Monday, November 14, 2011

Ron Paul Interview with AARP - Nov. 2011

Hope everyone can see this interview. we can make a change.

click the title above to see the video

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ron Paul Inteview with Concord Monitor - 2011

click on the title above to see the interview with some skeptics of Dr. Paul's philosophies

it discusses economics, international policy, the middle east, war, and why we should End the Fed

What will 1 trillion dollars in cuts mean to US?

Ron Paul is proposing a 1 trillion dollar cut in Federal Gov. spending in his first year as President. In the debates and in subsequent interviews, the media personalities and debate moderators show a lack of basic economic understanding. They ask, “what will happen to those people who will lose their Gov. jobs?”. Dr. Paul’s budget cut jobs, not thru mass firings, but thru a hiring freeze. What the media doesn’t seem to understand is that in order for a Government to spend money, it must first take it from someone who produces goods and services. Obama spent 1 trillion dollars in stimulus that went to special interests (political supporters) and the populous saw none of it. In addition, the way in which he chose to do it ADDED 1 trillion to the money supply (and our debt). President Paul’s 1 trillion dollar stimulus would go directly back to the tax payers (aka the citizens) and would do so by cutting expenses. What is implicit in the cuts but isn’t said is, THERE WOULD BE A ONE TRILLION DOLLAR “STIMULUS” GIVEN (BACK) TO THE ECONOMY EVERY YEAR THERE AFTER. One Trillion dollars in the private sector will create enough jobs to absorb all the Gov. bureaucrats, all the graduating college students, plus all of the 99% protestors combined. It would create prosperity for all. But first we have to give up on the idea that Government knows best how to take care of US.

War, Money, and the Federal Reserve

No Fed Reserve = no WWI = no WWII = no Vietnam = no cold war = no middle east conflict. One can not wage war with out men and money. To acquire the men, the gov. institutes a registration, from which it can instigate a draft. This implies the gov owns its citizens. (When Lincoln tried to instigate a draft in the Civil War, there was a revolt by the people and it was crushed.) Where does the money come from then? WWI, the War to End all Wars, the the largest conflict up to that date, began in 1914. Upon review of the history of war, the Union instigated fiat money (Gov. issued paper currency) to fund the war. To pay for this, taxes were levied. In 1913, one year prior to WWI, select congressmen passed the Federal Reserve Bank act which allowed the Gov to print money (in direct conflict with the Constitution). This allowed the powers that be to create the money needed in a democracy to fund war. (Dictators control their banks, and so they "always" have the money to attack their neighbors) This allows Govs to grow and to reward their supporters (think 'too big to fail'). With the inflation of the currency the labor needed to earn a specific sum of sound money (money that can not be created without labor) is diluted (when you add water to concentrate, it is diluted), prices increase, (there is more "koolaid" in the jar to support higher prices) and the people unknowingly pay a hidden tax (thru higher prices) to pay off the created political currency. The Constitution was created to protect our Liberty. To protect our freedoms, we must come to the defense of the Constitution. Sound money = smaller government, more prosperity, and no war = support of our troops. To find out more, visit the Austrian School of Economics,