Sunday, April 30, 2006

Missing You

Tonight I travel up to the gi-huge-ic air port to collect my Zelda Pinwheel-Bunny
(can't forget the hyphen!)

As nice as it is for her to see her friends and have Grrrllzz Weekend,

I have missed her.

And will be glad

to have



Missing You

Tonight I travel up to the gi-huge-ic air port to collect my Zelda Pinwheel-Bunny
(can't forget the hyphen!)

As nice as it is for her to see her friends and have Grrrllzz Weekend,

I have missed her.

And will be glad

to have



Saturday, April 29, 2006

Post Secret

Blogs by their nature are people sharing secrets publicly in private.

Post Secret takes that to it's ultimate expression.

Wish I'd thought of it!


With blogspot, if you hit F3 you can do a word search.

(I just discovered that by mistake.
Maybe it's not Blogspot, but windows...
Anyway, it's cool!)


They recently discovered that tools used in the Americas to be over 20,000 years old.
Previously, the oldest date was about 5,ooo years old.

Instead of writing April 2006, it should be more like,
April 35,006 or some such.

To think that we have been around on the planet that long, and not as our modern recording system leads us to believe, only 2,000 or so years.

That bigger number would give us a sence of place with in our time line.
Leading us to the understanding that we had best take care of what we have been left so that we can, as a people, make it to 60,000.

(anyone figure out the title yet?)

Illegal Immigration - Again

I recently visited a friend's blog who rightfully expressed her frustration and anger towards the whole illegal question.

I attempted a response, but it didn't work.
(Operator error I'm sure).

The blog entry was about foreign language classes in high schools and removing them from the requirement for graduation.

here was my attempted response:

Maybe you should encourage more participation in foreign language classes.
Folks come here because of financial advantages.

In order to stop this, we need to help those countries provide those same advantages back home.
Zelda has some Spanish.
I have some French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
If nothing else, it's good to know your 'enemy', and to do that, it helps to know what they are saying.
This caused me to do some thinking...

And I have come up with a solution to the whole "no illegals" and border control.

First some history thanks to the History Guy

"The war between the United States and Mexico had two basic causes.

First, the desire of the U.S. to expand across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean caused conflict with all of its neighbors; from the British in Canada and Oregon to the Mexicans in the southwest and, of course, with the Native Americans.

Ever since President Jefferson's acquisition of the Louisiana Territory in 1803, Americans migrated westward in ever increasing numbers,
often into lands not belonging to the United States.
By the time President Polk came to office in 1845, an idea called "Manifest Destiny" had taken root among the American people, and the new occupant of the White House was a firm believer in the idea of expansion.

The belief that the U.S. basically had a God-given right to occupy and "civilize" the whole continent gained favor as more and more Americans settled the western lands. The fact that most of those areas already had people living upon them was usually ignored, with the attitude that democratic English-speaking America, with its high ideals and Protestant Christian ethics, would do a better job of running things than the Native Americans or Spanish-speaking Catholic Mexicans."
(the history guy

With the Mexican American war of 1846-48 in mind, where the US army marched into Mexico City and demanded California and other foreign controlled lands...

The United States of America should again invade Mexico, having pulled out of Iraq, another foreign land holding of ours, and declare it part of the United States.

(Too far fetched you say? Hey, we already did this with Porto Rico and Hawaii)

This would solve all concerns about border issues, language concerns, we just require the adoption of English as the new official speach, and cheep labor.

Problem solved.

*How many US states have Spanish names?...


there's Texas... (live there)

and California... (visited work there)

and Montana... (born there)

and Mississippi, (family there)


that last one's

Native American...*

Eye Surgery

Nephew Bunny is back home.

The first emergency room doctor did not realize how serious the injury was, not being an opthomologist.

He had them wait till Monday to "see" as referal.

Turns out the next largest hospital 20 miles away or so had an opthomologist on the ER staff.

As it turned out, the wire had not just scratched the eye, but had penitrated almost to the retina.

By Monday he had an infection that took his lens and began to damage his eye permanently.

The infection was cleaned up.

But a few days later, he needed a booster of antibiotics.

Here came the painful part.

What's the phrase?,

"It's better than a sharp stick in the eye."

Two needles




"Look at the great big, looonnnggg needle coming at your eye,
but don't blink!"

(Zelda had me tell him, that if he wanted to Play Pirate, we would have been happy to buy him a eye patch.)

Eye surgery is one of those (many) things that freak me out.

The pain was so intense that he couldn't keep anything down all night.

Monday he goes to meet the local referal.

Best case.

The white cells will brake loose from his retina and he will regain full vision with the use of a contact lens.

Worse case.

He will only gain partial vision with the use of a contact.

Random blogs

At blog spot sign in page there is a continuing rolling list of other blogs.

Tonight I decided watch them and see what rolled by.

Here is one from a young couple who recently moved from Ohio to Plano, just north of Dallas.

Let's see what else I can find.
This one is a little further north of Plano...

By the way, Bunny Nephew and Bunny Sister are back home.

The doctors were able to save his eye, but he suffered two incredibly painful eye centered injections.

More later...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Flip Flop

Depending on the prevailing wind direction,
Z either wants to:

a) stay in Dallas for two years and "give it a chance",
b) move down to the Texas Hill country,
c) chuck it all and move back to Omaha tomorrow...

I'd like to try the north west coast, but only after the gi-huge-ic earth quake that will drop most of that part of the world into the ocean...

Land should be cheap...

Public Thank You!!

I want to express a Public


to everyone who helped make Zelda's weekend possible.

It means a great deal to her, and thus, to me.

Have fun y'all!


Zelda in Espania land.

Zelda got in late last night to her old stomping grounds.

I chatted with her earlier tonight, along with Zelda friends, the Kamikazi Grrrlzz.

(Really sweetheart, the "big wind" grrlzz?!? What were you thinkin'?)

They were having fun at the hotel, waiting for Magda's man to bring over her swim suit so they could over take the hotel hot tub.

I am assuming that Magda's man was sent packing after the delivery.

They were also munching on S's cake. The same "floor cake" that had a mishap, or so I was told, by Zelda, giving reason why she "could not bring any cake back" as it had "uh.. fallen on the floor, yeah! that's it, it fell on the floor and so there won't be any to bring back, yeah!" Or something like that...
I found an interesting residential development happening right here in Dallas.
A neighborhood is being build with selected modernist residential architects.
No developers need apply.

One of the architects on the list has a built project within walking distance from my office, with another one under construction a block or so away.
As interesting as his designs are, his web site is lacking...

the project is called the urban reserve, the web site is, and the particular architect is Russel Buchanan.
You can, if you are so disposed, click on Design Details, and then Participating Architects and pan down to the bottom where you can find links.

I was impressed by Bercy.
Max Levy has some great homes as well, but he still works on the boards, no computers, thus no web site. But he can be googled for some of his projects.

Some of these guys, just from viewing their sites, are full of them selves. But then you have to be in the world of design...

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


After futher review of Zelda daddy's office, he doe not, as I stated earlier have
two Doctorates from A&M.

He as a Masters
and a PhD from Texas A&M.

Nephew up date.
I called Nephew Bunny's phone the other day.
Yes, we do have the same name.
Neice bunny answered.
No, we do not have the same name.

Nephew seemed unfazed by his recent adventure and un troubled by his near brush with permanent blindness.

His mama and Zelda and I were not.
Mama drove the 10 hours to her daughters in Miss, where Bunny son now relaxed with his partial vision.

Seems all will be okay.
Lens transplant and he's "good as new".

Zelda thinks he's on some pretty good drugs.

Zelda On Scholarship

Zelda has been a baaaaaddd bunny as of late.
She has been derelict in her blogging.

We may have to take her blog away. Letting it grow all up unkept and neglected.

Blogs need tender loving care. Weekly if not indeed daily.

So I am here to fill in those of you Zelda fans out there who are begining to wonder,

"What has bunny done with Poor Zelda!?!".

I am happy to say she is,
thanks to the Kamikazi Grrrlls and others,

officially on Scholarship.

Meaning, her Omaha friends
(after having possibly read her husband's blog

*it's my blog, so it's all about 'me' *)

have pitched in together to buy her a plane ticket (round trip, as it was cheeper than one way), along with a hotel room for the weekend.

There was a nasty on going fight as to who would pick her up, as well as who would give her a room for Thursday night.

Seems no one wanted her.
No, wait...
Seems EVERYONE wanted her.

Some bribe enticements for "stay with ME!" were,
Her own room.
Baby Hank.
Use of a car.
Oldest, bestest friend!
Etc. etc. etc.

I am very happy for her.

Smooches love.
Have a good time.
(Don't miss me too much, nor the cats, you'll see us WAY too soon!)
Focus on the here and now with the Kamikazi Grrls and friends!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Eyes have it

Bunny Nephew was out in Mississippi doing some work for his sister’s hubby for college moneys.

While twisting some wire, he was distracted, and the wire and his eye connected.

Mass pandemonium and key stone cops occurred while getting him to a hospital out in bfe that could handle his emergency.

When they final reached a hospital with an emergency room, the attending looked at it and had to refer him to an eye specialist.

I got word from my sister that they admitted him for surgery.
Removed his lens.
Discovered the beginnings of a strep infection.
Cleaned him up.

He was still in hospital and will ‘see’ a retinal specialist later this week.

I’m pissed at his sister.
She’s a drama queen.
Z is pissed with drama queen’s hubby for not requiring Bunny Nephew to wear his eye protection.

I suppose we should be upset with Bunny Nephew for being a 20 year old and not thinking ahead and using his eye protection.

In other news.
Zelda’s grandma was also admitted to the hospital for breathing problems.

We haven’t heard from Zelda Brother today, so we are hoping his stomach is better.

Back to work.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

the Texas Hill Country

Z and I talked yesterday about moving down this way.
Z could finish her degree.
We'd be close to her 'rents.
The landscape is beautiful.
And Georgetown feels like the town my family moved to in '73.
It also feels like the town in which Z grew up. It has the county seat, a university, and a town square.

Now, if we can perfect those fake IDs so we can move into Sun City...
"Yes, we look young for our age..."
Brother in law went to the emergency room yesterday for stomach pain,
(I swear I had NOTHING to do with it!!)

They are not sure what it is, but he is back at the house.
As of yesterday they were planning to still go camping.

Things may have changed by today...
In the May 2006 edition of Smithsonian, (Dinosaur Shocker!), a Paleontologist has discovered what looks like blood cells and Soft Tissue, in the fossilized bones of a T-Rex over 65 million years old.


She was able to discover that the animal in question was female, and pregnant from the banding of the fossil.

(The fundamental Christians that HAVE to have proof of the existence of G*d in order to believe have jumped on this as "proof that dinoasaurs are not as old as scientists claim." And that the world was created in only 7 days.

I'd just like to point out that the "Old Testament" is Jewish.
And you never hear of the fundamental Jews claiming the earth was created in a week, because, unlike the all knowing Christians, they know it's JUST a STORY!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Little bit Jealous

Is it wrong of me to not want to share the in-laws this weekend with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend, and dog?

They came down last night and will be moving on to Inks Lake State Park for some camping tomorrow.

We were to have joined them.
They are good people.

I'm just not ready to spend that much time with them.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Softly Call the Muster

Today, April 21, is Aggie Muster.

Zelda and I traveled down to the 'rents.
Dad in law has not one, but two Doctorates from Texas A&M University.
And the community in which they live, has a lot of Aggies, and a Muster.

It has to be the most important tradition we have.
Something that I believe every University should have as a tradition.

Each year, Aggies all over the world get together at Muster to honor those former students who have passed away in the last year.

A roll call is taken, and surviving friends, family members, or if none are present, a student from their year answer, "Here", for the absent and a candle is lit.

This time around there were two students from my graduation year on the list.

Check the link to see the largest annual Muster at College Station.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wild flowers

My wild flowers I sowed last fall are begining to bloom.

To get started, they are very thursty, but once they get estblished, they should be quite independent.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Revell Part II

A search for merchants that carry Revell models shows that, although the places I bought them no longer do, they are available at some place I do not shop.

Namely war mart.

In the 18 months I was with the last company, I was never given a project that was mine to run with. We did some nice stuff, but I always worked under someone else.

I have been with the new firm for maybe 6 weeks and I already have 5 projects that are all mine.

They are not nearly as complicated, but they are mine, and they trust that I can do them.

Model life

It has been my observation, walking through the toy sections, that boys no longer have any interest in the model planes and cars that I put together as a child.

They have become enamered with video games.

At one time, boys created something from nothing. Putting plastic parts, or wood, and glue together, adding paint, to make something of their own. To show their parents and hang from the ceiling or place on a shelf.

Today boys choose change places.
Sitting there doing nothing, while the game does it all, with nothing to show at the end of a day.


Can you believe this!!??

I googled Revell, the model company I recall from B-17 bombers and P-51 Mustangs built in my elementary years.

Revell is calling for help from it's customers. (I wasn't sure they were even still in existance).

It seems that the Big Military Contractors that build the war machines are trying to push for legislation aimed at requiring model makers to pay licensing fees to them.

First, you and I paided for those designs with our tax monies.

Second, military aircraft and designs have be in the public domain for over 50 years.

How much is too much?

My uncle was stationed in Berlin during the coldwar.
When he signed up, he had already finished a Masters.
This served him well.
Enlistees without degrees had any bad teeth pulled.
His masters ensured that all his teeth were fixed.
You need them all to speak Russian.

He told us that as the wall was begun, (for all you young ones, that would be the Berlin Wall), the workers were given explicit instructions to stop all work if anyone came up to them and told them to stop. They only learned of this after the wall had been completed. (I'm not sure how accurate this is, but it makes for an interesting story).

He was given an assignment for a presentation to provide photos of the brand new, top secret, Russian Mig.
Up to that point, no photos had been taken of this aircraft. (Thus the need for photos).
He solved in a creative way.
He went down to the local hobby store where he bought a model of the plane in question.
Mounted it on a dowel from its engine, covered the dowel with cotton, took it outside and photographed it against the sky.
The brass never knew the difference.

Friday, April 14, 2006

A lapel pin flag

“I wore my flag tonight. First time. Until now I haven’t thought it necessary to display a little metallic icon of patriotism for everyone to see. It was enough to vote, pay my taxes, perform my civic duties, speak my mind, and do my best to raise our kids to be good Americans.

“Sometimes I would offer a small prayer of gratitude that I had been born in a country whose institutions sustained me, whose armed forces protected me, and whose ideals inspired me; I offered my heart’s affections in return. It no more occurred to me to flaunt the flag on my chest than it did to pin my mother’s picture on my lapel to prove her son’s love. Mother knew where I stood; so does my country. I even tuck a valentine in my tax returns on April 15.

“So what’s this doing here? Well, I put it on to take it back. The flag’s been hijacked and turned into a logo — the trademark of a monopoly on patriotism. On those Sunday morning talk shows, official chests appear adorned with the flag as if it is the good housekeeping seal of approval. During the State of the Union, did you notice Bush and Cheney wearing the flag? How come? No administration’s patriotism is ever in doubt, only its policies. And the flag bestows no immunity from error. When I see flags sprouting on official lapels, I think of the time in China when I saw Mao’s little red book on every official’s desk, omnipresent and unread.

“But more galling than anything are all those moralistic ideologues in Washington sporting the flag in their lapels while writing books and running Web sites and publishing magazines attacking dissenters as un-American. They are people whose ardor for war grows disproportionately to their distance from the fighting. They’re in the same league as those swarms of corporate lobbyists wearing flags and prowling Capitol Hill for tax breaks even as they call for more spending on war.

“So I put this on as a modest riposte to men with flags in their lapels who shoot missiles from the safety of Washington think tanks, or argue that sacrifice is good as long as they don’t have to make it, or approve of bribing governments to join the coalition of the willing (after they first stash the cash). I put it on to remind myself that not every patriot thinks we should do to the people of Baghdad what Bin Laden did to us. The flag belongs to the country, not to the government. And it reminds me that it’s not un-American to think that war — except in self-defense — is a failure of moral imagination, political nerve, and diplomacy. Come to think of it, standing up to your government can mean standing up for your country.”

from a speach by Bill Moyers

Good Friday

It was a Good Friday.
I was given the day off.
The weather was beautiful.
And it started with Breakfast out with my be-oo-tiful wife.
It ended with a movie, (the Wild, 3 stars) and dinner.
Again with my Be-oo-tiful wife.

Yes, life


"Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
George Orwell, '1984'

"I came to believe that objective journalism means describing the object being reported on, including the little fibs and fantasies as well as the Big Lie of the people in power. In no way does this permit journalists to make accusations and allegations. It means, instead, making sure that your reporting and your conclusions can be nailed to the post with confirming evidence."
(From a speach by Bill Moyers)

Up until now, my blog has been, for the most part, soft and fluffy (I am after all, a bunny).
But recent events have caused me some concern.

The Occupation of Iraq by America.
Corruption in Corporate Business.
Record profits for Gas Companies during record high gas prices.
Pharmacutical Companies writing their own legislation into being...
And a government run by men with personal agendas for the world.

And because of this, I have added a "political" link to my page, Free Press.

This was brought about because of some articles by someone I respect greatly, Bill Moyers.

If you are interested in reading the article for your self,
It's long, but informative...

Read and be changed...

Money and Politics

Do you believe Americans should have affordable health care?

Question: If you, like me, believe we should have, and can afford inexpensive health care, why don't We the people have it?

If this last question strikes a chord, then I encourage you to look up this next information for yourself, so that you can educate yourself and not just take my word for it.
Someone at the office pinned a news letter to the message board
from the "the Washington Spectator", volume 32, No. 7.

It was an excerpt from a speach by Bill Moyers entitled, "Let's save our Democracy by getting money out of Politics".

As the Republicans have gained power, "We the people" have lost power.
And the Demmocrats have lost their voter support base for the same reason.

Lobbyist have gained a foot hold thanks to politicians such as the former Whip, Tom Delay.

According to Mr. Moyers, there are close to 65 lobbyist PER member of Congress and,

"The total spent per month by special interests wining, dining, and seducing federal officials is now nearly @200 million.

Per month."

The article continues with a possible solution, but it requires each and everyone of us getting involved.

First we have to get mad enough to want to do something about it.

For those who have arrived at that point already...there is a movement gaining momentum called the "clean money" campaign.

Connecticut has already removed the link between private funding and public campaigns.

Check out the movement


Bill Moyers has, until recently, been with Public Broadcasting where he was responsible for "NOW, with Bill Moyers". (

New Washington appointed leaders of PBS have forced Mr. Moyers out of Public Television.

What else are they doing while we are sleeping?

"Public broadcasting is under attack from those in Washington who seek to muzzle dissenting voices on PBS and NPR and eliminate federal funding for the popular alternative to commercial media. (from"

To read the more about Public broadcasting and politics click on the link above...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Date Night

Zelda and I had Date Night for the first time in many weeks.
Living life got in the way and we let it slip.

I always think of going out to dinner/movie with Z as date night.
But it is of value to set aside a special day and plan it.

Zelda was her "old self".
Even if her nose was still bothering her.

At the next table over (we were on the patio) was a very happy, boisterous (make that obnoxiously noisy) group of nurses who were celibrating and enjoying themselves.
We were at Papadeaux', a high end cajun restaurant.
Having been to New Orleans only once before, at New Years, it made it seem like I was back in the City of Expression, eating good food, out in the open, hearing folks having a good time.
On the flip side, at the table to the other side was a woman waiting in vain for the rest of her party.

We finished our meal while she waited for her friends.
I can only surmise they were stuck at work or maybe in traffic.

As I sat there, I wondered what Waiter Rants observations would be on both tables.

So Zelda, where are ya taking Me for our next date night?

I got an email from the drive in theater we frequent letting us know that they were profiled on CBS national news about a resurgence of the Drive-In in Texas.

Time to shut this damn thing off and help Z with the laundry.


Immigration II


What do you call someone who can speak two languages?


Bi lingual.

Q. What do you call someone who can speak three languages?

A. Tri lingual.


What do you call someone who only speaks one language?



It pisses me off when someone who has had to do




to become a
citizen of the USA

tells me or anyone else

that those who
HAVE done
difficult things

such as:

leaving family behind (and all they know),

moving to another country (where there is *hostility* towards them),

learning another language,

seeking employment (which is difficult when you DO speak the language),

that they must do it

I didn't have to give up ANYTHING to become a citizen...

and neither did these assholes telling us what to do...

Has anyone tried lately to immigrate to England from the USA?
You can't even work if you don't have
desired skills, (doctor, computer programer, MBA, actor)
a company willing to hire you *before* you enter the country,
or family from there.

(Give it a try, Google Immigration Great Britian, take their test and see how you do.
I "failed".)

I'm an educated American with professional skills.
England doesn't want me.

In order to get around this, I'd have too immigrate to Canada, and then work the Citizen angle to make it to England.


To the English,
an unqualified American
is just like
an illegal Mexican is
to Americans.

the whole
"Stay out!" attitude
comes from a belief that there is
"not enough" to go around.

Rather we should
see that there is enough
for all of us.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Newly Weds

Today as Zelda and I stood in line to pay at the large home improvement chain store in their garden department, the lady behind us asked if we were newly weds.

"yes, well, how long has it been exactly?, but yes".

She responded that it was obvious that we still like each other.


Thursday Z and I went to the Ear,Nose, and Throat on a consult from her allergy Doc.

As we stood at the elevator, an older gentleman noted that we must be newly weds.

Unintentionally, we had dressed alike.


I'm not sure what happened in the rest of the country, but here in the North Texas area, during the congressional debate on immigratin reform, the local Dallas high schools had a mass walk out of hispanic youth.

The news covered the chaos that followed the students to Dallas City Hall and else where.

When asked what the congressional debate was about, the majority of the students had little if no idea.

Many were working on confusion and rumor.

Some were honest and admitted they were skipping class.

Not having any idea about what is going on, but merely reacting to what we are told sounds too much like what the adults do when voting time comes around.

There have been "back lash" demonstrations in *response* to this debate.

Not letting foreign workers, to be more precise, undocumented Mexican workers, into the country is racist.

"I'll hire them to clean my office, cook my food, take care of my yard, build my houses, and watch over my children. But I'll be damned if I will let them live here! Oh, I want the financial benifits of the under the table cash payments for such work, the same work I would never do, such as manual labor, but I don't want to pay them benifits or anything. And hey! I don't want them receiving any medical benifits, cuz after all, they're lazy!"

(The arguement by the "no illegal workers" works something like,
"If you come in to over run the natives it's okay.
If you come in as a slave, it's okay.
If you come in from Canada, or Europe, it's okay.
Just don't be poor, from a poor country, or be the 'wrong' color.)

I watched Mexicans dig 6 foot deep holes every 4 feet with shovels around my house to repair my foundation. In summer.
Many of them speak two languages where as the average American speaks one.
I have watched Mexicans come through my neighborhood replacing roofs after summer storms.
Lifting heavy asphault shings on 110 degree plus roofs.
*Been there, done that. It's a LOT of work*.

WHY should we not let these people in?
Americans are too lazy to work as hard as these folks do.
They can earn more money here than at home.
We want the cheap, effective labor to keep our country running.

The win win option is to allow guest workers.

The business men who profit from the cheep labor don't want to pay the taxes.
And then there are the bigots who don't want to admit their gardner isn't legal.

Let's set up some rules to protect everyone and invite them in.

Are we not "America"? were everyone is welcome?

(And as Antonio Banderas said on Saturday Night, "Remember the Alamo".)

Monday, April 03, 2006


I have met a number of "powerful" people lately.
Not "powerful" I-am-so-important, but
"powerful" I-am-in-control-of-my-life.

I met a designer on one of our jobs who carried herself very well.
Confident. She is self employed, which is also something I find attractive.

I had my own company about two years back, but I lacked desire to REALLY pursue it. Felt hemmed in by not being Licensed.

This designer gave me a different perspective.
She presents herself as an Interior Designer.
And so we believe her to be.
Even though she is "not" by Texas law.

Business owners tend to be risk takers by their very nature.
Most are calculated risks.
The powers that be are very protective of the title "Architect" and "Interior Designer" in this state.

Some how this woman has done her legal research and uses variations of both in her company name.

As it turns out, you don't have to be licensed to design a building, or an interior finish out, you only have to consult with someone who is and is willing to use their seal on your work. (limiting your liability to zero)
And make sure not to call yourself what you "legally" aren't.

The petty part of me whats to say,
"Hey! you can't do that!
I spent a lot of time and money to get where I am!
And you are end running the whole system! (that protects folks like me!)

And the other part of me thinks

Bravo for her!!
(how can I get your life?!)