Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I was watching the History of the Earth.

I learn something new every day!

Did you know that during the period of the (first!) super continent, that the ocean currents were blocked from flowing to the poles. This prevented the natural heat transfer from the equator to the antarctic and the entire plant froze completely over.

Just like the moons around Jupiter.

We are also due for a new ice age, which may counter act our global warming.

The interesting thing about that is, if we survive long enough to see it happen, Canada will be scraped off the face of the earth.

Along with New York City and Mount Rushmore.

What's that going to do to the world economy?
Strict belief in Creationism, which is not how G-D intended us to interpret the story, really robs those who believe in it of some really great Creation Stuff...

Giant lakes held back by Glaciers in Montana that broke loose and flooded the entire western North American Continent...

Now THAT's a flood of Biblical proportions... except One can't believe it happened because some Bible thumper wants to Limit the Infinite to One working week...


only moments later

Z and I talked at her parents.

We have been coasting lately with the house and need to get the rock moving again.

this Saturday we will attack her part of the office.

it really needs attacking...
6 years ago today my mother died down the hall after a long fight with cancer.

3 years ago today I had my first date with Zelda.

It was on that same night while we did the horizontal mambo that the tsunami killed tens of thousands of people on the other side of the world.

life is strange

Monday, December 24, 2007


My Zelda is unhappy, and I am at a loss as to what to do...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Office Christmas Party

The office Christmas party was last weekend.

It was held at the Dallas World Aquarium.
Dancing, dinner, drinks, and casino games.

The high roller of the night "won" 200k.

The Austin and Mo. offices came down for the event.

The principals put them up in the Magnolia Hotel down town.
They extended the offer to those of us in the Dallas office who wanted to spend a night at the Magnolia.

It's next door to Neiman Marcus and the Adolphus Hotel.

We had great views of the surrounding buildings.

The building just across from us was a condominium.
It got us to thinking about who lives down town and what it might be like.

And I was thinking it would be great to live in the West Village area of Up town.
Down town, no need for a car...
We had brunch the next morning with the Designer and his wife.
Great people.
She used to be a trader in New York.

Just to show that $$$ is just an idea, she used to put millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars on the market with the push of a button...

Some times she even let Designer push the button. (But only when she said, "now".)

I wish we lived in the same city. They are good people.

We may see them next week when we visit Mom and Dad's.
Zelda and I walked around the hotel and looked in the store windows of Neiman Marcus.
We spoke to a couple of young women walking their dogs. Yes, they live down town and love it.
Neiman's turned 100 this year.

Later that same night, we saw a program on cable featuring the Christmas windows of the big down town department stores. Neiman's was one of them.

Way cool...

Best of all, I got to dance with my beautiful wife at the party!!!

if it's black

and leather
and mine,

Izzy will go after it with her claws...

It's causing some tensions between Zelda and me...

Sunday, December 16, 2007


We are hiring like there is a run on Architects.

Monday will be my third month, but that was 20 new hires ago.

A designer from New York and his wife were priced out of a home in the big apple and chose Austin as the place they wanted to move.

Designer interviewed at the main office here in town and spent a week with us.

His wife grew up in NY and has never learned to drive.

I on the other hand, have always lived in the Lone Star State.

The Austin office was in town for the annual Christmas party. Designer and his wife went to Fort Worth to see the Kimbell Museum by Architect L. Kahn. Unfortunately, they were not able to see the Fort Worth Modern just across the street as they had run out of time.

"No problem," I said, "now that you live in Austin, it's only a three hour drive". Implying that a day trip to the Kimbell or the Nasher in Dallas, would be worth the trip.

Designer's wife's response was, "oh yeah, that's right, you are "car people".

Well, it's more like this is a Car State...

Some day, if we are smart, and real good, Santa will bring us High Speed Rail, like the French have...


maybe not...

But we can dream? cant' we?

(and then we can tax those "tourists" who need rental cars from the train station to the venues)
Tax the tourists when they come to town...
Add it to the car rental...
The locals vote it in... forgetting that their auto insurance charges them for emergency rental for when their car needs repairs...

False Hope

I was reading a book on Taxes.
No, I actually DO have a life.

The author was discussing the history of tax in the United States of America.

We all learn in elementary school about the Boston Tea Party where a bunch of disgruntled "patriots" climbed aboard an English trading vessel and dumped the Tea (which is a necessity of life, just like Starbucks) overboard to protest the Taxes the King was imposing.

I don't recall the teacher, or text books ever mentioning the % rate that was so bad as to trash someone's store over it.

Do that today and it's called a "riot" and they bring in the National Guard... sort of what the British did with the Red Coats...

Anyway, the United States of America was founded on the principal of No New Taxes, or Old Taxes for that matter.

So... if you want to impose a tax on the populous, who are against them, how do you do it?

Well, you start with advertising...
Repeat it over time...
And tell folks that it won't be on Everyone...
Just the Rich...(or as they do today, the Tourists).

Oh, and add that the Taxes will be to help the Poor.

One you get a taste for all that "free" money you never go back.

Just like in wars, in order to turn someone against their neighbor, you have to paint the neighbor as some kind of monster.

Benjamin Franklin was Rich.
Washington was Rich.
Jefferson was Rich.

I hear the call to "Increase Taxes on the Rich!!" to pay for the poor.

It will back fire.

Those taxes over time were spread downward to the "average" workers, the blue collar steel mill guys, the ones Chevy targets in their ads.

The rich have the money.
They write the rules.

How else does Jerry Jones, Billionaire, owner of the Cowboys, talk the blue collar Chevy plant workers in Arlington to build his new stadium?

Arlington voted to increase the sales tax by a penny to build the Billionaire's asset.
On top of that, season ticket owners have to pay $100.00 just to qualify to buy season tickets.

They also raised taxes for the Ballpark in Arlington, home of the Texas Rangers. That stadium was completed years ago...

But decades later the tax is still in affect...

Don't tax the rich...

Don't tax anyone...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Money exercise

One of the suggestions of the financial advisers I have been listening too is, for a week, carry a large sum of cash in your pocket.

Well, last week I did.

I don't like carrying cash for fear I might misplace it, or worse yet, I might get mugged.

The first is more likely to happen than the latter.

I have been out with friends who always carried at least $1,000.00 in their pockets.

I also intentionally visited places where there are things I'd like to have with said grand in hand.

10 Ben Franklins when laid out on the table look like more than they are. Which is true.

On the trip to Omaha for Magda's wedding, we spent at least that much and didn't even think about it.

Because we bought with credit. We never saw it... just numbers on a receipt.

Wasn't until the statement came that I was made aware.

When I stop to think about how long it takes to save $1,000.00... and we spend it so freely...

Wish I'd done this exercise years ago...

Funny sad thing is, $1,000.00 won't go very far these days.

It won't pay the rent at the new house.
Is only 1/4th of the amount needed to buy that sound system I lust for, 1/9 of the pay off for Betty, and 1/180 of what we owe on the house.

The $$$ has a new home in a short term CD earning some interest, grow baby grow!
When I talk to Z about investing and wanting to have enough money to live securely, if not comfortably, she pulls away.

There is a fear that it will become all about Money.

Actually, being strapped for cash and watching those pennies every month Is about the Money.

Worrying every month about paying the car loan, the utilities, mortgage, groceries, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. is focusing on $$$. Can we pay this yet? I have to work late this week to make more $$$.

Investing is more about the Game. And it's all about the Information and Education on how money works.

Although the rental does not pull in great amounts of cash flow, it does bring in enough a year to by that Bose, or the dining table, or the couch, or new tv. And best of all, we don't have to work to do it...

simply don't understand...

Why do some people short circuit and do evil things...?

We hear of people doing horrible things to each other, to people they know, and to those they don't.

Most times there is no connection and so the impact on me personally is mute.

It is difficult for me to get my head around.

The shooting at the Von Maur department store in Omaha, Ne. this week has a connection.

Z and I stopped in to buy a tie for Magda's wedding at that same store in Oct. of this year.

Z checked with friends and loved ones, waited to hear back from others, and at the same time mourned for the loss of Omaha's innocence and breathed a sigh of relief that she did not recognize the names of the dead.

Omaha will continue to be a great place, full of wonderful people long after the dust and grieving has settled.

Z and my sympathies go out to those dealing with sadness at what should be a time of gatherings and joy.

Kudos to the Omaha paper for limiting the amount of press given to a young man who was so destructive.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Thanks Giving

Yesterday, Dec. 1, I broke my TV fast.

Today I have decided to pick it back up.

I gorged myself on TV Saturday.
Mistakenly, I thought I could pace myself, but I have no (very little) control.
It's easy to sit and vegetate.

I also enjoy the productivity of November with out.

Finally got the rental book keeping up to speed.
Our finances are next.

Got in some nice naps over the 4 day holiday.
We straightened the house up for Thanks Giving.
This was my first time to host.
Zelda may feel differently, but I wouldn't mind having family over every year.

Z orchestrated the whole event and did a wonderful job, even if I did get in the way and cause her some grief.
I christened the fireplace and the cold, wet weather came in right on cue to make it feel like November.

It was nice to have the fire place going, some furniture in the living room, and music playing in the back ground.

I picked up a book I have read in the past and have longed to reread, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I credit it as the factor in converting my old home into the rental.

As a sat in the living room with Snoopy on my lap and a fire in the firebox at my feet, I relaxed and became aware of the fear I experience daily over finances.

I know of many people, ourselves included, who work hard, pay our bills, and worry about the future.

We complain about the Man and how we work hard for him, or her, and scrape by.

Reality is, at least in America, we have opportunities here to BE the Man, but it is easier to ask for a job than to start a company.

Reality is, the company belongs not to the workers, but to the Man. If he wants to layoff workers, or move the operation out of country, that's his right. Our agreement with the Man, is for a fixed amount of $$ each year for work done.

It is OUR responsibility to learn about money, investing, and create our own security.

I am thankful I am learning to do this.