Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Doing Fine

I thought I should add after that last entry, that Zelda and I are doing fine.

We have a home, two cars, some kitties, and gainful employment.

We can take trips to the Big City, the movies, and football games.

Insurance covers most of our boo boos.

And we have been blessed with educations.

So, Yes,
we are doing

Dead Lines

Zelda lives and dies by them in her line of work.

She has a degree in Interior Design.
But she works as a bean counter.

And they are not even HER beans!

That is everyone's number one job,
taking care of,
their own beans.
She made another payment last night on her Overly High Interest Corporate Credit Loan, "that pays you back evey time you use it".

That would be Corporate Bull Shit.
I have a similar job.
Unrealistic deadlines.

Only they are spread further apart than Zelda's.
She might as well be working fast food.

"Here comes the lunch rush! Get ready!"

It burns her out. But pays better that Wendy's.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Football Season

I look forward to football season each year to visit A&M and to car pool with J down to College Station.

Visiting with J is a large part of it.

Now that we are both literally (and in his case, figuratively) married, we don't have the free time anymore.

With two more home games left, J has only been able to make two games this year.
One of those was an out of towner. So we have seen one game together.
He visited his mom that weekend in Killeen, so we drove separately.

Turns out he wont' be able to make the last two games...

As much as I love Aggie football, I enjoy the drive more with J.

Zelda is not an Aggie fan, so maybe it is time to rethink season tickets...

We're back!

Drive 8 hours north from Dallas and you can find your self in Nebraska, or in our case, Manhattan, Kansas.

Turn around and head 8 hours south from Dallas and you will only make it as far as Corpus Cristy.

The popular phrase is, " I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
The question to ask though is, "Where you ever there in the first place?"

Again, the popular notion is that Kansas is incrediblely flat with nothing for miles.

The eastern part of the state is anything but.
I found it very beautiful.
Rolling hills and pairie grasses as far as the eye can see. Which with the rolling hills isn't that far.

This was a closing circle for Zelda.
And enlightening for me, this trip to her home town.

Her father is responsible for restoring a great portion of the state grass lands to their native state. With a couple of Ph.ds from Texas A&M, he moved his family north to Kansas State University to work for the state and national government helping ranchers restore their land.

Zelda grew up in, loved, married, went to college, lost, and did all the things kids do, in the same town. Manhattan.
We stopped by the bench on campus dedicated to her first husband by his parents, who also worked for the University.

Helped me put the big picture together.
We saw where she rowed.
Her old homes.
Her high school.
The highest hill in town.

We didn't make it to the cemetary this time around.

But we will go back.
It's home.

(and for those interested...
my team beat her team, but not by much.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

New Jobs

The kid got a new job today.
He's been getting offers for some time and handing them off to his friends.

His portfolio is really good.
His profs at the University of Texas at Arlington pushed their students in design and building models.

Makes me jealous.

I don't think I could design myself out of that proverbial paper bag.
Once upon a time I could. But the tools have gotten rusty from lack of use.
Oh I can do practical design and space planning.
But not the kind of stuff that is exciting to me anymore.
I'd like to be an architect's Architect.
But not badly enough to put in the time...

As I told the kid, it's not the designers or the school one attended, but the client who apreciates and hungers for modern design.

The client is THE key to it all.

And who, most importantly, can
pay for it.

Maybe if I signed up for some masters classes in design.
Though I'm not sure how that would work out with a full time job...

And also today the interiors intern we had earlier in the year called today to let me know that she got a new job. (She was let go from our shop).

And what pray tell is she going to be doing for this new firm?
Site plans. (gulp!)
She in fact, wants to become an Architect and is planning to get her masters in Architecture.

On a less than happy note, this will mean that her todler will have to go to day care... (The intern was proud to say that she was back to work a week after her baby was born. That and she plans on another one next fall.)
I am old school, the best person to take care of a child is one of its parents. No one will care more for it (inmost cases) than a parent...

I once worked with a woman who grew up in day care. Not a pleasant person...


Zelda and I are off this weekend to visit Zelda college land for the A&M game.
Manhattan!, the big city! uh, pardon...

That would be Manhattan, Kansas, not New York.

Will be nice.
We don't have a bet for the game, cuz I'm not 100% the Aggies will win...and Zelda will have me doing the wash for a month if I lose.

Which means we would not have clean clothes till December...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Get out the Vote!!

This November 8th the Great State of Texas will be voting on an Amendment to the State Constitution Banning Same Sex Marriage.

For those of you who live in Texas and read this blog,

Get Registered!
and Vote

Against this archaic, Backwards thinking law.

(I am confident, that should it be passed, it will, like so many other discrimination laws, will be struck down as Unconstitutional, but we can prevent a lot of heart ache by being pro active.)

I got an unsolicited call from a pre recorded message telling me to Vote yes,

I can not do that.

And neither should you.

Cat troubles

Gaea's troubled.

She needs desert!!
I wish it were that easy...

She is begining to growl and hiss me just about every time I walk into sight.
Even took a swipe at Zelda!!!

We are at a loss as what to do.

Any ideas out there?

She's 11.
Been single her whole life.
Use to moving, (Zelda has moved over a dozen times).

New home.
New person to vie for mom's attention.
New, younger kitty to deal with, who regularly eats her food, as well as his own.

We have seen her play with Snoopy, running and chasing each other.

But let me walk into the room when she's not in a good mood and all
Hell breaks loose.

I am not yet prepared to walk around my house in boots and chaps.
Though that is an option.

When Z was out today, she had a hissy, bit me on the back of my hand when I offered it, and was put in "time out" for thirty minutes.

When I checked on her at the end of her time, she cooed and seemed better.

Then Zelda got home and she went back to the Bad Gaea.

And her badness level is Very high tonight...

Gaea is troubled.
Which means
Bunny central
is troubled as well...

Late Night

Z is sleeping in the other room, while I can't.

Has been happening a lot lately.
I think it's to do with allergy meds and a soda too late in the evening. Maybe the sugar, as Root Beer is caffeine free.

Anyway, here I am at 4:00am.

Check out Paula at http://paulalucidi.blogspot.com/
she has some pretty funny things to say!
Especially about being "witty" on the net. *See "F the pressure"*
The day Z and I took Snoopy in to see the vet, we, well I, *Z is much more faithful*, admired the latest kitty for adoption.
He is VERY affectionate.

The doctor came out to talk with a woman and her daughter, saw us, but did not approach.

We found later that putting a loved one to sleep is too traumatic for some that they don't wish to see the same Dr.

I admit it was emotional for me the first time Z and I drove past the animal hospital a month or so after Woody died.
Anyway, I digress...

The daughter's jacket had "Nightmare before Christmas" on it and I asked if she had seen "Corpse Bride" yet. (Wait till video, it wasn't as great as "Nightmare...")

They had a number of kitties and had brought their latest in for checking.
Rattling off names, one came up that we recognized, or Z did.
She thought she recognized them...
They were the family who adopted Zahara, the kitty we had wanted.
Turns out Zahara is one of those skidish cats that takes a while to settle down.

Small world.

G*d was wanting us to know something.
That we were right in believing that things happen as they do, whether we understand them or not.
More cat news.
If you have kept up with Z's blog, see side bar link, "Zeldapinwheel", you will remember that her cat Gaea has been having some troubles...

She is fearful of me.
As in:
Bat with clawless paws *thankgoodness!!*,
go histerical!!!

Which has caused Z great concern.

She's her baby after all.

(Personally I'd like to drop kick her,
but that is NOT a constructive option.
Please forgive me Z,
I'd never let you see me do it,

*and we wonder why Gaea reacts the way she does*.

To be honest, I'm just as fearful of her,
though she would NOT be able to kick me
quite as far)

I have decided that she is fearful of me, because she has lost her #1 position in Zelda's life.

I have *stolen* Zelda away.

And I can relate to that pain. My mom remarried when I was 4. Up to that time, I had been the primary male in her life.

I have encouraged Z to spend alone time with her everyday, and to limit our "public displays of affection" in front of her kitty self.

"Take her into the bedroom, close the door, and give her your 100% attention every day."

So far, it seems to be helping.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Cleaning Day

Zelda and I took Friday off, originally to go to Boulder, Co. to watch the Aggies play, and to take in the Denver night life.

Great beer houses there.

And some great friends.

We realized that we don't have the $$$ for such, so we were adult and sold our tickets (my aggies lost, sniff, sniff,).

But we opted to keep our day off.
(Thus the Ikea trip).

Three day weekends are wonderful.
Three whole days with Zelda!
And we are well rested by that third day. We are more productive.

Today, Sunday, the Christian Sabbath, we are cleaning house, having taken Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath off for relaxing.

I'm working over the bathroom.
We need to make extensive exterior repairs to the house. Lots of rot and peeling paint.

Hooked up Zelda's Cd player to the surround sound and are listening to Nora Jones.

Zelda's packing up the china we do not want.
Some going to Zelda mommy.
Some to Goodwill.
While mom's is going to Bunny Sister.
We will get some from Bunny Sister in exchange.

Curious about the patterns and value, Z looked up them on the net.
Bunny Sister is giving us a set in which just a Bread and Butter dish is valued at $24.00.

Believe or not.
Our gazebo is showing signs of sun damage.
What do you expect for a $200.00 gazebo?
It has been nice. We will see what we can do to prolong its life.

Z is chastising me for not "slaving away" as she "is".

So, here's Ktb signing off for now.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

ikea and other things

Today the weather was as I wish it could always be... cool, crisp, fall with that quality of light that only happens near the equinox.

Zelda and I slept in late, made breakfast tacos and coffee. I did some yard work.
My current project is putting a xeriscape in the front yard.
Yes, it would be much simpler to pave it, or as one guy's yard I saw, cover it in plastic and on top of that, river rock.

No thanks.

For a number of years I have wanted to plant a wild flower garden.
I have even in the past, collected the plants I like and attempted to transplant them to my yard. Some take, others don't.

I bought the seeds from the Wild Seed Farms on our "honeymoon".
(Zelda has been good for my motivation. I now have a future I can see. I ordered a catalog last year but it wasn't till this year that I decided to actually DO something with it.)

Today in the wonderful weather, I placed the metal edging and treated the grass to kill it.

Next will be to treat any survivors, till it, supplement and treat it, then finally seed it! Then wait for nature to do it's thing.
Each week Zelda and I practice "date night".
It was one item I mentioned while we were "dating" that she has taken to like cats to cream! (Or grass, depending on the condition of their stomach...)

*Zelda is "spying" on me as I type. She had been playing with Snoopy the wonder cat, laughing all the while. Our unspoken agreement is that we do not "look over" each other's shoulders as we blog. But she still wants to know!!

I believe you said something about Patience when we first met my darleen.
It's a great opportunity to practice it.*

I like to make date night special and plan to make it that way.
There isn't always time to plan something when "what are we doing for date night tomorrow night?"

Well, I insisted that I get that time.
Zelda doesn't like secrets much, something that is endearing.

Her date night for this week was to see the latest Wallace and Gromit movie.
It opened Friday night.
Well, MY date night was pushed a week to, you guested it, Friday night.

On 45 south just north of Ennis is the little town of Garrett, Texas.
Now I have never noticed the sign for Garrett. I don't think Garrett is large enough to have a sign yet.

What I did notice is the new Drive In movie theater had finally opened!
And what were they showing this fine Friday? Why Wallace and Gromit's new movie!

What a great way to spend an evening. As Zelda got ready to go, not having any idea of what we were doing, I clandestinely packed the chairs, the table-in-a-bag, and blankets in the trunk.
I then took a long way round to the theater in case she remembered it from our A&M road trip.
She didn't realize it until we where just driving up on the marquee and she saw the Now Showing signs.

Dad used to take us regularly to the drive in every summer in the 70's. I remember waiting in a long line of cars to see the likes of "Planet of the Apes" (all of them in one night's showing!). In fact it has been so long ago that drive ins where just beginning to use FM broadcasts along with the window speakers and the Opal only had an AM radio.

Zelda lead a sheltered life in Kansas and had NEVER been!

The tickets were $6 each, but we were able to get a burger, hot dog, pop corn, and two large drinks for $10! (I dropped that much on drinks and a pop corn last time we went to a conventional theater!)

I think one of the job qualifications for working there is "must have strong Texas accent". Everyone from the ticket taker, to the MC, to the food stand girls had accents you could cut with a dull knife!)

Check out the link above (click the title)
We enjoyed ourselves and will do it again soon!

Earlier we braved the trip north to the land of shopping known as Frisco to visit (yet another Zelda first) Ikea.

The place is so big, and crowed, even for a Friday at noon, that we threw in the towel early.

But not before we picked up some CD towers and art shelves.

Someday we will decide which wall and get them put together.
We are planning a sale for all our stuff we don't need.
Congratulate Us! We finally committed to a china setting on my Birthday.
They had caught my eye for some time, and Zelda liked them as well, but we weren't "sold".
Zelda decided we could at least dip our toe in the water.
We agreed and bought two sets to see if we liked them once we got them home.

I am ready to get rid of all the other stuff we have and buy!
What set are they?
Audrey from Crate and Barrel.

To finish the day, Zelda and I got out of the house and after a quick stop at Sonic, we made it to the park. As we sat there, she said it would be a nice day to visit a really old cemetery.
As it would happen, the park is a short way from the oldest cemetery in town.
So we spent the late afternoon looking a dates and names, wondering how these folks knew each other, how they died. Who was married to whom, second wives, children with out first birthdays. My family name was there, (no relation). People I had known in high school and elementary. Some I had heard about on the news.

I would be able to see the winged, skeletal horses in Harry Potter book five.
The poetry always gets to me and I choke up.

And we walked across to the newer part of the cemetery and visited mom and dad's stone.
I put a number of things on the stone. One of those things was "cancer" for mom, and "smoking" for dad. At the time it seemed like a perfectly good thing, though now I feel it was too "political" in dad's case, and maybe cause of death, the wrong thing to put on the stone. I don't know. Maybe one is supposed to leave places such as this

with more questions

than answers...


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How Good is Zaguans???

This good!!
(Smiley formed naturally from the glass of water I poured for Zelda, we did not do anything but take the photo!)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Don't I have

The Prettiest Bride?

This outside of Eatzi's on my birthday.

(I think she was thinking about the "yummy" mochas we were about to imbibe!)


Yes it's a Monday...

I awoke last night to find my snoring had chased poor Zelda to the couch.
When I offered her the bed, as I could not sleep, she declined.

Because she didn't sleep well,
she forgot:
her phone,
her breakfast,
her misc. girl stuff,
and who knows what else...

We have tried the over the counter remedies with a hit and miss success.
Seems they work every other night.
And now my allergies are only making things worse.

I'll call the Dr. today to see if he can recommend someone who can possibly help.
The alternative is a grumpy Zelda for the next 30 years.

Grumpy Zelda is not as much fun as Well Rested Zelda.

Zelda couldn't take it any longer and made the introductions between Gaea, Princess of the House, and Snoopy (above).

There was the customary hissing and growling. But for the most part, it was a success.
Snoopy is a pacifist and is quite adept at Aikido. He simply stays out of harm's way.
He is more vocal now. He has begun to coo and meow.
Zelda is better at hearing these kitty calls.