Saturday, December 31, 2005

Frozen Lake

I am sitting in the mezanine lobby looking out over the lake. Beyond are the Cheyanne mountains.

Z is sleeping in.

We changed rooms yesterday because of the construction going on outside our window.
They are adding on and improving the out buildings. Which is wonderful.
Unaware of this, we had left our window cracked and were suprised at 7am by heavy equipment and diesel fumes in our room.

Z and I had wanted to sleep in...
Everyone asked us how our trip was, but no one mentioned the construction.
My first visit in 2003 was so wonderful that it's hard not to be dissappointed when things haven't gone as well.

The little building I stayed in that time, and the wonderful walk along the lake is closed in the midst of the dust.

Part of our spa package involved an invigorating shower, (now I know what it's like to stand in a car wash), a bath soak, and massage.

Friday was the perfect day for it because it set the mood for our whole trip.
Relax and be pampered.

Though I have eaten so much in two days that I have been happy just to snuggle with Zelda.
(I have found love making on a full stomach to be 'problematic', and I'll leave it at that.)
Part of me feels Z and I should be going at it like, well, Bunnys. But so far, we have been content to just be together.

My goal for Z is to "just Be".

I'll see if I can attach some of my '03 photos. I'm not sure how fast the wireless will work.
If not, I'll post them when I get home.

Time to go in search of Zelda!

(Any of you who think you recognize the Broadmoor,
think "The Shining")

We're Here!

Zelda and I arrived in Colorado Springs Thursday with blue skys and somewhat cooler Temps than Dallas.

It seems to be a common misunderstanding that Colorado Springs is cold and snowy in the winter months. (Two years ago when I came with J must have been a fluke.)

I wish I could have provided Z with more snow....
There is always Omaha!

The Broadmore is beautiful.
We spent most of Friday at the spa.
I booked a masage as part of our package. Very nice.
Z booked us facials. (I am a converted Man!) No wonder women Rave about them!

I realized after it was too late that I should have requested a lake view.
No mater, we don't spend too much time in the rooms anyway. (Though Z IS getting her cable fix for the month!
We lounged around watching "What not to Wear" last night as we waited for our dinner reservation. (Truth be told, I miss cable as well.)

My masseuse told me that he and his wife vacationed along the Rocky Mountains ten years ago from southern Florida.
He gave his notice to his employer and put their house on the market the day they got home.
Two weeks later they sold the house, and four weeks after returning to Florida, they moved to Colorado Springs.

Hmmm..... gives one pause to think....

Though they have funny accents here!

Happy New Years y'all!

(Today Z and I are going to attempt to find a (reasonably priced) Semi Formal for her to wear tonight. Wish us luck!)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Vacation Alert

This alert is to let you know that Karl the Bunny and Zelda Pinwheel are out of the office.

We will be enjoying ourselves beyond measure being pampered, massaged, well fed, and relaxing in bed.

Should you need to contact us, please leave a message after the tone.


Monday, December 26, 2005

How Cruel is Sex?!

The average person,
so the surveys go,
thinks about Sex almost constantly.

The average person,
so the scientists say,
lives for Sex.

The average person,
so the psycologists say
(and avertisers believe),
is motivated by Sex.

How cruel is it,
that after all
that thinking,
and wanting,
and living
for Sex,

That the ability
to remember
the actual culmination
of all that

for the average person,



Maybe that's the goal
and not the Sex?


Four years ago today, my mother died in her room after a long bout with cancer.
She was 69.

One year ago today, I met in person the woman who would 7 months later become my wife!

(Fortunately for us, it was last year.
This year she is asleep in the bed recovering from a bug..)

One year ago today, a series of large waves killed hundreds of thousands of people in the Indian Ocean...

Today it is bright, sunny and beautiful.

Life goes on, even if we don't...

Signs of Christmas

1) Zelda's fav. Christmas Gift of 2005. (How can you beat an eight foot inflatable Snow Man?)

2) Can Z wrap a beautiful present or What?!

3) Z evily plotted to break the "get to know you" between families with a thrashing by the Pinwheels over Bunny & the Bunny sister's family.
(Really folks, how can you compete when mom's team gets,
"What does the Statue of Liberty wear on her feet?")

4) Zelda Pinwheel, Queen of the Universe!

5) Calvin Lives!!

Friday, December 23, 2005


Wednesday was the "Shortest Day" of the year.

Well, the least amount of day light of the Northern half of the planet.

It was the Official Start of Winter and my last work day for the year.

It was also Yule.

Zelda and I took a moment to drink to each other, to life, and nature while preparing an offering gift to the birds and fairies.

Fairies don't eat much, but what they do, when they do, is Rich!

Champagne, Chocolate, Ginger Snaps, and Pomegranate juice.

The birds only got seed which Z placed in a large bowl.

*Cat feeder* came to mind.

I was worried we'd find some grim discovery the next morning.

Wake up bright and early, brush my teeth, grab breakfast.

Walk over to the window, open the blinds only to see

little fairy bodies!!!

bobbing in the champagne glass.

*The stray cats would love it!!!*

What is Christmas?

Recently I posted about "Chri$tma$ no longer being fun".

AmyTurtle responded with the admirable "donate time" gift.

I find problems with that whole 'Charity at Christmas' time.


First, I define the Christmas Holidays as TIME FOR FAMILY.

And spending it running around for others makes the Giver feel really good, no doubt.
But it isn't Family Time. (As defined by close friends and immediate family)

And Second,
for Most, I'd say that this Giving ONLY happens at the Holiday $eason.
And is not continued during the other 11 months of the year.

So it strikes as ingenuine.

'I'll give at Christmas in reaction to the masses fighting through the department $tore$'.

It helps those who are most likely strangers, rather than the idea of a community coming together to take care of those they know who may have fallen on hard times.
Or just need to be 'raised up'.

The Christmas Story as told in the Bible is hugely personal.

Mom, Dad, and new born (male or female) in a tight family unit. Maybe surrounded by extended family.

But Joseph and Mary did not immediately run out and take care of the bums in the street.


Christmas is about taking care of Oneself.

Because if we do not do that for ourselves,

No One Else

And like taking Regular Vacations Help Recharge the Batteries
(through Re-Creation)
maybe the Holidays are about slowing down
(in the time given by the companies we work for)
and becoming aware of what we Need to do for ourselves,
(be that donating time to the 'less fortunate', or throwing a party for the masses of family 'locus', or being self focused and not spending a dime),
so that we may Go Back Into The World recharged to
meet the Needs of Others.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Being truthful

With myself.

Last week we attended a charity event for Zelda's office.

While we inflated balloon after balloon, a coworker of Z's chatted with us.

She, unlike me, has NO problems with internally separating her-self from work and isn't tweaked.

Mr. Personality, who usually gets most folks goats, *he works at it*, was put in his place by Diva. In fact, after an afternoon of his failed attempts to get a rise out of her, she told him he would never do it. That and she told him to "step outside" to discuss it.

It was refreshing. (And attractive. She told us she's turned down a number of proposals from guys she has dated. As a joke, and knowing I am married, I was tempted to tell her Z and I would marry her!)

That takes some self knowledge of what one wants out of life.

I have lied to myself for so long, I cannot say what I truely believe and would stand up for.

After all, "It's okay if you don't get what you want."
And "It's not that important".

Well, damn it! It is!

Uh, what ever
turns out to be...
Happy Holidays y'all!

In a few short days

Zelda and I will be on a plane to the land of snow and mountains.

And some rest.
Just the two of us.

Will we survive?!

I'm planning on it.

It is my intent to
s l o w


just Be.

To do what ever may strike us at the moment.

Sit and watch the geese on the frozen lake.
Spend a day in bed...together...
Walk around the hotel grounds.
Maybe some shopping.

Or drive into town.

I'm looking forward to some one on one time with Zelda.

How about that great play on words Z used?
'Seeing Red over Green...'
Very nice...Must be a Christmas Miracle!


*This doe$n't quite make the point in the way in which I mean.
But I am not $ure exactly how to expre$$ it.
$o, here it i$ anyway...*

When did Chri$tma$ $top being fun?

I enjoy the $ea$son, but I don't LOVE it like I once did...

Back when I wa$ a child.

And thing$ were Simple.

Even though I get an additional paycheck and bonu$,

$eem$ I never have any thing left at the end of December.

Giving generou$ly to my family and friend$ i$ certainly what

I (?)

to do............................

I$ that what Chri$tma$ i$ really $uppo$ed to be about?

When did Chri$tma$ $top being fun?
Doe$ anyone el$e feel guilty if they don't (want to) give $omething to tho$e who give to you?

And i$ there anyone el$e who ju$t doe$n't want to buy anything for anyone $ome year$?

When did Chri$tma$ $top being fun?


Well, the Navy came through and I got my paycheck and bonus early.
(For those new to the saga, I do not work for the Navy, but my company does.)

I also used the opportunity to ask for a raise.

I was nervous and not prepared.
Ideally I would have asked for the time and begun the discussion.
I am not confident nor sure of myself.

Previous bosses were proactive so I have never Had to ask.
Previous bosses weren't so cheep either.

Simply put, I don't like this guy.

He doesn't keep promises or remember things he's said.
(Such as those in our interview)
Ie. "We will be closed on the 23rd for Christmas."

Both secretary and I clearly remember him telling us this.
So I was dismayed and suprised Monday durning the meeting when his wife told us that the office would be closed from the 26th through the 2nd.

Though I shouldn't be suprised.

This sort of thing happened last year.

Where he would say something,

only to be contradicted by his wife.

I should have quit then...


I haven't.


Sunday, December 18, 2005


I am looking forward to the holidays with Zelda.

Though I think we have over booked ourselves.
We decided a good way to clean out the casa was to set a dead line for having Christmas at our house.
(And it was very shrewd thinking on Zelda's part.)

But it has left little time for relaxing in the mean time.

Mom could not tackle the very cluttered garage because she would become over whelmed by its scope and where to start.

I did not have such attachements to many of the stored items. I was able to pitch and pull and give enough away to make space for both the car and harley in about three months time.

Now it's my turn to be over whelmed.
Z asked me back in Sept. to clean out the office.
Three months later and I cannot say it's Much better.

There are items of mine, mom's, and Zelda's in here.
I begin, seem to make progress, but then get to an empass as I begin to struggle with where to put things while I sort.

What to do with Mom's things, and Zelda's?
Z still has stuff in storage and so her things are on hold.
Mom's things I need to go through, purge and find homes for.
And the same for my stuff.
Many of the them are books, which do not have a place to live.
So they get stacked up... I need to get bookshelves dedicated just for them.
I have known this for about 12 months, but actually getting the shelves seems to drop down the priority list. And since I no longer spend much time in here, "Out of sight...".

Zelda, on the other hand, Does use the office regularly, and is, I think, about ready to call the Clean Sweep folks.

Which wouldn't be such a bad idea...

If it were my call, I'd go to Target and pick up some shelves.
But it hasn't been my priority...

Maybe Santa could forget the Bose and bring shelving instead.

It'd be a lot cheeper than paying 'catamoney'.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Some Good stuff

Take the link on the right side of my page and click on "Random thoughts".

After you have read everything she has to say, click on the link on her page to

Good stuff all.

Getting Lucky II

I happened to be fortunate enough to have married a woman who LOVES,
Christmas time.
(Well, for her it's YULE time, but just the same).
She loves the shopping for gifts.
She loves the decorating.
And she loves to wrap the gifts.

Which she all does wonderfully.

Very creative when it comes to wrapping a gift.

And we still have the tree to dress!

How'd I get to be so lucky?

Getting Lucky

Last Tuesday, while Zelda was getting a spa treatment as an appeasement from Mr. Personality from the office, I walked the mall.

"Excuse me sir? May I ask you a question?"
And thus began the sales pitch for a skin care product.

Nice stuff. Has helped my dry skin.

During the demo, she, a pretty, young, twenty something from over seas took my arm and applied the exfoliant.
Twice my hand brushed her breast.
The second time was after I pulled back due to the first...

A'hem, I'm married.
I like women's breasts.
There is some unique quality about the female breast in its tactle firm, springiness, confined in its clothing that is unlike touching a woman any where else.

Each culture has its own "zone of separation" into which when someone else, whom we do not know well, tresspasses, we automatically feel uncomfortable.

She was WAY into mine, even if she was a
pretty, young, twenty something from over seas.

I guess when you are trying to sell something, because your continued stay in a foreign land, in this case, America, using (?) your body to potentially Make the Sale, is to be overlooked.

Her coworker was a dolled up blonde in tight clothes.
I prefered the brunette who spoke with me.

How often will a sales woman let a complete stranger, in this case a man, brush her?
(She insisted!)
In my world, not often enough...
Last weekend Z and I had dinner at Lucky's Restaurant.
It's in the gayborhood just down the way from J's.
As the silver Audi drove by, I crained my neck to see if it was he.

Everything I have ordered there has been excellent.

"Moma's Meatloaf please!"

They must have been cleaning out the stock for the night as they gave me a huge portion.

There IS such a thing as

Too Much of a Good Thing.

Which brings up the question;

Is it possible to get a half order for half the price in a Restaurant these days?

W i t h o u t - h a v i n g - t o - a s k - for it?...

Psychologically, I understand the marketing and business plan behind
Giving the Customer More than they Expected.

Which breeds the problem of, "Last time you gave me more."

Which spreads and feeds (pardon the pun) upon itself and infects other food establishments.

But when does Too Much, become Enough?

It's not suprising to learn that Americans are getting FAT.

To the marketing guys and gals out there who plan the menus in America:

CAN WE GET SMALLER PORTIONS, for those of us who do not want to end up a big as a cow?

And I'd like that with an proportionately proper price tag,

thank you very much!

The simple solution is to of course, split the meal with Z.

Little Do I Know

Having facilitated Disciple Bible Study with the Methodist church for a couple of years, I thought I knew more than I do.

A friend of mine (from that same class) passed along a link to a Christmas Bible story quiz (see click on the title above to take it for your self).

"I've taught that class, I should ace it!" I thought...


Like so many people, I confuse what the Bible story tells with the Popular Images that have been give to us over time. (Some of those being, "Sex before, or outside of marriage, is wrong", and "Cleanseliness is next to Godliness".)

Picture Santa Claus standing behind the Wise men at the manger scene...
(There's a blaring error there, and it's not Santa Claus!)

See how you do!

Merry Christmas!

(And for Zelda's fans, Happy Yule!)

Having some linking problems with the test, so..
let's try it this way...

Sorry gang, looks like they are down.
Maybe it's just a server problem for today...

Sunday, December 11, 2005


In coping Zelda's wish list, it copied her gift link, I didn't know it would do that.
(They have made a number of changes to blogspot since I signed up last year.)

Happy note.
Got my errant printer back in the fold. It would not communicate with my laptop.
After much gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes, I was able to reload the drivers and voila!, I can print!!

Now...about that blue tooth.

Excuse me, someone is commenting on my blog, let's go look see.

Hi Tiffiny!

Thanks for stopping by and Yes! I agree, we ALL need more sex!

Let's see.
Zelda returns this evening.
We shall put that theory to the test!
I had given my blog address to my sister when Z and I were still just (um... having sex) dating and getting to know each other.
Z informs me that Bunny Sister regularly reads our blogs.
"hi sis! love you".

Time to do some chores.

Merry Christmas and Happy Yule y'all!


Christmas Wish List

Zelda asked me to write a Christmas list.
I really don't have too many wants this year of a physical nature, so when Z suggested I put the 32" HD flat screen on there, as it is a "Wish" list, I found some motivation.

It started with,"a happy healthy wife" and went on to list a Bose 48 Lifestyle, no debt, etc. ending with, "more sex".

A day later she informed me after reading said list, that it needed some cleaning up as it was ALSO to be emailed out to everyone.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it up", she said.

It wasn't till I received both her and my wish list addressed to the family via e-mail that I realized just how PERSONAL it was, for Zelda's eyes only if you will.

And there at the bottom of the list was,
"More Sex"

Thanks Z,
paybacks are hell... ;)

"i have not edited bunny's list. it is as it was given to me.

Bunny's Christmas "wish list:"
happy, healthy wife (a.k.a. Zelda)
wireless router & router card (for Z's computer) working!
dining table and chairs
32" LCD flat screen HDTV
self mastery
Bose Lifestyle 48
attend christmas service & concerts
time to & for myself regularly
more family time
a new home
a place for everything
a clean house & garage
sell Harley
Citizen Echodrive WR100 watch (AP1010-51A or BL8000-54A)
no credit card debt
spend less than we earn this year (liveable budget)
architect license & new job
rental property with positive cash flow
more music in the house and less tv
colder weather
cd's-Bonobo, St. Germain-Tourist, Week End Players, Thievery Corporation-Richest Man
more sex
(i also happen to know he likes gift cards to borders, barnes & noble, or banana republic)

Zelda's Holiday Wish List:
feeling well and remaining healthy!
more sleep, less commute time
a new job that pays well, i like and is closer to home
a clean, organized home we enjoy
storage organizers for jewelry & art supplies
my "studio" set up and space to create
mary kay satin lips lip balm ( i know, i know, it's mary kay-cut me some slack, it's awesome lip balm!)
pampering in a spa kind of way-massage, facial, pedicure, manicure, yadda, yadda, yadda
gift certificate to
comfy walking/lounging/exercising clothing
hiking boots
more family time with less rush and noise
discipline and patience to achieve my/our goals
DMA membership
my master's degree in art history
instant read meat thermometer
more music, less tv
dvd's-a christmas story, sin city, garden state, love actually (in wide screen version)
Rick Bayless cookbooks
movie coupons (to see or rent)
a lifetime's supply of paciugo violet gelatto without gaining weight or ever getting tired of that flavor
silver charms for my charm bracelet
i don't really NEED anything. i already have what matters.

love and hugs,

Almost Kitty Porn

An ad for Saturdays by Snoopy.

'Everyone should have their own window with sun light to sleep in, don't cha think?'

The Tales of Hoffman

Last night was the latest Opera, "The tales of Hoffman".

Hoffman is a drunken writer/poet who is unlucky in Love.

But not for his own faults.

What we know, but Hoffman does not, is his life is pushed and pulled buy the forces of the Universe.

His Muse is in love with him, and wants him for herself.
To this end, the Devil is allowed to torture Hoffman. And torture him he does.

Hoffman contributes to this by falling 'madly in love' with every pretty face and leg with musical talent to walk by. (We, the audience, come to learn at the end of the show that this is understandable, because all these women he falls for are performed by the same actress!)

This is a happy ending.
Yes, he loses his many loves, one was actually a mechanical singing doll, another, a puppet of the Devil (the Devil had marionettes of Hoffman and his love in the back ground) who steals his soul and leaves him, and finally his true love, who must give up her life (literally) of singing or die, which she does (both). But Hoffman's muse wins out in the end.

The Devil was persistant. Why some evil force would dedicate so much of its immortal focus and energy towards one living soul doesn't seem to make sence to me. But in the last act, the Devil seemed to be "killing" two birds with one stone. Causing missery to Hoffman, but also to his lover's father buy killing not only the daughter, but also her mother years before...
The Devil was an equal opportunity nasty guy.

And with all this sadness, it is still quite humorous. From his muse mimicing the running down of the doll as her creator frantically scrambled to hook her feet up to the electricity, causing the lights to flicker! to the deaf servant who seems to only be able to hear the muse. (He also played mulitple parts but was incredible as he sung about his past life as a singer and dancer)
Zelda was out of town this weekend visiting mom and dad.
I had a "date" to the show.
(Someone Zelda was concerned was "cuter" than she, which is NOT possible.)
Date was freaked out by the marionettes.
An avertion to dolls, like those folks freaked out by clowns.

She didn't like seeing the strings. I suggested it was the lack of natural movement, the akwardness of it, that disturbed her.

This brought up the notion of not being in control of our lives.
That something BIGGER is out there "pulling the strings".

Which suggests that we all do have strings.

Only we can't always see our own.

But doesn't mean others can't see our strings. (I'd say some of her strings are the need to find acceptance in the world through work).

And we ended with this must be the reason they admonish us to "never run with scissors"!
In the end, it was a nice show,
lacked the color of the first performance.

And I can only attribute that to not being there

with Zelda.

Taking Credit Part II

Having said all that in the last post, I thought I'd give some solutions.

There are a few different trains of thought...

First is the:

This school of thought gives the best return on your interest.
And involves paying the minimum payment on the balance of the accounts to pay off the worst.
After retiring that debt, the payment is then added to the minimum balance on the next worst debt. And so on till all debt is retired.

The second is:

By looking at the minimum payments and the smallest debt, this method frees up cash the fastest.
Again, the payment from the retired debt is added to the next minimum payment of the new smallest debt and this works exponentially.

This method pays off the debt the fastest.

This occurs because some of the highest interest rate cards will charge the lowest minimum payment.

Ie. *The Card that Pays You Back* (HA!) carries the highest rates (they would not negotiate to a lower rate) but the lowest minimum payments via the amount of debt owed. In return, the ratio of principal to interest paid in the minimum payment is the highest.
87% !!! of the payment goes to interest only...

And then there is the very effective:

This works wonders with fixed rate loans, such as mortgages.
By making only one additional payment on your debt a year, it will be paid off as much as 15 to 18 years earlier. This additional payment should be marked, "For principal only".
A very good return for the money.

Zelda and I are budgeting our moneys to try the first and third methods.

I personally prefer the second (and third) as although there is more interest paid, by freeing up the cash from the smaller loans, it provides more flexibility. And I like the idea of the accelerated payoff.
(The actually amount of higher interest paid is negligible because all debt, higher and lower interest, is paid off sooner.) Then I can turn that money to working for me.

Add to all this is the sometimes referred to:

This is the discipline of becoming aware of the luxuries of life we begin to think of as necessities. And eliminating them or at the very least, down sizing them.

Zelda and I are in love with a local Gelato company, Paciugos. (NO, Zelda and I are not cheating on each other. It's more like ice cream swinging..)

(I looked into franchises with them when they first opened, but at the time, they were private. They have since begun to sell them, but out of state.)

For $4-$6 we can get two small cups of some very yummy gourmet Italian ice cream.
For that same price we can buy a 1/2 gal. of Bluebell. Another very yummy local ice cream. And tuck those $4-$6 payments we won't be making (on our way to a 1/2 gal.) anymore into our debt payoff.

The idea is buy what you will buy, but be mindful of what it's going for and by cutting back and SAVING those purchaises, one can build a nice savings, or put it to work.

Cutting back on a daily coffee, snack, and lunch, (maybe $10.00 a day, if put to work earning only 10% over one's life time will turn into $1 with six zeros behind it...all for the price of a cup of coffee a day...) and if used to pay off a 24% debt automatically earns you 24% on that money...
And finally, there is the best method for debt elimination, which is:


Simple really.
Don't spend more than you earn.
Use cash only.
You have the most control over how much you spend this way.

It's the method of payment at the Dallas Farmers Market.

We take only $35.00.

When we run out of money, we are done shopping.

We have the freshest food we can buy at the best price.

And even have change left...!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Taking Credit

Just out of high school, I remember if I wanted to go out to eat, I had to plan ahead.

The anxiety of worring about having enough cash to cover the meal.

I haven't felt that fear in years.

I now have credit cards, and they don't have a limit...

This really has promoted some bbb-aaa-dd habits on my part.

I whip it out far too often without thinking. (Sounds like a horny high schooler!)

And justify it with,
"I have the money to pay it off in full at the end of the month".
Which was true for a long while.

It is too easy to use plastic...

Borrowing on the Future Value of Money (which, due to inflation, is in our favor. The fed. gov. LOVES it. Borrow today, because it will be worth less by the time it gets paid off) today for a quick bite to eat.

Or a new toy.

I regularly charge $500.00 a month on food and gas with out ever being aware of the amount of $$$ flowing through my hands.

I have been fortunate.

Still am, but now I am sharing that same money with someone not as frugal. (I am painting an unfair portrait of Zelda buy using that term. She is no spend thrift. And in addition to being Queen of the Universe, she is also Queen of budgeting, having lived for years on an impossible salary all while going to school, buying art supplies, working, and keeping up a social life. She even was able to buy a new car. Truth: I used the term "frugal" because to do other wise would be to paint myself as "cheep". Which neither of us are, but sometimes I worry that I am...)
Zelda knows how to make the most of things.

Which is a blessing.

Left to my own devices, I would cut back on most everything so I could pay off my debts. (At the moment, the average fees for our credit card debt is over $300.00 a month. Which would cover our house payment. Or buy Zelda's Christmas gift.)
That works for a single person.

We need to get out and spend a little money for and on ourselves from time to time.

I'm going to continue to think on how to take control of my $$$ life.

If I earned less, I'd have to get by without.

But we are "cursed" with abundance which we gladly spend as we bring it in.

And the fed. gov. and the credit card banks, and the stores know it.

bbb-aaaa !!!!

Wonderful Evening

Zelda is currently in Zelda Parents land.

Fighting sitting around on the new back porch, going to a movie with mom, or eating dad's barbe-que.

I am left in a quiet house (well, almost quite, there are two cats and the occational fire alarm) to myself.

"Single" again.

But not.

Thursday Zelda planned an evening of Coffee, dinner, dessert, and some adult entertainment.

It was wonderful.

Felt like we were once again in her "tree top" apartment in Omaha, bundled up against the elements, the cold. Together having fun.

I have missed that Zelda.
The healthy, happy one.

I miss Omaha and Zelda's tree house.

Thanks Z.
It was a beautiful evening with a beautiful woman.


Signs of the Season


Reasons I was late to work on Friday.

Just Hanging Out

At the Dallas World Aquarium on my nephew's birthday...


Woke this morning, about three, to the sound of the fire alarm going off.

No need for concern, there was no smoke, no flames scorching the ceiling.

No, just an old spring loaded fire alarm that has been living above the stove for the last 30 plus years of so...

Some how its fuse, a metal disk that snaps on to the face, came loose.

Maybe it wanted to find its voice after all those years of silence.

"Yes! I can still sing!"

Missing Post...


Have you seen my missing post?

Oh, I guess not, it's missing...

Where'd it go...?

Thursday, December 08, 2005


The weather turned cold this week thanks to Canada sharing some of its winter with us.

And it should be cold. It is December after all.
And thanks to the ice, Zelda and I decided to work out of the house these last couple of days.

Very pleasant.

Senior Architect called at the END of the day to ask about the Reflected Ceiling Plan I emailed him yesterday.

He never sat down with me to discuss what he wanted.
So I started it so we could have a tool to start from...

Today Zelda and I were to help with a Boys and Girls club charity event, which will instead happen on Tuesday.

How do you find the perfect Job?

The methods I know got me THIS one...

Senior Arch. told me that he got some additional RUSH!! work for next week.
With an existing dead line for next Friday on the current RUSH!! job.

I am his bitch. Or that's what he thinks of me.

Zelda has already told me to find some place else...

The fund raiser is sponsered by a number of Architectural firms.

A little planning is in need...
FYI. I don't mind some over time.
But this company, it's a way of life!
And there is no official compensation for it!
No "ata boy!"
No, "here's a bone" (though I feel like I'm getting boned...)

Archon had one day of over time, which the bosses imediately compensated us the very next day. Nice guys.
The product is borring. (Giant apartment blocks.)

This company has interesting product, hospitality, but the owners and some of the staff are jerks...

Zelda is home and we are going for coffee, dinner and later on, Sex!

Bye y'all!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005


Zelda and I are typical newly weds I'm sure.
Spending most every waking moment together.
Even more so now that we car pool.
And I enjoy it. (As I hope and believe she does too)

It has floated around in my mind that we should "branch" out a bit...

But as I am currently Zelda's "only" friend in Texas, and a friend for women is close to being as vital as air, time away from each other seems to wilt Zelda.

My sister is a good possibility. (If you love Bunny, then you have to love the women in his life!)

And at the same time, being together all the time can be (don't take this literally Z, I'm only trying to make a point, not a comment on US) just as suffocating.

For my Christmas wish list I asked for a Happy, Healthy wife (and more sex, which hinges on a "Happy Healthy wife!)

I also asked for more Me time, and time away to myself.

It was "brought home" last week when Zelda asked to visit her parents for a weekend, which I am all for, and this brought up the problem of "what to do with the other Opera ticket??"

"Ask a friend, but she can't be cuter than Me!", Zelda said.

This might not be a problem, except when I stopped to think about it, I haven't kept up with my friends.

Most of the women I knew before Zelda were of a romantic nature. ("Um...darling?... may I uh...take an old girlfriend to the Opera?" *gulp*)

J has been absorbed in his relationship. (and isn't interested in the Opera)

I don't attend church anymore (and most of the folks I knew there, being a Single's group, have moved on).

My brother in law likes Opera, but his work schedule (up early) doesn't get along with the Opera's (11:00 pm finish plus 45 minute drive) and he has passed.

So that leaves...

Co workers?

That's limited...

I have a co-worker who has a painting group that meets weekly to talk about painting and to paint...
Maybe we dig up your boxes...

Here's a thought...

Rather than spend a gagillion dollars to buy a new house, we buy one of those barn/sheds for the backyard and convert it into a studio/work shop/exercise room?

One air filter could handle the entire space...

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I spent most of the holiday and the last two weekends bringing the check book up to date.

It was time well spent!

Had I waited a week later, we would have been in a world of hurt!

A cliff hanger if you will.
Sunday afternoon we were fine, with less than fifty dollars to spare.

I kept at it and by Sunday evening, discovered we were about a 1,000 out!!!

A scramble ensued Monday to move cash from savings and a credit card or two into the checking.

(I should have listened to my gut when buying my new glasses and waited!!!)

We are fine now.

But this focus on $$$ has been good for us.
Until this, we had been on auto pilot, spending and paying off bills with out too much worry.

Zelda and I are currently flirting with buying a new house!!

What are the payments, insurance, down payment?
What to do with the current house?

I e-mailed a friend of mine who works in real estate to ask what the rental "comps" are for our neighborhood. Things look very promising! And even Zelda isn't so worried about it...

A new house would be a different kind of "burden".
But it's neccessary for "US" to make a fresh start together and to leave the past in the, well... past!

We have a house in mind in a new neighborhood that is with a company I like, has a green belt*with a 200 year old tree as it's focus* for walking, and "old" style houses with front porches and small front yards so you can talk to your neighbors.

We'll see...

The question remains...
Do we buy a house even further south extending our commute??
Or go with an old one closer to down town Dallas, but with the ensuing problems of polution?


To give Zelda a better health environment, move completely out of state???


Last night Zelda attempted to communicate to me as we have discovered we don't always listen.

I heard some of it.
But try as I might, my mind was so tired that I couldn't.

It was about Christmas gifts.

Her parents staying for Christmas eve.

Our first Christmas party at our house.

Bills and budgeting.

Part of it was I hadn't been home even 15 minutes before the discussion began.

Caused by a day of dead lines and rush!! rush!! I was stuck some where in the back of my head.

That and I was still trying to wind down. "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer" was on.
I wasn't able to focus on that either...

She stayed home yesterday, I threatened to take her car keys, to rest.
I believe she would run herself into the ground before she cried, "Uncle!", and took a sick day without my prodding.

I am glad she did.

The Dr. gave her a shot which had her feeling better, no head ache upon waking this morning, and sounding like herself again. She had begun to sound like a ghost, not completely there.

Or was that a little horse???...
