advanced degrees want to protect themselves.

Although I don't do much of anything I learned at school, what I do in the everyday world I'd have to do for Six years to equate in NCARB's mind to the same knowledge I'd get in two years in school.

In school there are no budgets,
No clients (other than the professor),
No site visits (as you never actually build or design anything built),
No consultants (how do you get that design to ACTUALLY work!?),
No reality.

But it is 'more valuable' than what we do everyday on tight budgets and dead lines...

It's all in one's head.

There is one thing that I will give the academics...

When you are buying your own education (not working for a living), there is a whole lot of time to do nothing but think about Architecture and design...

Something I don't do in the everyday...

Times Change - Thank Goodness

Zelda's mama's brother came to visit for Zelda's pre birthday party.
With him he brought along an old Texas addition of The Progressive Farmer Magazine from October 15, 1927.

It had some amuzing articles, ads, and some signs of the times.

So, check these out.

Don't miss the article on "the world news", right column, "the south..." (see enlarged)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More Questions...

I got on line to look up some information about Architectural Registration through the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB).

In order to become registered in one's state, one applies through NCARB for qualification, then takes NCARB's exams.

I have questions because I'd like to become registered in other states.
NCARB was created to make the testing standard.

My degree qualifies me to become a registered Architect in the State of Texas after passing NCARB.

But it seems that I have to have a Masters degree to become Nationally Registered through NCARB...

Let's see...

Same exam...

Same intern qualifications...

Same fees...

Same Practical experience (when I graduated as J did with his masters)...

Only thing different is...

I didn't spend as much time...or money... in school...
(Depending on which state and school, that equates to one more year and who knows how many thousands more...)

As the other kids...

J told me his Masters degree wasn't any more stringent than undergrad...
Although it did get him a little more money than I did when we started working...
Something aint right here...

I have some questions in to NCARB.
I think I already know the answer...

Going back to school today for a Masters will not earn me any more money than I am making now.

But getting registered will...


Happy B-Day!

Today was pamper Zelda day.
(Everyday is pamper Zelda day)
Today she turned, well, she'll tell you at her blog site.

Breakfast, coffee, toast, (out of bacon), and nutella.

I took the day off to spend it with her.
After break fast we went into town, caught the trolley over to the Dallas Museum of Art and then across the street to the Nasher Sculpter Center for their Women of Giacocmetti exibit.

Many of his works are required for Architecture study.

Today I saw, Woman with her throat cut for the third time.
I was introduced to her via photographs in Arch history in '91.
I met her in person in Venice later in '92.
And now she has come to visit me, and her sisters, in '06.
(Truth be told, I had to ask Christine in school what the heck it was, as it looked like a jumble of bronze to me, see above.)

Her neck runs towards the right.
The rib looking thing is her right foot, and her right hand rests in her left. Let me find another photo... ah, the one at the top...

What can I say? It was cutting edge (ah, forgive the pun) for it's day (1932).

Over all it was a nice day.

Happy Birthday Love,


Monday, March 06, 2006

Follow Up

Zelda and I sat down and talked last night.

We needed to reconnect with each other.

And we did.

Misunderstandings were cleared up,

until the next time.

She is taking the day off.
For the next three days.
Cuz Wed. is her birthday.
And tomorrow her mama is coming up.
And Wed. I'm taking off to spend the day with her.

After work she met me at the office and we went for a walk through the hood.

Looking at the homes, the new construction, the original homes hidden away behind monster apartment buildings.

She rested today and made some decisions about her career, and the house.

We clarified some of our desires about where to live, our jobs, what we want to do.
There were some things she wanted that I resisted, such as move for a job.
Now we want to move for the location and neighborhood.
I only wish I had looked there years ago.

the universe is a great and wonderous place
and we are made of it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Life Love and Queen of the Universe

Zelda and I are at odds again.

Seems to happen more and more often.

We started out with love making yesterday morning and moved to sleeping separately last night.

I associate it with feeling lousy due to allergic reactions to things unknown. And the feelings of helplessness in not knowing what we can do...

And after my initial flood of emotions, I calm down and try to reconnect.

Only yesterday, I reacted to perceived slights in a way that surprised and frighten me..
I too am feeling tired and grumpy.

My mind set has been, "How do I make her happy?".

Clean house.

Clean air.

Make breakfast.

Make dinner.


It may be that I have faulty thinking...

Realistically, there is nothing I can do to make someone else happy.

At the same time, it's almost impossible to be happy when you feel like crap all the time.

I'll keep at the cleaning up.

I am running into problems with what is mine to pitch...
And what is not.

I'll just have to do something and pay the consequences down the line.

And keep hoping that something I, as a mer mortal, can do will solve the alergic, traffic, congested, snooty, mean, people of the world (known as "Dallas") and brighten her day...

Books to read

I just finished "Lovely Bones".
It starts out with the murder of the main character.

Well writen.

Suzie, the murdered girl watches down from 'her' heaven as her family stuggles with the sense of loss.

I enjoyed it.
thanks z for having suggested I read it.

the Church would have us believe that there is a place after death where we all worship and glorify G*d.

I have never found this kind of heaven appealing.
At least not if that G*d, that Creative Power, is some old gray haired man sitting on a throne.

Now if it is the Undiscribable Force that is the Cause of Creation, something that is constantly Doing, then I could see the life energies that have left this Earth going back to which they came and joining in to the continuous Creation that is....

As I read this morning, heaven and the great beyond seemed to be like a 4th dimension. Where one may see, and watch, and possibly influence, but not understood by those one dimension down.

Having lost my mom and dad, I have wondered if they move on and forget us, blinded by the great beyond, or do they linger.

Watching to see how we do.

Cheering for us as we move forward.

I was touched by the heaven created by the author.


Shutting down

As diary-x has collapsed, I will sadly be removing the "As-you-wish" link from my page.
I will also be updating Zelda's address for the new site.

Last time I checked she had not added to her new page.
But we will send out positive thoughts.

She is on vacation for the next 4 days so maybe she'll find time to get on line.

Now... how do I find the html edit page again...?

Clean aire

I have been researching filtration systems for the house.

The best system would be a whole house system tied into the central A/C.

I went ahead last night on the way back from bunny sisters to pick up a room air cleaner.

I ran it last night, but I am not sure how good it is...we have a trial period to see if it helps Zelda.

If I could create at least One Place where she could find some calm.

My house is old, and the foundation has shifted.
So I worry that if we were to use the whole house system, that it would be defeated by leaking duct work (notice the "t" in "duct work".
I have heard folks call it "duck work".
Attics are too hot for little duckies to survive. You do not have ducks, (quack!, quack!) in your A/C system! Poor little duckies trapped in that hot attic flapping their little ducky wings so you can be comfy down in your living room!

I didn't notice much this morning.
I am not sure of the placibo effect...

the Company you Keep - New

The new office where I now work is in a wonderful part of town.

As many times as I have driven through that area, around it, past it, I had never gotten out of my car and walked it.

Walk south of my office one city block and I am in a park.
Walk north of my office and I am in old residential. (that is just now in the midst of a turn around.
Walk east a city block and I am in retail shopping.
Walk west of my office and I have my pick of a number of restaurants.

No car neccessary.
I have windows. Some no closer than where I was before, but since the equiptment is along the glass, and not people, they stay open longer before the sun shines in on monitor screens.

And at certain times of the day, I can hear the bells of the church down the street.
We all went to lunch Friday as it was my first "get to know the new guy outing".
Unlike the last office, the boss instigated it, the secretary planned it, and everyone else looked forward to it.

We carpooled up to Frisco to the project the company has been working on for the last 7 years for lunch.

LOTS of money in North Texas. Ours is a mixed use retail, residential, hotel project.
We handle the retail and site planning. The third phase is under construction now.
A small office doing big things.

And there is an underlying theme that runs through the staff.
Something that was not there in the old place.
And that thing is...

Respect for others.

There is laughter and whistling and joking around here.

None of which is at the expense of someone else.

In StarTrek, the reason the Enterprise was able to get out of so many tight spots was, the crew were all outstanding.

I feel good about this place.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

this is a test

this is a test

the Company you Keep - Old

We saw my former co-worker last night at his art show.

Z and he talked about materials, techniques, and subject matter.

He is gay. So many of his pieces involved the male figure.

His range is varied.

From cartoon characters to fantacy to still life nudes to abstract.

It was good to see him again.

It would have been nice to have made an offer on a painting.

Currently we are paying off the bed.

Which doesn't give back energy like the spring matresses.

Boy was I tired and sore the next few days after christening the bed earlier this week.

Maybe we make the guest room the play room and the master the sleep/snuggle room...?

That or Zelda can be more active in our love making...

Speaking of love making...

Zelda, are you awake? My love...

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday love.

May you find
this week as you spend time with
your mom,
and me.

Lost Art

Well the word at Diary-X is...
it's lived up to its name.

as in

Ex blog.

The entire catalogue of blogs are gone...

Zelda had been thinking about making the switch to something else.
But she has not been feeling well and time passed and well...

We have lost half of the record of our courtship...