Thursday, February 11, 2010

good news!

Today it snowed! 6 plus inches. The most snow I've ever seen here in North Texas in the 35 plus years I've lived here.

Zelda is loving it and so am I.
The nice thing, the sad thing, is it will all melt, and we won't have to deal with weeks of slush and grit.

We were foreclosed back in November, but they rescheduled the sale from the first of Dec. to the first of Jan. Who knows why...
Anyway, we just heard from the attorney that the investor who originally provided the loan bought the house.
That investor would be Fannie Mae, bailed out by us.
Shame the lender, Suntrust, wouldn't work with us to refinance the loan so we could stay in the home.

We no longer have the debt on our books.

More good news.
Zelda was offered a job with a new company. She is now making more $$$ than she ever has.

Down side is baby C has to go to day care.

Time to get our debts paid off and back on track with our goals.