Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sewer sollutions!!

We may have solved the sewer problem.

Or should I say, our sewer problem may be finally solved...

Friday we should know for sure.
The first plumber we had out, the "clean out specialist" told us that since he couldn't get it, it was the "city's responsibility".

We believed him.

After about day three of our adventure, I began to calm down and have my doubts about him...

See, when I tried to speak with him later, he wouldn't listen...

Zelda put in a call to the city and they came back with hiring a Jet Truck to clean it out.
She called around and found a company that, for 100.00 would come out and with progressly larger knives, would/could they said, clear the roots.

They came out today.

Friday the company we had do all our other work (the second plumber) will be out to send a camera down to verify.

Our fingers are crossed...

Zelda and I saw "Pan's Labyrinth", a Spanish film about a little girl in WWII spain trying to get away from the violence surounding her.

Very intense.

Very good.

Lots to think about...

we recommend it if you can find it in your City...


If you think for a moment that the law ACTUALLY thinks you are

"Innocent until Proven Guilty",

just have someone accuse you of a crime...

As Zelda said, Brother Sed has a lesson to learn from all this...

Let's pray he learns it....

On top of being a smoker and a cafine addict, he hasn't been able to have anyone in to see him to give him cash for the commisary...

Life is hell...

Zelda and I feel we should do something to help him.

But to post bail on 50k requires some sort of collatoral, such as a home or auto.

Not to mention the 5K to get him out...

We do not have that kind of $$$.
And not that I don't trust him to show, but it is not our responsibility to risk our financial situation...

What we can do is get the $$$s owed him for his first bond, and add some of our own to get a good attorney started on his case...

The moral of the story as I see it is

Becareful with whom you associate...

A male room mate, who abuses ambien, accused Sed of sexual assault...

There is no evidence,
because I believe there was no crime,
but try getting a judge
to agree to that
while waiting for it to go
to trial...

and no,

Sed is not gay.

One more exam down

Well, the structural exam wasn't what It could have been.
And actually has been anticlimactic.

I will wait and see.

Zelda is glad to have her hubby back...

I have been studying like a fiend for three months and craming for one.
Only to have 85 questions, maybe 15 of which I had to pull out my calculator...

The lot next door to ours was sold at the same time as ours.
I drove by today and they have already begun framing.
We still don't have a slab yet.

First house finished owns the fence in between. Not that I want the responsibility of maintaining it, but I would like to have control over how it looks and it's state of repair.

It will happen in its own good time.
Youngest bunny brother, Sed, was rearrested last week.
Seems the grand jury has decided to take it to trial and his bond was deemed Insufficiant.

So he is now ward of the state till this gets cleared up.
I should get the original bail back though. But it seems I'll have to pursue it...

Sed needs a lawyer and since older younger bunny brother's wife, (follow that?) is studying to be a criminal lawyer, I contacted Ned, older younger bunny brother.

Ned and I roomed together back in '98.
Ned met current wife and
with her and left me with the bills.

Let's say I am not enamore with Ned and is wife.

Time heals, or something like that....

We are working to help Sed in his time of need.
This Christmas we sent christmas cards out late. As in, After Christmas.

I sent one to my good French friend, Crisp, in hopes that he would send a letter.
We hosted him in Aug. of '85 while we were in High School.
I was taking French.

In '87 he and his family invited me to spend Aug. with him in France near Trevoux.

I visited a couple of times after, while in college.

Well, Monday about noon Central time, I got a call all the way from 7:00pm French time!!
Oui, c'est Crisp!

He has been married for 13 years, has two children, and lives in Dijon.

His wife studied in California for her PhD and their kids are French/American nationals.
Which means they speak English and French sans accent!

I am SSSooooooooooOOo jealous!!

Bon pour lui!


Monday, January 22, 2007

Been studyin'

Will take my latest exam next Tuesday.

After that, should the gods smile upon me and I pass, it will be
Lateral Forces.

Pass that and I'll be registered!


Had our preconstruction meeting two weeks ago, before the 'big freeze'.
The new house should be completed sometime in April!

Then the fun begins!

take care and G*d bless

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Holiday retreat

The office closed for the week between Christmas and New Years.

We drove up to Manhattan, Ks. to spend New Years with Zelda's bestest friend.

It was very nice.

No worrying about bills.

Late night conversations.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner with friends (at the dining table).

Lots of Zelda/Bunny nookie.

And it snowed New Years Eve!

Crap Jan, 2007

Ah, after a week and a half of getting run around and bounced back and forth between
the City,
the plumbers,
our friend the attorney,
a panicky wife,
the up coming Holidays,
and a deadline at work,

I decided to take a holiday from worring about old plumbing.

Plumber no. 1 found a blockage at 75'.
He also found a problem at the property line.

The city come out and found the same problems but located them in different places.

Plumber no 2 found he could no longer get his camera past the problem at our property line.

Plumbers no. 3 came out the following week, dug a 6'-0" hole and repaired the problem at the property line. (Fortunately for Zelda and I, the home equity line of credit was approved a week previous, so we had the 1,150. to pay the plumbers.)

The company that was recommended by our Insurance Company (All State), called to let us know it would be an additional $600.00 to "sanitize their equipment" so it ran 2,200 to dry us out and sanitize the floors.

Zelda had a cleaning company mop up and clean the fixtures that had been contaminated.

Plus 500 for a week in the hotel.
May I suggest you check with your Insurance company about their policy on backed up sanitary sewers.
I'll have to get the financial all straightened out this month.

We both pulled cash from our American Express cards.
So we have 23% interest on emergency funds.
Amex has the contract written so that all lesser interest accounts must be paid off before any payments will be made to the higher interest loans.

that is bull shit.

I will be paying off and closing my Amex account.
Seems I need to pay more attention to the fine print in the policies I sign up for...

that and be aware of the letters they send out changing the previous contracts...

Greedy bastards...
The better revenge I think, would be to keep the card, charge on it each month, making sure I pay it all off in full. Earning the advantage credits...

Greedy Me!

I made my dead line at work.
We repaired our section of the line.

I will put in a call this week to the City and speak dirrectly to the man who can make a decision, and who knows what the rules actually are.

There were too many players in this little sitcom.

I was too reactionary.