Saturday, April 25, 2009

gratuitous baby pictures!

1.Snoopy, 2.Baby C, 3.Mom and C, 4.Tired...5. Our doula, 6.Baby toes!, 7.Bunny and baby Bunny, 8. Mom's not the only one who's tired!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Going home day!

We check out of the hospital hotel today.

It will be nice to get home to our own bed, the kitties, and "normal" (new) life.

So far baby C is a quiet one. She only complains if you hold her bottle too long from her.
Mom is attempting to breast feed and see if she can produce enough milk to supplement the feedings. Hopefully all will go well.

We start the refinancing process on the old house next week.
It's a battle against time.
Can we get the refinancing done before we can no longer afford to pay the full amount on the mortgage.

Again, in the long run, all will work out.
Cash is king as they say.
(We are gambling that inflation won't erode cash savings. But we have alternative ways to protect our money)

I am praying that the bankers and polititions who made this all possible swing from the yard arm so to speak.

If we as citizens keep on the pressure, something will happen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's a Girl!

Baby C came into the world Tueday at 6:24 pm, weighing 6 lbs 10 oz, via c section after 18 hours of gentle eviction notices.

Our Doulas were by our side helping out with the birthing process.
Don't have a baby with out one.


We have a BABY!
My father could not be here to see this.
March 8, marks his passing and celebrates Zelda's birthday.

My mother could not be here to see this.
December 26 marks her passing and celebrates the day Zelda and I first met.

Zelda's first husband could not be here to see this.
April 21 marks his passing and celebrates the birthday of Baby C.

As my dad used to say, "Who'd a thunk it?".

Sunday, April 19, 2009


No matter what happens this year with the houses, I feel hopeful that we will be in a situation where we can put money aside and still pay off our debts, as we were doing last fall.

And by moving from this house that bleeds us monthly, and living, not below our means, but within our means, we will be able to get ahead.

I look forward to being able to dream about planning a vacation, maybe camping, and know that I can pay for it in cash.

Monday evening Zelda is booked at the Hospital Hotel for a baby reduction.
Yes, we will have a baby in the house this week.

We will also have grandparents, aunts, and family to help us along with this new experience.
This next phase of our lives...

We'll let you know as we find out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tight spot

Sphere of concern....
everything 'out there'.
ie. banks and politicians robbing us blind thru printing money...

Sphere of influence...
"what I can do".

Move Rental out of our name and protect it.
Negotiate with our home lender for a reduction in payments (something!).
Maybe even sell this house and move back to the rental.

Sphere of concern
Values have fallen and we owe more on the house than we can sell it for.

Sphere of influence...
Short sale the home...

Sphere of concern...
Those with more than one home do not qualify for Government forgiveness of "capital gains" in selling for a loss...

If we short sell this house, we may not have that house to go back too!
(fortunately? we owe more than they could sell it for as well and so there might not be much advantage in their trying to take it...)


Fortunately, if you pay cash, folks don't care what your credit's like...

Sphere of influence...
Baby time...

8 days and counting

The doctor has decided that April 21 is the day our baby will come into this world.

Gestational diabetes has a high still birth rate the longer the baby goes past its 9 month birth date.

So, we will have technology make the decision...

Baby, get here soon so we don't have to induce.!!